Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Thursday, December 20, 2012

RELIGION : Reading From The Script of Science

Hello there everybody once again it's the festive season to celebrate the birth of our Good Lord up above Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ { Peace Be Upon His Followers}.So I would like to urge those our lost brothers/sisters who frown 24/7/365 and wish they never were born to turn on their spirit of happiness, joy and love , to prepare to party till down, to paint the town red,to bring their good times and laughter too, to celebrate our party with us , the enlightened/saved ones by the "WORD" of the Lord, King of Kings/Peace{not pieces} and Lord of Lords.So we come to the realization that True Religion is all about meditating/inquiring reflexively about the pursuance/achievement of happiness and joy in celebrating the abundance of the beauty of the fruits of the diversity of life while being aware of our inherited physical,mental and spiritual consciousness of our diverse inherent needs, wants and concessions. This is why the greatest law that binds the human family together across space and time is LOVE as said in so many words across the spectrum of worship of The Ancestor in mimicking/aping and following in the footsteps of their traditional/ customary practices. In Christianity, Jesus of Nazareth , The Christ{PBUHF} summarizes this adage by saying that a human being being a citizen/member of the planet earth should " love their neighbors as they love themselves " which he elaborates by teaching/preaching that "one should not do unto their neighbors what they wouldn't like/want to be done unto themselves." Of course no body ever enjoyed a taste of their own medicine;this is why when the naught scribes, the Pharisees/Sadducees frog march a popular/famous harlot/prostitute/follower of the benefactor-ed pleasures of the world to Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ {PBUHF}, in a public square happy at heart that they were now going to finally pin down The Messiah, He looks at the gathered crowd ostentatiously in their thousands {for he was always followed and kept/had a crowd at hand} and replies to the then legislators/scribes saying "Let him/nobody who has committed such a sin/crime throw the 1st stone." Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ/Messiah/Reformer was mocking the supposedly "Men of The Cloth" and the crowd at large knowing pretty well for a fact that "not only is prostitution the oldest profession" anywhere where Man has lived but that nobody is perfect/holy and that nothing is new under the sun, and as such everybody has f****d a prostitute either at their places of residences or in brothels or under the stars of the skies in the darkest of nights when they shine the brightest say on some clear white sandy beach or even on a Halloween.Well the pin-drop silent crowd as well as the men of the cloth, "the presumably holier than thou" dare not raise a hand either to pick or throw a stone. That champion human rights prostitute/slut/harlot is called Maria Magdalena.Human right cause such women play a very important role in the society as safety valves that channels the necessary lusts of naturally grown sexually active men in to feasible /healthy productions. You see, women usually form the majority gender/sex in any population and world wide the statistics show a ratio of roughly 4:1 and as such should every sexually active grown man choose to marry only one woman then there would consequently be a surplus of 3 women for every 1man/1woman marriage arrangements. Thus did our ancestors derive up the convenient formula of marrying very many wives, as many as ones wealth would allow since the practitioners of such customs/ traditions paid a bride price/dowry for their wives, the wives who were in essence married to the whole community at large whose off-springs then consequently belonged the whole community as well.Those were the days when societies/communities had no "street families" precisely cause everybody ended-up belonging to everybody else. Thus the followers of Muhammad{Shariah Law} still practice polygamy while the followers of Jesus of Nazareth{The Respective Constitutions: guided by the concept of meditation/reflexive inquiry on the celebration of life},The Christ{PBUHF} only proclaim to practice monogamy,and the followers of Moses{Mosaic Law}. Thus we have lots of Christian folks who have/keep mistresses/harems and others who choose to marry extra wives under customary law which acknowledges polygamy.We have 1 interesting Hindu sect which practices what is termed "Sacred Prostitution" whereby we have the priests/high priests as well as devotees who have their SEXUAL URGES well catered for/ taken care of by these popular/famous sacred prostitutes.That is the reason I said the other day that leadership of The Catholic Church is a sleeping giant which is in denial and as such is vehemently opposing to acknowledge the irrefutable fact that sex is much a basic need just like food whose urge has to be satisfied or otherwise the presumptuously Celibate Leadership/Shepherd-ship rots/turns-out PERVERTED as has unmistakably been demonstrated time and again all over the world when pedophile/sex molestation/abuse cases formerly covered erupt against the catholic clergy. They have been busy preaching water and drinking the frothy waters of the throat at their opportune times. This has seen families as well as lives wrecked and torn apart. The Catholic clergy is strictly burying its head deep in the sand and doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that they are simply human beings with the same basic needs and wants like the rest of the flock and are not the "holier than thou" figures of imaginations they would like the flocks to perceive/believe. I would advice the catholic clergy to go the Milingo way; I am glad that as we share thoughts there is a reformist agenda in the catholic arena spear heading for change to do away with celibacy and allow the "fathers" to have their share of the "sexual healing" which if not observed renders the fathers perverts. In another instance, Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ{PBUHF} happened to have been invited to a wedding and as usual there was a crowd of thousands of people following him like the "pied-piper." Within no time of merry making did the frothy waters of the throat come to an end so his disciples came to plead the crowds case to him saying something like, "Good Lord, there is no more spirits nor beer nor wine and the crowds are still thirsty, yearning for more frothy waters of the throat to quench their unending thirst,why don't you perform a father Christmas abracadabra so as to avail more stuff for the party people,happy people who know they are happy and are making merry and clapping their hands?" So the Good Lord asks the disciples to fill the wine jars with water {during those days they had not yet invented barrels}then cover them lest the recipe/patent rights be exploited.Within no time at all in the blink of an eye to the amazement of the thirsty crowds the jars brim with more wine when the covers are lifted and so the party goes on/proceeds till the wee hours of the morning. Apparently neither were there suicide bombers nor Al-Qaeda/ Al-Shabaab insurgents so the people had their peace held, and ate their cake. Recently a Prince of The Saudi Arabia Monarch was caught pants down after shooting a fellow citizen whilst on a drunken stupor and the world must have been amazed that a prince in the holy land was taking heed of his natural desires and fulfilling his thirst.It comes as no surprise cause a human being anywhere is the same human being with the same needs, wants and concession.Certainly in Saudi Arabia, the presumably holy land they also smoke,chew,sniff,drink,sleep around but discreetly lest they raise the eye brows of their strict shepherds.But then the ugly thing is that they practice double standards cause I'm sure that should it have been a non-member of the royal family or a non-Muslim for that matter, hell would have broken loose. I also remember earlier on this year during the month of Ramadan,hundreds of Nigerian women on pilgrimage to Mecca, the holy city were sent packing for the unseemly awkward reason that they were not accompanied by their respective husbands or "any male relative" for that matter as prescribed by the holy shariah law. They never left the airport they were hounded to the next flight back to Lagos or Abuja as the case might be. Women in Islam are treated like lesser beings, what of being married in the bundles and being subjected to treatment akin to that of property owned and predisposed of as per the whims,becks and calls of their proprietors. Amazing, cause the women take it all hook,line and sinker.Later virtuals logistics.

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