Monday, January 08, 2018


allegedly on empty tumm ies which causes specula tion as to their
diets. I'll a dd up the missing-links fo r all to comprehend the u
pdates in due course. Ot herwise,man & god are m irror-reflections of
the-R EAL & its-IMAGE...period. Natural phenomena have natural causes
& thus did anatomically modern hum ans,Homo sapien sapien s
pecies,jus' life generally i n its diverse,ingenuous,my riad forms
independently evolve purely through a n atural process of adaptat ion
to changing conditions as genetic nature potenti al interacted with
environ mental nurture potential t o descend from early bip edal apes
through to pre human hominids with inter
mixing,intermediate,transitional traits btw apes & hu mans before
finally emerg ing as a distinct lineage f rom all other species of li
fe distinguished by the ex traordinary powerful men tal-apparattus,the
brain c oupled with the adept cut ting-age precission-grip-: morrow

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From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2018 19:25:16 +0000 (UTC)

Hi. Pardon me pls there a re still lotsa missing-lin ks/gaps to
add-up to the current updates recorded courtesy of SAFARICOM & mosta
whose texts me still got too jus' a matter of time before me add th em
up to complete the w hole picture for all to ma ke sense.
Otherwise,migo ri is amongst the witch-n ests relics akin to the WI
TCH TRIALS of EUROPE ERA SOCIETY & briefly a t a glimpse Luos are PHY
SIOLOGY EXPERTS evid enced by my experience with the dysfunctional mi
xed-orientation fmly who appear to have an intric ate knowledge of
human physiology as has been d etailed in earlier blogs wh ere the
secret witch com munity left cousin-ELKAN A & niece-TOTO to die b
edridden of an ailment th at caused appendix-like p ainful-aches in
the former & reverse-peristalsis in t he lattter causing her to
excreate through the mo uth;all contracted through contaminated
selected-di ets/foods targetted for t he same ends that saw t heir
demise. Other examp les include those mention ed to have died outta
alc ohol consumptions

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