Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Friday, December 21, 2012

RELIGION : Reading From The Script of Science.

Hey, I formerly would like to take this opportunity to wish all the liberal progressives, informed/exposed/civilized cosmopolitan human beings of the planet earth a marvelous happy merry Christmas and new Year 2013. You see during the hey days of Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ{PBUHF}who also happened to double as The Messiah {For his Jewish name as called /known by fellow Israelis was Yehoshua Messiac} there was in existence The Roman empire which ran all the way from The West to The East and then Rome in present Italy was the super power the equivalent of The US today.The people in Middle East were appointed governors and Kings from Rome to govern their societies and The Roman military was complex by the local standards reigning in the middle east and the other colonies at their hands. The Roman civilization/empire was equiped with able horses,chariots,swordsmen warmed to the teeth with better weapons including metal spears,bows and arrows. They enscripted their army from their colonies the world over and this included even Africans who by then {I stand to be corrected: were called Ethiops} and its on record that they put on gold.The Israelis had weapons as well but not on such an empirical large scale and slings were the equivalent of air-to-surface missiles. There were no nuclear reactors nor other toxic WMD. If there was a war, the gallantry met in the open fields man to man, face to face. Thus was the rough frame work of the geographical-cultural context in The M.E. that defined the life and times of Jesus of Nazareth, The Messiah and The Christ {PBUHF}.The Romans had developed the habit of forcing the subjects of their colonies to worship/subjugate to a sculpture of the emperor in Rome in their places of worship/shrines/temples/tents/under trees/on mountains....etc.Interestingly The Israelis were exempted from this rule and were given the freedom to worship the god of their ancestors of age without mingling him with the gods of The gentiles {as the other peoples of the earth were referred to by the teachings of the scribes by then}. Thus was the antagonistic atmosphere defining/fueling factors of conflict of interest pitting The Scribes on 1 hand and Jesus The Messiah, The Christ{PBUHF}, on the other hand. The Scribes saw that Messiac had the following and command of the Jews who used to fill/throng the pews of their synagogues, by the thousands and thought selfishly to themselves that this Christ was infiltrating/eroding their power command and would or could soon come-up with an idea of an armed/militant rebellion against the Roman Super Power Empire and this could lead to a genocide/war crimes of The colonized Jews. This is the propaganda they fed to their fears/vested interests cause in real sense they were just protecting the powers they wielded over the Jews to prescribe to them a strict way of life that wasn't in tandem with the practical reality of changes on the ground as highlighted by The lifestyle of the free/liberated/democratic Romans and the other neighboring cultures of The Gentiles around their niche/world. The Scribes thus falsely tried to potray The Messiac as a suitable candidate to be harangued before The ICC of the times which would have been located in Rome. The powers of The Scribes were such that they used to ordain Prophets as well as Kings and it irked them to the core that a certain fellow from Nazareth by the name of Jesus , the son of a carpenter called Joseph and a woman called Mary was laying claim to the Throne of David and at the same time claiming lineage to The Good Lord up above. So they were always on the look out for The Messiac and Yehoshua was always on the watch-out for the Scribes. They were playing cat and mouse game for it wasn't going to be any easy for the council guards/ soldiers of the Scribes to lay an arm/ambush on this Messiac who was busy championing the aspirations of the populace who in turn were so drunk with his teachings/messages of the good news , the water of life that if someone/anybody drunk of , they wouldn't ever be thirsty again. Hence the scribes were maliciously trying to lay ground for a case/charge of treason as well as blasphemy against the son of Man/God,The Messiac{PBUHF}. Fortunately He was always in the safe company of thousands of the local Jews who just couldn't have enough of this good news message which promised them everlasting life. Put in mind that Mariam Magdalena was a wealthy prostitute cause she was in the service of the high and mighty of the society.The idea of God manifestation in to human form wasn't new with Jesus as we see the Romans had already perfected this as demonstrated by the sculpture of their Emperor.It was common sense in Greece who begun what The Romans were continuing and even of late Diego Amando Maradona has joined the fray/league of the gods by having his sculpture made, put in a shrine and having fans and curious enthusiasts pilgrimage to it. I just can't help loving Maradona. Indeed is it written in the scriptures that man has come face to face with god: We find Jacob somewhere in the old testament, alone at night probably on a journey somewhere when he embarks/comes-upon god all mighty and immediately, being late in the night when it's darkest and the stars are shinning the brightest the two men set on a wrestle , perhaps to measure each others strength but most probably as a security measure cause during those days there were no street lights,avenues nor any activity at night , people were generally sleeping. So they wrestle and wrestle pulling judo cuts this way and that way till after getting exhausted Jacob managed to chunk a grip o The Good Lord's up above's groin/thigh flesh and holds on pinchingly tight refusing to let go till The Good Lord up above begs and pleads with earthly Jacob to let HIM go lest the villagers wake up and find/see HIM since the cocks were almost crowing and soon it was going to be day light. Jacob refuses adamantly having sensed that this was most probably an alien/extraterrestrial super natural being, not an ordinary earthling mortal and so Jacob put a condition to get blessed by The Good Lord up above before setting HIM free. He ended-up being blessed with The Name Israel for The Good Lord up above said he would no longer be called Jacob but Israel and from thence did the 12 tribes of Israel spring along with The Conquering Lion of The House of Judae. Later, logistics.

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