Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Saturday, January 27, 2018

PROSECUTING RAILA : Plea for Urgent Assistance for Migration for Political-Asylum / Refuge From PERSECUTION by The Government of Kenya.

Hi all & sundry.Pardon the lapse pls,ltd credit & I can't tell how
often I'll next be updating my blog. Ofcourse the super-ego & ego;or
the-image & the-real;or god-&-man;or psyche/soul/mind/cognition &
body/corpse discourse will continue to its logical conclusion in due
course subject to the delimiting factors.I'm perishing miserably with
the LGBT occultists turning my manhood vestigial following
sexually-starvation the last 5.7yrs & given the central role it plays
in the psychology of anybody's personality.I'm down 3-trousers/shirts
having been forced to discard a pair whose threads couldn't hold any
more like the remainning oversewn which are bound to follow suit any
time having been worn repeatedly the last 5.7yrs.I'm short of
bathing/washing barsoap, toothpaste & need as well a shave and a
bic-razor for which I'm trying hard to sollicit a small-loan/stipend
from friends in vein ofcourse due to the GoK curtailling the same
outta my lawsuit's coldwar.I pray your interventions pls.Below are
the latest...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2018 18:47:27 +0300
Subject: Fwd: Plea for Urgent Assistance for Migration for
Political-Asylum / Refuge From PERSECUTION by The Government of Kenya.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2018 18:20:41 +0300
Subject: Plea for Urgent Assistance for Migration for Political-Asylum
/ Refuge From PERSECUTION by The Government of Kenya.
Cc:,,,,,,, NOAS <>,,,,, Vera Rosauer

Dear Sir/Madam, Please allow me elaborate the depraved
circumstances.For the 2nd day running the accumulative-effects of the
JUNE 2015 1-meal-ration @ 24hrs for 15-days have begun to bite akin to
the ravaging emaciations you see in famine-hit states.My gym-studying
has been halted as the famished,nutrition-craving blood pumps through
the veins of a faintly skeleton who's walking has become an effort and
seats bent-forward due to the hunger-pangs.The sly, witch-father
chidded the DNA FINGER-PRINTING categorically stating I wasn't part of
his progeny anyway citing his kids staunch-fingers contrasted to my
wimpy-ones [LGMD] when I don't gym & the reason they gorge/peck me
akin psychogenetically to livestock/poultry naturally brooding their
progeny from 'non-blood' members.The 'penis-envy' [sexology]
LBGT-witches/ occultists are evidenced by cop-IKENYA's job &
male-cohabitation sanctions;Eng. Edgar's book-'UNBOWED' & gay-kisses;&
the gay-diets. SOS. Thank you in advance. Yours F. E.M.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2018 13:57:48 +0300
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Plea for Urgent Assistance for Migration for
Political-Asylum / Refuge From PERSECUTION by The Government of Kenya.
Cc:,,,,,, NOAS
<>,,,,, Vera Rosauer
<>,,,, "C/R

Dear Sir/Madam, I am dying miserably 5.7yrs down the line
at 40yrs following on the arrested-development & exploited-abused
forced-dependency due to the cyclic energy-emaciating hunger torture
games c/o The 'KTN Uhuru-Onyancha' life-force/ blood-sucking
TRANSGENDER-archetype on my person. These sadist-neurotic
psychic-cannibal-vampire witch relics akin to The Europe-Witch-Trial
convicts have now resorted to the JUNE 2015 1-meal-ration @ 24hrs
since yesterday trying to force their
peristalsis-triggering/gut-conditioning,homosexual-selective-diet on
my physiology to perpertuate the dystrophy [LGMD] & effectuate a
zombie-prototype of stunted-growth.I reiterate my vows of DIVORCING/
ESTRANGING them for the independence of my
life,labor,wife,kids,straight-marriage-orientation & never
living/working in Raila's Luo-Nyanza.Sorry for all inconveniencies my
phone's browser is un-upgraded. SOS. Thank you in advance. Yours
Faithfully. E

Saturday, January 20, 2018


unless some physiology expert knows the antidote of the witchcraft
culture transmission that can reverse the genetic expression & mutate
the alleles involved back to normal.Now the Europe Witchcraft Trial
convict relics including them Mangos & the Turpins like the
prychic-cannibal-vampires they are psychogenetically & neurotically
predisposed to conduct themselves like the dracula when they
afterwards laugh at frailty of humans trapped in their haunting terror
games like Ian's supposed granny & so though neurotic they are as
guilty as the 'KTN Uhuru-Onyancha' real lifetime blood-sucking vampire
who literally feeds on the life-force blood of its usually hungrish
energy-emaciated unsuspecting victim.The smoking-gun is Ian's granny's
dracula laughter outburst on compairing his circumstances to that of
the kids who slaughtered a calf to kill hunger.The only solution is to
stop them by isolating them from the targets cause they're neurotic.
Otherwise,my plea is for the divine intervention of humanity

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From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 18:45:13 +0000 (UTC)

'Uwe juok obudho eie ainya', meaning:'You've let witchcraft overstay
in his tummy for far too long'. The context translates to mean the
physiological malfunctions I'm experiencing including the
coldbloodedness & the muscular dystrophin could've have been
transmitted through witchcraft-culture models more than probably
inherited as expressed genetic traits.This is cause of their seeming
to perpertuate the manifestations of the same nurturewise from infancy
through the cyclic energy-emaciating hunger-torture games
intentionally through malnutrition & undernutrition to halt & retard
growth & development.You grow up perpertually always energyless more
often than not & as descendant withes themselves it's a calculated
craft with clear motives & goals.Or perharps I might end up opting for
antisense therapy,It's kinda fatiguing to have to manage it with
physical therapy every now & again to circumnavigate the irritating
matchstick figure.Or I'll have to look for TZ-kienyeji or its Kenyan
version for the cold PTO


all mornings & 1 evening introduced me to an alcoholic spirit called
KIENYEJI produced in TZ which we mixed with COKE-COLA at a
joints-fiesta & I begun sweating profusely that very night after super
I'd to go outdoors for cooling I couldn't believe it & even the
following day in the morn. I didn't have to search the sun to sunbath
to heat up like a reptile & that 1 round of KIENYEJI-COKECOLA cocktail
sustained my thermoregulation for like 3consequtive days; opening-up
what seemed to be blocked sweat-valves & pouring out my sweat normally
like anybody else.I'm waiting to make a formal medical diagnosis on
the same as well as stock myself with this TZ-KIENYEJI spirit across
the MIGORI-SIRARE border once my lawsuit reliefs are processed while I
also bring to book the BELL's-PUB attack perpertrators including Eng.
Emmanuel of the Carnivore 'male-kisses'! Once visiting with Manuar &
his bro. Olala in KABUTO,a local woman-herbalist exclaimed to them
that 'Ume juok obudhe ie ainya' meaning 'you let witchcraft over >

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 12:12:35 +0000 (UTC)

Yer,coldbloodedness which they perpertuate jus' like the dystrophy
[LGMD] & the LGBT orientation.I've had to be sunbathing all mornings
after waking for as long as I can remember jus' to charge-up my cold
body with enough heat;even in low altitude hot MSA.Gym & food improves
the heat capacity but the Luo physiology-experts seem to have
malfunctioned my thermoregulation such that I can't retain body heat
it all dissipates leaving me freezing s'times even numbing my
fingers.Here again there's some kinda tea they prepare which improves
the thermoregulation but the evil-eyes {BUDA} have resorted nowadays
to 'animistic-uji' which cause of associated 'animistic Judy-the-bat'
prank-calls lewd-interpretations leading to chaos like in the
BELL's-PUB attack,I don't take any more & instead substitute it with
pot-water from where everybody drinks;though they've also timed me &
put stuff that ran my tummy akin to the amoeba-typhoid episodes.
Another physiology expert in UKUNDA-MSA observed my sunbath
search-movements PT

Friday, January 19, 2018


into marriage with their prehistoric-descendant-culture savages whom
I've repeatedly stated I don't give a hoot about including 'animistic
Judy-the-bat' with her cohorts Emi & the Asian girl of Chinese
backgrounds.The sly,witch-father's elder bro. & ex-chair of
Migori-Councillors refers to him as a 'GONE-CASE' asking whether he
married or he got-married given that he relocated from ancestral home
KABUTO-NYATIKE to go build a new home in KAKRAO-MIGORI,a 30/- bob
travel distance from his in-laws in OYANI-MIGORI;besides the
observation that he's sat-on by his wayward self-bleaching wife.This
married-gay witch has told me I ain't part of his progeny anyway going
by my feeble-fingers [when I don't gym] due to LGMD unlike his kids'
staunch, firm fingers & the reason I asked Migori cops for a
period.Another aspect of their witchcraft is my characteristic cold-
bloodedness I'll explain >

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 06:14:29 +0000 (UTC)

Yer,Linet lied she'd gone to Saudia even calling back through skype
from an unspecified location alleging 'twas the workers residential in
Saudia only for me to find her in an online hookers-site called
'JUICY-AFFAIRS' as mepoorol'self surfed for quick,casual,hook-ups to
quench my now 5.7yrs sexually-starved self fast turning vestigial.And
her married-but-gay daddy still bankrolls their binging &
smoking,irresponsible-sex,rent plus bastards schooling;while
homosexually harassing me jointly with his indecent-exposure &
self-bleaching wife incestuously harassing me as well! Indeed the
dysfunctional-family's house is jus' a big harem where their
married-but-gay daddy acts like its pimp.They suck all the way to the
heavens high! All those 5.7yrs I've been accessed only lip service sex
with bar-girl sex-workers courtesy of Eng. Emmanuel & cousin Manuar 3
times.The BORI-LAMU/BONDO-USENGE occultists think they may exploit the
sexual-starvation torture c/o the JINN-THEOCRACY GoK's


with his boss,a Mr. Hongo. What would I wonna do residing with another
weirdo man whenst I'm busy struggling to get a life & settle-down with
a lady of repute who values family traditions? Please.The
sly,witch-father's trying to fit me into the shoes of his
ex-boyfriend/maid Mwaura whose name sounds like his last brother's
ARUWA a.k.a. 'NYAKUOM-NYANG' meaning 'CROCODILE's-HUMP' in Luo,who for
reasons known to them couldn't marry or sire kids & has been left to
'arranged-marriages' to women selected for him repeatedly on-&-off or
to widows with dozens of kids already like of late! It's kinda
polyandry for the shameless step-witch-mother who rudely keeps
insisting to come in-btw my potential spouses & I; like in the
KAKUMA-TURKANA/KUMANINA-NAKUMATT case;yet her 1st 2 daughters are
whoring it off taking after her imprints with their daddy's
bankrolling backup!When Linet dropped bastard Ian she'd pretended to
have gone to Saudia to work even calling back through SKYPE only for
me to find her in 'JUICY-AFFAIRS' >

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 19:11:46 +0000 (UTC)

Yer,so there you are;the penile-fracture incident was a witches'
craft!They stimulate you like the 'carnivorous-plant',prank-call you
or animistically impose themselves on your unaware, unsuspecting-self
[like including the orange-shirt written 'friends & rebels] then
systematically turncoats & complete the equation of their
crafted-animism set-ups.The penile-fracture fits-in with their
also highlighted by the step-witch-mother's endeavors to arrest my
SPERMATOGENESIS when she put KEROSENE in meals once or twice before
stopping after I reported with SAFARICOM.It's the reason they wanted
to PARALYSE my SPINAL-CHORD & have me on a wheelchair conjunctively
with the JINN-THEOCRACY GoK c/o 'Judy the bat' Uhuru's kin you see
they're working in cahoots with;they're MAN-HATERS who can only marry
gays. Remember they'd planned to assign me another fellow man,probably
1 of their homosexuals to reside-with in MSA after IKENYA's episode &
employment PTO


been tracking me allover from Huruma-NRB,to MSA & now to Migori of
which part of the text-evidence involves a 'sweet sms' from a
'secret-admirer' describing 'our' regular crossing-paths suggesting
it's the ODIPO Chinese-girl who when I happen to shave at a barber's
closeby calls the attention of cops like I should either burrow an
underground path or fly over air whenever in the vicinity of ODIPO
FLATS! Thanks heavens she disappeared since I instituted the case &
there aren't no more convenient-coincidences of our paths crossing!
Another example involves the sly witch-father marktimming me to switch
-on NTV for the programme THE-TREND which involved a 'Judy-the-bat'
DOUBLE/LOOK-ALIKE conveniently, animistically called ANITA at a time
when the anchors were hyping 'bout the term 'PUSSY' ; suggesting
the-bat was calling me [ANITA] s'where for a dish-of-PUSSY & so
megoodoI'self was supposed to gratefully take-up the cues & begin
searching for it in Migori; like she's the ONLY benefactor of pussies

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From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 11:22:23 +0000 (UTC)

the 3rd daughter to chop hard in college,track her performance & most
imp. to never get a kid outta wedlock as well as to get married only
after she lands a job to secure her future with the financial
independence.My prayers are she heeds the advice going by the
self-evident hindsight obsesvation advantage she has of her 1st
2-wayward sisters. The penile-fracture incident was a witches'
premeditated TRANSGENDER strategy in line with their carefully crafted
experience about how they work-out or go-about their witchcraft,e.g.
the SEX-CRIMES CASE I've instituted with IPOA involving 'Judy the
bat', Emi & the Chinese-girl in ODIPO FLATS whereby the secret-society
witches impose themselves symbolically through the animism of
positionings,movements,color-of-clothings or utensils one uses before
they clamp themselves on one alleging one was alligning to their
trajectory,path, zone or sphere;like the circumstances are with the
bat & her Emi who've PTO

Thursday, January 18, 2018


they imprinted lotsa their psychology/behavioral patterns to their
unsuspecting kids of which they're trying to impose the homosexual
boyfriend-maid BORI-LAMU/BONDO-USENGE TRANGENDER-archetype on my
personality against all odds.Caro their 1st daughter ain't married
though she bore a bastard girl prematurely whick outta negligence got
left to die in the incubators at Mombasa-Hospital.We buried it in
Tudor-MSA & you can bet the wild-oats sower wasn't anywhere to be
seen.Caro like Linet the 2nd daughter & bastard-Ian's mother is a
heavy-smoker who drinks & engages in irresponsible sex;the result of
which has seen Linet bear another bastard-son whose sower you can bet
is different from Ian's,i.e. different-bastard,
beautiful.Better,the married-but-gay sly father bankrolls their stupid
sexual-orientation paying Linet's expenses including rent & Ian's
school fees/uniform besides bailing Caro outta credit issues & thus
sustains their reversed-roles TRANSGENDER orientations.I adviced Don
the >

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From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 07:16:53 +0000 (UTC)

to domestic-chores in the homestead including
baby-sitting,cooking,milking-cows,collecting water from the
river,e.t.c. Ofcourse you can bet I sulked like hell compairing the
reversed-roles when we travelled back to MSA after the X-mass holidays
& thus fuming I bid time for the day I'll be through with high school
to go start fending for megoodol'self.Ofcourse even in MSA I was
embarassed to death collecting water with the women folk while the
other boys watched me from the balconies;or washing utensils where
they could still see me through the kitchen windows...closing the
curtains did nothing they could still catch glimpses with the wind
flattering the curtains now & then. I bid my time bitterly amidst the
beatings, waiting for highschool.You will know a tree by its fruits &
since the dysfunctional-fmly is a BORI-LAMU/BONDO-USENGE
MIXED-ORIENTATION-MARRIAGE where the sly father kept a homosexual
boyfriend as a maid while the indecent-exposure step-witch-mother had
extra-marital affairs,you can bet they PTO

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