Saturday, January 13, 2018


ligiously-saved simply me ans to be
'psychologically-pleased/pleisured',i.e. to b e satisfactorily-happy
wit hout having reasons to c omplaints;to be contented vis-a-vis
discontentment. Thus religious-salvation is necessarily amplitude in
li ving itself,i.e. happy,scott-free,big-time living.Hence, religions
as 'ways-of-the-ancestors',cultures or pat hs jus' like psychotherap y
are 'failed-enterprises' largely for they're desig ned by agent
occultists/ psychiatrists who's appro ach-&-concept of religiou
s-salvation/psychological-pleisure or satisfactory-happiness is
'vicious-men dacious-rhetoric' arrange d to surpress the otherwi se
diverse,creative-force s of opposition or protest against
primitive,retrogre ssive,imposed & lay custo mary-norms &/or prehist
oric-descendant-cultures on dissident-victims so th at the
agent-criminals ma y torture rather than tre at [rd: hell/ex-communica
tion threats/sanctions],mu rder the soul/psyche/spir
it/ghost/conciousness/mind,i.e. the set of operation s carried-out..

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From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2018 19:16:41 +0000 (UTC)

Thus is happiness a benc hmark criterion measure of the degree of
modernit y,complexity,dignity & civ ilization a culture/society has
attained with its citiz enry whose personalities are based on
psychology hinging on pleisure a deri vative-product of the sta te's
constitutional-order framework.Since pleisure serves to psychology of
personalities the same go als religions claim to justi fy by salvation
[a ticket t o heaven],there's no need for dogmas,blind fellowshi p or
exploitation of sheep s' unconcious fears of an alleged hereafter for
the reality's that heaven a.k.a . paradise is the same pla
net-earth/animal-kingdom we're inhabiting.In other words pleisure &
salvatio n stand on 1side of the e quation while psychology & religion
stand on the ot her side meaning the end s of religions serve thera
peutic-intentions jus' like the ends of psychoanalys is : 'that of
strengthening the-EGO' & thus to be re-PTO

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