Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

RELIGION : Reading From The Script of Science.

Well here we go again. Now that we are seeing that religion is about worship of the way / lifestyle of the ancestors by commemorating, eulogizing, re-enacting,mimicking, aping,ritualizing,following,adoring,praising,glorifying,emulating, mystifying e.t.c. , I think it;s a high time we gave secularism a better thought, in terms at least of looking at the other side of the coin, for a moment. Well, in other words this ostensibly translates in to the observance of the customs, culture, roots and traditions of a people, a nation, a community, across space and time which means preceding the durations that the present nations under the auspices of The United Nations with their complex borders conceptualized under geopolitics had not yet evolved.Well, the amazing fact is that under the inevitable forces of globalization spinning / synchronizing the world under one roof, terms and conditions depicting the universal declaration of human rights that state the prescribed standards of human life as opposed to those conditions that would only construe a savage, beastly, primitive,retrogressive,lay and imposed lesser standards of being / existence... we, the people of the world are left with no choice other than to embrace change and reform with the times, with the enshrined ideal, even at a piece-meal pace like : vision 2030. That's why I hail the good forces of change, the wind of change blowing across the world everywhere, people fighting for the right to be free to decide and choose the way of life, the lifestyle that suits them best as cosmopolitan citizens of a free, liberated, redeemed, democratic world. Those communities that choose to stay in a myopic constant continuum of a way of life passed by time/thought are at risk of extinction/perishing to hell, just like that . On one end of the equation, we have minority communities/cultures that are usually enlisted as "others" at census time in their respective states and on the other hand, we have those relic cultures that except for their curatorial-aesthetic value they are impractical to life on the ground.I'll expound: You see, man is a believing social animal who needs a conducive, social,cultural and political environment to pursue and achieve the goals and missions that the benefactor of life partitioned Man with.Thus,Man has prerequisite needs, wants and concessions that define his humanity which if not realized the they turn in to the evil savages that is in turn manifested by the ills in the society.Man, the human being is a creation meant to CELEBRATE LIFE and as such be able to access and choose the abundance of the fruits of the pleasures there-in within life defined by the predisposed cultural and physical environment, both natural and artificial. So good, old Man, the Homo Sapient should majorly be preoccupied by constant meditation and reflexive inquiry to come up with more, better, practical and efficient ways of easing the life styles of Men as TRUE RELIGION. Everybody everywhere has enough problems already and it just doesn't help to load more burdens on some of the still lay flocks of masses. Follow the way of your ancestor, your culture and traditions but only to the extent that it does not override the common good of the community/ society.That is precisely because The custom, The tradition, The LAW is made for man and not the other way round where-by we have people being enslave and captivated by some crazy customs,traditions and ways of life.For example, some societies/ communities didn't practice circumcision in the recent past but they have been so forced by the prevailing environmental and physical circumstances to embrace this new custom, tradition, culture as a clinical health measure to ensure their prosperity/genealogy. Then there are those other societies/communities that used to lavish the cultural practice of wife inheritance when a woman is deceased; well now they can't cause the physical/cultural environment has dictated a new regulation that demands people watch-out their sexual lives carefully lest they succumb to premature death.It is for the same reason that Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ {Peace Be Upon His Followers} amended and passed into law the then controversial sabbath ADAGE that strictly demanded that the day should be observed as a HOLY day and hence no work should be carried-out whatsoever the circumstances even when it meant salvaging some life at risk of know how the story goes.It is indeed for the same reason that The Son of Man/God repudiated the scribes of the day when he simply retorted to the scribes{law makers/legislators akin to the Kathi courts} witty stage-managed interrogation/query on taxation to foreign occupying Roman forces of the land of the empire then that the populace should "give unto Ceasor what belongs to Ceaser. This in effect means that secularism, the constitutionalism is the way to go regarding Religion because the constitution prescribes a standard way of life as envisioned and desired by the people, the cosmopolitan constituents of the politics of their geographic-political contexts.Even for the believers/here-says of the largely Christian-Gregorian world emanating, conceptualized from a Mosaic Law understanding,the society is largely a mixture of individuals in their family units interacting with other individuals in/from their family units as the building blocks of the society in the very 1st place. Good old Man is made/procreated in the image of God and hence true religion/worship is defined 1st and foremost by the rules governing/regulating the public/private relationships because since god manifests HIMSELF in Man then by worshiping your fellow Man through allowing them the space and freedom to be ,as per the circumstantial cultural/physical factors depicting the environment then you inevitably end-up worshiping god, "the good lord above." That is why the greatest law quoted and cutting across time/space is LOVE.Freedom is only free as long as one abides by the rule of paying for this freedom by recognizing the inherent/imminent freedoms in fellow man as a medical-legal entity, born free to enjoy/celebrate the abundance of the fruits of life on planet earth.It is quiet enlightening to see that The Anglican Church has amended its laws/regulations to not only ordain gay/lesbian clerics but to also recognize and legitimize gay/lay marriages unlike the sleeping Catholic giant that mesmerizes in the fallacy of priest that try to abstain for life but are naturally unable cause god the benefactor of life endowed them with their passionate procreative organs knowing in advance that only beasts procreate seasonally when on heat as prescribed by their laws regulating their physiology as opposed to Man The Human Being who is not only encouraged to populate and fill the planet earth but to enjoy of this worldly fruit of pleasure between their legs whenever the inevitable craving calls.So 4 the 10 commandments only the 1st 3 regulate relationships between god and man but the rest majority 7 practically talks about the regulations between Man and fellow Man.Along the same parallels, so the STORY { mythologized} goes that whilst "THE DEVIL WAS STILL AN ANGEL" he/it was asked to subjugate to Man but he/it refused claiming that since man was created of mud/earth and him/it was created with light , it naturally followed that the worship should be the other way round and not vice/versa , cause he/it was albeit more special.Later virtual s, logistics.

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