Sunday, January 14, 2018


ill,previously regarded as 'possession by satan-him self' or the
demons which must clearly come from t he devil;projecting the 'co
llective-unconcious arche typal-content personalitie s/identities
which're basic ally conduct/deviation pro blems [rd: stray-lads or 's
tepping outta the way/pa th'].But then again,psycho
analysis/psychiatric-treat ments & religious-piety in formed by
superstitious, mythological,fallacious,religious-belief of 'possesion
b y jinns,demons or satan-himself' are often more d amaging than
helpful as t hey're designed by agent occultists-psychiatrists cr
iminals with a vicious-men dacious-rhetoric approac h/concept
calculated to s uppress creative-forces o f protest against prehisto
ric-behaviours by torturi ng to retardedly murder t he psyche & turn 1
into c abbage,a cultural-epithet, a stooge.If illness is attrib uted
to lack of religion w hich's basically a culture that's essentially in
me form of 'demonic-po PTO

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From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2018 19:55:50 +0000 (UTC)

Yer.So that the agent cri minals may torture rather than treat &
murder the mind;the set of operations carried-out by the brain's
physiological functions,by effectively setting out to turn the
mental-apparatu s into cabbage,a vegetati ve-state rendering the vi
ctim incompetent...period. But then going by the ev olved higher
degrees of c omplexity & dignity of ge nus Homo's sapiens sapie ns
species,the nature of human-personality underp inned on psychology's
ps ychic-apparatus led by S OUND-LOGIC allowing per sons wide-latitude
to obe y or disobey due to INTE LLIGENCE-CONCIOUSNE SS opposses all
MANDAT ORY-SYSTEMS of COMMI TMENT since 'freewill-ch oice is
heaven's-own-will'. The therapeutic intention s of both religion &
psych otherapy is to strengthen the-EGO so as to alleged ly
produce/create 'normal law/god-fearing behavior' by
'normal,law/god-fearin g persons' as opposed to feeble-EGOS of
'abnormal ,law/god-ignorant behavio r' by 'abnormal,law/god-ig norant
persons' which tra nslates to the mentally- PTO

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