Thursday, January 11, 2018


istance of religion.In other words,ritual is to society jus' like
external-enactm ent is to religion or like w ords are to thought.Henc
e, it's impossible to have social relations without s ymbolic
acts,esp. given th at man is a social animal l ike
wolve-packs,lion-prid es or livestock herds;a ri tual animal,a
believing ani mal! Faith,a confidence-tri ck is the compulsive-dyna
mic of culture communica ting ideals btw right & wr ong actions that
unite Me n permitting them the fun damental pleisure of agre ement or
pain of disagree ment;guiding the conduct & behaviour of Men to as
sure a mutual-security-of -contract by channelling trust,obedience-to
& depe ndence upon authority,in this case the constitution constituted
by,for & of th e people through univers al suffrage & delegated t o
the myriad gods.Thus is faith assimilated continuo usly through
cultural-tran sition models from earlies t infancy when humans 1s t
begin to trust those fam iliar responses others ma ke to their
overtures as i nfantile modes PTO

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From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2018 15:53:29 +0000 (UTC)

Hi. Arising from the flints tone & witch-hangover er as to pop into
generation-x of feather-touch digital technology is no joke so me
stand to be corrected in any factual mistakes a s the discourse
gathers momentum & me catches-up with the correct versi on of the
facts,e.g. in Fre ud's structural model of t he mind,the superego is t
he conscience,the seat of reason,the ideal,the image & not the ID as
me'd con fused it with.Otherwise,th e confidence-trick that fa ith is
makes poor humans end up believing that it's natural to hope for mater
ial benefits from the enac tment of some cosmic-sy mbols say facing
mt. Ever est when praying while d oing prescribed gestures,
turns,movements &/or ch anting,singing concurently ,or stretching arms
to mul titudes knocking them do wn with blessings,or maki ng the sign
of the cross, or swaying the chalice ar ound the mass-table as it
burns incense. Abracadab ra,open sesame,e.t.c.! This effectively means
extern al-form,circumstance,enac tment is the condition for the ex-

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