Friday, January 12, 2018


is necessarily evil by nat ure & hence society whic h's inherently
necessarily good by defination is ther efore the only std for mo
rality & thus people are f ree to abide by their nat ural primitive
religions co ntextually influenced in e xternals by social & geog
raphic surroundings as w ell as dictated largely by the nature of
human pers onality which's underpinn ed on psychology essenti ally
meaning that the psy chic-mental apparatus is primarily guided by SOUN
D-LOGIC which effective ly means that the human person can affor to
obey or disobey the gods outta freewill choice cause of I NTELLIGENT
CONCIOUSN ESS in order to eliminate pain & embrace pleisure as
universal,global-village society-cultures progress towards utopia with
ever more modern,complex,civi lizations.Pleisure or enter tainment is
the highest-g ood while pain or idleness is the highest-evil & ther
efore pleisure serves to p sychology the same goals /purpose salvation
serves to religion.Hence,happines s is a benchmark measur e of the PTO

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From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2018 06:01:53 +0000 (UTC)

Hi.Pardon the lapse,tech. hitches;you research,com pile,type,send
then device reads 'bad error' & it's lo st not saved anywhere!W eary
me just slept off try ing to save ltd credit.Oth erwise,the faith
assimilate d continuously from earli est infancy as infantile m odes
of adjustment formi ng the collective unconcio us is culture
translated in to the way/path/custom/t radition/lifestyle is a.k.a. r
eligion in other words & i s no different from the o bservation that
different cultures eat the diverse a rray of organisms in the f ood
web including snakes
humans,i.e. cannib alism e.t.c. [rd: tabula-ras a,feral,i.e. natural
populati ons of Homo organism sp ecies in the jungle before the
transition to behavior al modernity with the co ming/entering of Man
into formal society,formally,fol lowing on the splitting/bra nching of
Homo from the last common shared ance stor with them-chimps.Ma n's a
social,ritual,believing animal who minus the law is PTO

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