Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody please allow me to fix the jig- in the saw- of the puzzle- at this moment in time by pasting you what part of my Curriculum-Vitae reads as regards the status-quo in relation to the mental and psychological consequences effectuated by the coupable-duo spanning thelast 10yrs. 2002-2006 : Absorbing The Culture Shock of Academic Ethics and Corruption at The U.o.N. by its Patron The Gov. of Kenya and Trying to Reconcile With The Truth of a Premeditated, Created Defeatist-Mindset. 2012 JUNE -2014: SUBMITTING EVIDENCE FOR PURPOSES OF FILLING LAW-SUITE / PETITION AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT OF KENYA FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM / REFUGE at BLOG ADDRESS : ENTITLED : Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial-ritual Psychopath Murderer. Well,that much said and done let me take this humble opportunity to present to you a short thesis of what my analysis of the Luo people of Kenya have to do with obsession of stone [s.] The present day typical Luo is a fine example of the embodiment of a direct continuing Link of The Luo Pre-Historic Descendant Culture since the [ paleolithic ] early Stone Age Times before the advent of literacy when events were left behind recorded in material culture including animistic hunting rock-and-cave drawings,stone tools, artifacts including choppers,diggers,millers,statues,smashers,cutters,lingers,hitters;and here I am specifically interested in the 'aspect of stone as a hitting weapon' as is apparently a 'descendant-culture' adaptation for warfare as regards the Luos typical obsession with stone in as far as tribal-football rivalry-and-feuds go as well as stone-mining and stone-flinting for building and construction purposes of which The 'Thim-Lich-Ohinga' architectural-paradox design-construction is an enigma of the genius proportions of megaliths and stone-henge s to reckon-with. A good-piece of stone or rock is an effective hitting-weapon or smashing-tool say of nuts that must be cracked-open from their enclosures before they can be eaten;just like the grey-matter of the brain-organ is enclosed within skulls for would-be cannibals for example.Going by Victor's attack the main aim or goal of atypical Luo armed with a piece of or slab of rock / stone at close range would be the contents of one's skull,i.e. the grey-m,atter enclosed-within like a nut-in-a-shell! Well in other words in short.......that spells death. I think I must've seen it in a vampire-cannibal movie whereby the mysterious savages have adapted a syringe like bamboo/wooden-carved needle they hunt-down their unsuspecting victims with usually at night to hit them with at the back of the skull with with an eject shot from the mouth whenst they then drain and suck the brain-contents like one would sip from a straw! Stone in Luo-language is called 'kidi-singular' and 'kite-plural' which can be used in a phrase like 'kit-mikai' to mean or refer to 'the stones of mikai' place.My older father the late [RIP] Francis-Dede which means locust in Luo told me that if I wanted to know Luos that I should Read the book by Tom Mboya ' Luo,Kitgi gi Timbegi' which loosely translates to mean 'The Luos,Their Mentality [ i.e. typical-personality ] and their ways,i.e. culture.The point to note here is that 'The Typical Luo Personality Mental Frame-work' referred to as'kitgi-plural' and 'kido-singular' is a 'two-way traffic' Function of Prehistoric Descendant-Fertility-Reproductive-Cults / Cultural Conveyor Belt manifesting itself in 21st-Century advanced Civilization as Mon-archetypal Content Projection of Their Unconscious Primordial Identity with direct-continuing Link with and to The PALEOLITHIC-CONTEXT. That much said it's noteworthy that in Luo,ones's Typical-Personality,i.e. their 'mentality or kitgi' is comparable to the 'stone kit-gi plural' and 'kido or kidi-singular.Thus in a nutshell the brain/ skull is The C.P.U of a persons body responsible for their individual behavior and communal-collective culture which then form a paleolithic-context an attack upon one's head with a stone/slab or piece of rock meant to smash the brain-skull is definitely aimed for death,to kill and bring the thoughts and actions of one to an everlasting standstill or stop. [rd: 'dead men tell no tales.' ] The Luos adore 'the smashing-power ability' so much a typical Luo's person strength is is the praise of their 'smashing-power-abilities' linked to the 'teeth of a hyena' that in Luo are revered for eating everything of their prey or carcass including 'their-bones' which they first smash-up earning the hyena the nick-name 'Otoyo' which is Luo for 'smasher.' Otherwise the Luo name/word for hyena is 'Ondiek' which turns out to be a popular Kisii name ironically.The irony of choosing the'hyena-otoyo' as a 'totem-name' of praise and popular greetings came to question one day in The National-Assembly of Kenya which musta left many scratching their heads in wonder-and-amazement in choosing worthy-names.Senior citizen Hon. William Ole Ntimama when interviewed on the matter in T.V. SAID HIS COMPREHENSION WAS BEATEN AS WELL SINCE everybody recognizes in Masai Folklore that the Lion is the King of The Jungle as the strongest.Neither have I guessed so far why dentition should be chosen as the bench-mark measure of ultimate strength.Immediately prio to this I associated that otoyo phenomenon with the werewolf mythology given that Luo night-runner witches and wizards are known to keep and ride hyenas besides other wildlife. Nonetheless as far as royalty goes and or manhood or godliness or nobility, making stone statues to capture the spirit of everlasting timelessness record is a much more worthy cause to aim ones efforts at than stooping-low to pick rocks and stones from the ground or tghe earth to gain cheap cowardly mileage be it in sports or politics. Another point to note is that the term 'otoyo-smasher' is related to homosexuality as far as Luo Folk-lore goes whereby its English equivalent would be like in the movie entitled 'Break-Back' which in Luo context would literally have the meaning 'back-breaker.' The Luo Folk lore has it in a tongue-twister that goes like 'oytoyo-toyota otoyo nyar-odiero motwe ni ene manyak okende' which means 'otoyo the smasher or the back-breaker a.k.a.-'toyota' to refer to the four-whell drive vehicle's front-and-reverse abilities;has broken or smashed the back of a white-man's daughter [ odiero ] who has now insisted that he 'otoyo-toyota' must be the only one to marry her now and nobody else.' So Kisumu not only lead Kenya in homosexuality by coincidence but by the fact that there is a large-scale secret-society homosexual fraction in the Luo-population traditional culture whereby homosexuality is practiced as a way of life designed by the Luo Fertility-Reproductive Cults which in turn is mainfested in the ' Bondo-Usenge / Lamu 'married-but-gay' sexual orientation. Later,logistics.

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