Tuesday, January 09, 2018


me beg your pardon;the r eason why a moral-imper ative rather is
observed i n common-law deriving fr om precedent which requi res
naturally/uniformly th at laws be chosen/create d/written/promulgated
as though they should hold a s UNIVERSAL LAWS of N ATURE...period.
Religion i n its basic,primitive-form i s essentially-NATURAL di
ctated by the basic-natur e of human-personality & only influenced in
externa ls by social & geographic surroundings & therefore a pantheon
of gods in dif ferent/comparative-myth ologes are nothing more t han
archetypal-content-p rojections of HUMANS'-U NCONCIOUS-PERSONALI
TIES;which in modern day civilized-societies/culture s including
constitutional-democracies/monarchies translates/transforms int o the
delegated sovereign-authorities/mandates with all the powers & glory
ap parent in the different ar ms of government-offices /bureaucracies
including t he executive with the hea d of state/gov. acting as the
Chairperson-god with the powers to issue decr ees & exercise pardon
of.. PTO

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From: Yahoo Mail Team <erickmango2006@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2018 13:32:02 +0000 (UTC)
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com

,survival-fitness performa nce,adaptive values in the wide array of
phenotype traits to eventually emerg e in its present,optimized,
upgraded form. Indeed th e reason why human anat omy & physiology is
close ly homologous to corresp onding aspects of animal anatomy &
physiology;& more evidently so with th eir close relatives & cous
in-species them chims wi th whom they share 98.4 % genomic similarity
indic ating common descent/or igins. Extant anatomically modern human
Homo sap ien sapien species-organ ism being 99.5% genetical
ly-homogenous given thei r recent uniform-evolutio n from a lineage of
uprigh t,erect,early bipedal apes, through to prehuman-hom
inids,subhumans,mythological-beings,lesser-beings...to their present
form as a n atural-population of organ ism-species means that M an's
essentially guided un iformly by the same natu ral laws wherever He's
re flecting 'MORAL & UNCH ANGABLE LAWS of NAT URE' arising both from
'c ommon social-impulses & reason' ; & thus the reas on why a
common-impera tive PT

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