Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Politics: Counter Terrorism, Civil Strife and Street Running Battles

If you happen to be the target of some political dinosaur, democratic infant of the dark Jurassic-mammoth ice ages, then be assured you will never be liable to transact any kind of financial contract/agreement for years on end unless some miraculous intervention happens from liberal, progressive,civilized, informed and exposed forces.I can attest to that for my life besides having been hijacked has been wholly financially incapacitated to the extent of being rendered an unwilling dependent. I got a god-sent opportunity to teach at a primary school in Mombasa for like 1 month temporarily substituting a lady teacher who had slipped in her bathroom and broke her lower jaw rendering her incapable of giving lessons/classes. The earning rates were KShs200 per day and I collected the total at the end of that month.Thus the administration was kinda bewildered by my performance and asked me to apply for a permanent post which was going to fall vacant in the foreseeable future which I did as a matter of urgency only to be told on the eve of the interview that the ministry of education had resuscitated/enforced some by-laws which had been in existence but hadn't been implemented and as such the administration asked me to check for further clarification regarding that matter with the ministry of education secretariat at the civil service headquarters. The secretariat duly informed me that the government had put in place regulations demanding that from then henceforth both public and private schools were under obligation to strictly employ only Bachelor of Education graduates who had registered with the Teachers Service Commission and as such held a valid TSC number. Secondly,unrestrained graduate teachers were also no longer eligible for contractual employment. That these by-laws exempted those untrained graduate teachers who happened to have been contracted before the coming into force of those by-laws. Thus my chance to join the job markets fixed-income fray hit a snug once more. I realized a month or so later that this hullabaloo was all stage-managed just to take care of my endevours to emancipate myself and gain financial independence. Everybody else was still being recruited in the same old ways and I was the exception.Hmm m.. When I went sometimes later to seek a free lance tour guiding license, the rules were again twisted with impunity and I was told the new regulations demanded one to have a certificate in tour guiding notwithstanding the tour/safari guiding experience one carried with them from the companies they had previously been working for. Such guides were considered before the new regulations! Sometimes last week a fiery Muslim cleric was shot dead as he drove home with his family and this drove the Muslim community crazy to the streets burning down innocent churches and killing and maiming other civilians as well as dozens of policemen. Mombasa hasn't cooled yet to its former state before the Muslim cleric was gunned down.It has affected the tourism industry just like way back in 1997 when the indigenous coastal s caused terror mayhem claiming secession like they are now only they are much more organized under the caucus of Mombasa Republican Council. In 1997, I was then a tour guide and happened to have been caught in the mayhem ,though fortunately after completing our tour at the South Coast and were now on the process of transferring the tourists back to their hotels. Apparently, just to mention,one amongst those tourists was this beautiful Belgium girl/student travel ling with her family with whom we maintained correspondence even after I'd joined the university in Nairobi.She's the one who'd sent me the La Rousse de Poche I'd mentioned earlier and her other souvenirs which I held dear was a gigantic/calumnious La Rousse de Poche French/English dictionary and a Michael Jackson the late 2-in-1 album which I used to listen to a lot after my days hustings in the streets of Nairobi. When we were transferring the tourists then we were obliged to book them in any available hotel as a case of emergency and you can imagine there weren't many to go given the rush and the suddenness.When I had to run as a fugitive to save the life I lived in Nairobi, and had to take the La Rousse text, I couldn't help remembering the events of 1997. Hell, the doctors are also on the verge of a nation wide strike; the teachers have already launched theirs and a section of civil servants are threatening to follow suit in due time. The ODM secretariat have hijacked my life leaving one without access, choice or purchasing power so to speak of. I can't even pay my higher education loan I borrowed from the government which is still accruing interest to date. Later virtuals, logistics.

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