Tuesday, January 09, 2018


gin stressing the selecti ve peristalsis-triggering unthr ashed
'nyoyo' Luo-version & 1st begin boiling & half-roasting before qui
tting roasting all together to stick to cyclic pattern s of boiled
s.potatoes in a ntincipation of its scrapin g/energy-rinsing effects.
Otherwise,we evolved fr om early bipedal apes to emerge as a distinct
line age from all other specie s distinguished by the ext raordinary
powerful ment al-apparatus,the-brain co upled with the adept cuti
ng-edge precisio-grip of t he human-hand & its abili ty to make & use
tools. T hus the early bipedal ape s,prehuman-hominids,subh
umans,lesser-beings,anima ls have consistently been modified by
mindless chan ce & the urges of creativ e-instability to develope g
reater intelligence,dignity and complexity outta com petition-struggle
'survival for the fittest' necessities in the context of
genetic-mutations over millions of years interacting with the
continuous,complex,changing,environmental-pressur e-conditions that
select f or reproductive, PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yahoo Mail Team <erickmango2006@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 12:13:57 +0000 (UTC)
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com

Hi,another observation of Luo physiology-expertise in my experience
with the dysfunctional fmly above is another instance of sel
ective-diet but this time a round for energy-fullfillin g ends instead
of emacia ting ones whereby there' s kinda oil they use in pr eparing
'mandazis' procur ed from a particular-kios k which howsoever many you
partake of, whether with tea or beans,you'll e nd up jus' farting for
day s-on-end without feeling t he need for a long call;ind eed
experience your tum my start potbellying by bi t! Yet there are some
kin da 'chapatis' prepared by the indecent-exposure/se lf-bleaching
step witch m other by a particular oil which makes you feel as matic.
You can't finish m ore than two. 2ndly as re gards the boiled maize/s
weetpotatoes,imagine whe n the maize is cooked in peeled-form that has
bee n thrashed called 'mdhoko i by the Kambas,it behave s normallly in
my tummy without any upheavals,sa me as when the sweetpo tatoes are
roasted;which on differentiating the effe cts,they be- PTO

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