Friday, May 19, 2023

Trespassing, Invasion of Privacy and/or Forced Entrance Homosexual-Harassment by The 'Married-But-Gay'-Husband's Homosexual-Club Buddies

Dear Sir / Madam,
                             went to the Migori County Referral Hospital and was shocked of the changes making it look like a private hospital. First the consultation fees increased to 100/- from 5/- when I last visited; for their pharmacy drugs I paid 30/- for Artefan Dispersible (Artemether Lumefantrine)-24-tabs taken four twice daily, after the lab test of my blood demonstrated malarial viruses; and Albendazole USP after the lab test of my stool indicated I'd worms; then there was Tramadol Capsules BP 10-tabs taken one twice daily which they didnt have and they sent me to buy at pharmacies outside at 100/-. Had lotsa RBCs though my WBC's were low probably cause they'd been exhausted fighting the fever, chills and body-pain symptoms yet unable to subdue the correct diagnosis of malaria-virus.
                              They'd first asked me to pay 500/- for the blood-test, around 150/- for the stools-test and like 400/- BS or FHG which left me soliciting for funds from well-wishers; though they later treated me nonetheless after negotiations / consultations with the staff. I thank them profoundly for their care-and-understanding. Otherwise if those are the official charges for treatment at a public hospital, I don't know how much the privates cost. I'm recovering now. Otherwise, the gay-husband of the quickie-prostitute (substantiated technical descriptive terms) is still sending members of his homosexual-club to harass me and today the taxi-driver of KCP 348 interchangeably with KCL 749 today mark-timed me at the Posta shop-kiosk where I buy cigarettes wanting to indecently-assault me by brushing past my buttocks which I'd to avoid evading by standing upright and moving away bitter-and-angry at their incessant homosexual harassment. I plan to report to Migori Police Station Deputy OCS next Monday 22nd May, who'd made a memorandum to send Investigating-Officer Maroko to visit the crime scene and is yet to take any action to date. I want them indicted, arrested, booked, finger-printed, detained and arraigned before a competent court of law; they aren't any holier than the Catholic Fathers etc.
                           Thank you inn advance.
                           Yours Faithfully,
                           Erick Mango.

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