Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Friday, March 31, 2023

Update (1.) with working-links:- Deputy OCS Schedules Visit-of-Crime-Scene Criminal-Proceedings of OB61/23/08/2021 On SOA / PADVA By I.O. Maroko: I Erick Mango charge Chamkombe-Kakrao Village -area Administration Police, his farm-hand / son Victor and Pamela Mango together with their adversely-mentioned accomplices, co-conspirators, pawns and as listed on the statement below with Criminal-Conspiracies to:- (a.):-defeat justice and interfere with witnesses contrary to Section 117; (b.):-commit misdemeanors contrary to Section 395; (c.):-commit felonies contrary to Section 393; (d.):-commit defilement contrary to Section 157; (e.):-commit murder contrary to Section 224; -All against the Penal Code CoK-2010 ; and as read-and-charged together with “A Series of Sexual-Crimes”contrary to:- (f.):-Section 162 (c) concerning consent as regards homosexual harassment; (g.):-Section 163 prohibiting attempts to commit the crimes under Section 162 above; (h):-Section 165 as read together with Sections 5-and-12 of The Sexual Offence

NB :- Since Migori Police Station turned-around to revisit and re open my ( OB61/23/08/2021 at 1740hrs ) case-file following their recommendation to change-my-approach and file singular, individual criminal cases as they occurred comparatively to the larger interconnected criminal-conspiracy one-long-chain-of-continuous-series-of-crimes; the penal-code criminal-gap became clear when I.O. Maroko asked me to file the latest instances at the front desk who after deliberations later referred me to the Deputy OCS as recorded below who in turn scheduled I.O. Maroko's visit to the crime-scene....The Front Desk couldn't initially make much sense of the singular instances of the crimes 'cept with the interconnections of the backdrop of the 14+ OBs already recorded at Migori Police Station, and so I decided to once again for clarification purposes to consolidate the whole pieces of the conspiracy from the beginning... for which instances like the two-touts can be found as was recorded with Safaricom then, while the others can be surfed by in-puting the keywords in the search-functions of my blog and wordpress sites ( ( )
Photo-evidence exposition of the broad lawsuit as a whole will be transferred to the front-page of my wordpress-site ( ).
                   Thus it's of paramount importance first-and-foremost to state that both the chief-defendants / organized-crime murder-conspirators Peter and Pamela Mango have indecently, rudely and flagrantly exposed me their penis-and-vagina in homosexual-and-incestuous sexual harassment
-Second, the Chiefs should be exempted from these SOA / PADVA as was recommended / repealed by the Ministry-of-Interior since once the sexual-offences are categorized under family law they're exploited by the Chiefs-and-families as records well show ; I want these compulsive-neurotic criminals indicted and processed for prosecution ;
-Thirdly, it should be noted that polls demonstrated that Kisumu leads Kenya in homosexuality, not even Lamu or Nairobi indicating it is an inherent culture of the Luos as these criminals are trying to transit my gender identity to theirs of 'married-but-gay.'
                 Hence, I'll be fine-tuning the above subject to resources though OB61/23/08/2021 has been far long ripe for I.O Maroko's prosecution and I can't wait for the whole continuous-violations-of-the-law series-of-crime to be heard-and-determined.
Dear Sir / Madam,
                             Subject to the Discovery-Rule as read together with the 'Limitation of Actions Act' Cap. 22 as regards events of  'continuous-violations-of-the-law'  such as in my case of the criminal-conspiracies cited above the Statute of Limitations provides for the last possible date a violation might have occurred meaning the first-crime wouldn't expire and the series-of-crimes therefore is charged as one crime with the Statute-of-Limitations beginning after the last crime has been committed for which I Erick Mango charge Chamkombe-Kakrao Village -area Administration Police, his farm-hand / son Victor and Pamela Mango together with their adversely-mentioned accomplices, co-conspirators, pawns and as listed on the statement below with Criminal-Conspiracies to:- 
(a.):-defeat justice and interfere with witnesses contrary to Section 117; 
(b.):-commit misdemeanors contrary to Section 395;
(c.):-commit felonies contrary to Section 393; 
(d.):-commit defilement contrary to Section 157; 
(e.):-commit murder contrary to Section 224;  
-All against the Penal Code CoK-2010 ; and as read-and-charged together with "A Series of Sexual-Crimes"contrary to:-
(f.):-Section 162 (c) concerning consent as regards homosexual harassment;
(g.):-Section 163 prohibiting attempts to commit the crimes under  Section 162 above;
(h):-Section 165 as read together with Sections 5-and-12 of The Sexual Offences Act No.3 of 2006 regarding acts of gross indecency between males 
(i.):-Section 145 (1) and 144 (1) (3) as regards indecent acts and defilement;
(j.):-SOA Section 2 (1) as concerns indecent unlawful, intentional acts causing contact between any part of  the body of a person with the genital organ, breast, or buttocks of another though without penetration
(k.):-Section 20 (1) & (2) that prohibits incest
-All these as read together generally with and contrary to The Sexual-Offenses Act No. 3 of 2006 and the Penal-Code CoK-2010 :- 
-I urge the CJ in accordance with the edict in Article 10 CoK-2010 to exercise her powers under Article 161 (2) (a) as read together with provisions of the Rules of Court Section 2 (1) regarding the National Policy Guideline on the Administration of the SOA No. 3 of 2006 ; and the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act 2015 ;

-4) Compelled or Induced Indecent Act

At Section 6, the Act provides that when a person, who intentionally and unlawfully forces or causes another person to take part in an Indecent Act with him/herself, or another person, or an object, including any body part of an animal, is guilty of this offence which carries a penalty of not less than five (5) years. The exception to this section is in cases where an act which may be perceived as being indecent is actually done to save a life or in the cause of a medical procedure.

-5) Acts which cause penetration or indecent acts committed within the view of a family member, a child or person with mental disabilities

Section 7 provides that a person who intentionally commits rape or an indecent act with another within the view of a family member, a child or a person with mental disabilities is guilty of an offence and is liable upon conviction to imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than ten years.

-Indecent Act with an Adult

At Section 11A the Act provides for the offence of indecent Act with an adult which carries a sentence of not less than five (5) years in prison or a fine not exceeding fifty thousand shillings (kes.50, 000) or both.

-19) Incest by Male and Female Persons

This offence is covered under Sections 20 & 21 to the effect that any person who has sexual intercourse with someone who he/she knows is his/her relative commits the offence of incest. There is no need for consent under this offence. This offence carries a jail term of not less than ten (10) years and may be enhanced to life depending on the age of the victim.

-For avoidance of doubt, Section 22 provides that the relatives include half brother/ sister/father/mother irrespective of whether the children were adopted or whether the parents are legally married or not.

-There are various measures that a court may institute to ensure that a child victim of incest is protected including removing the child from the offending relative or terminating parental right of the offending parent or guardian.

-20) Sexual harassment

-A person in a position of authority or holding a public office who continuously makes any sexual advances or requests which he/she knows are unwelcome is guilty of sexual harassment as provided for under Section 23 of the Act. This offence carries a jail term of not less than three (3) years or to a fine of not less than one hundred thousand shillings (Kes.100, 000) or both.

(B.):-SEXUAL OFFENCES ACT No. 3 of 2006 / 

-An Act of Parliament to make provision about sexual offences, their definition, prevention and the protection of all persons from harm from unlawful sexual acts, and for connected purposes

-"indecent act" means any unlawful intentional act which causes-


any contact between any part of the body of a person with the genital organs, breasts or buttocks of another, but does not include an act that causes penetration;


exposure or display of any pornographic material to any person against his or her will;

Intentional and unlawful acts

An act is intentional and unlawful if it is committed-


in any coercive circumstance;


under false pretences or by fraudulent means; or


in respect of a person who is incapable of appreciating the nature of an act which causes the offence.


The coercive circumstances, referred to in subsection (1)(a) include any circumstances where there is-


use of force against the complainant or another person or against the property of the complainant or that of any other person;


threat of harm against the complainant or another person or against the property of the complainant or that of any other person; or


abuse of power or authority to the extent that the person in respect of whom an act is committed is inhibited from indicating his or her resistance to such an act, or his or her unwillingness to participate in such an act.


False pretences or fraudulent means, referred to in subsection (1)(b), include circumstances where a person-


in respect of whom an act is being committed, is led to believe that he or she is committing such an act with a particular person who is in fact a different person;


in respect of whom an act is being committed, is led to believe that such an act is something other than that act; or


intentionally fails to disclose to the person in respect of whom an act is being committed, that he or she is infected by HIV or any other life-threatening sexually transmissible disease.

Keeping scene of crime secure etc.

Any person who intentionally interferes with a scene of crime or any evidence relating to the commission of an offence under this Act is guilty of an offence and is liable upon conviction to imprisonment for a term of not less than three years or to a fine of one hundred thousand shillings or to both.


Interference referred to in subsection (1) includes but is not limited to-


tampering with a scene of crime;


interference or intimidation of witnesses; and


any other act or omission that would hinder or obstruct investigations or materially misrepresent any evidence.

Evidence of surrounding circumstances and impact of sexual offence

Evidence of the surrounding circumstances and impact of any sexual offence upon a complainant may be adduced in criminal proceedings involving the alleged commission of a sexual offence where such offence is tried in order to prove-


whether a sexual offence is likely to have been committed-

(i)towards or in connection with the person concerned;
(ii)under coercive circumstances referred to in section 43; and

for purposes of imposing an appropriate sentence, the extent of the harm suffered by the person concerned.

Cultural and religious offences

Any person who for cultural or religious reasons forces another person to engage in a sexual act or any act that amounts to an offence under this Act is guilty of an offence and is liable upon conviction to imprisonment for a term of not less than ten years.

Sexual offences relating to position of authority and persons in position of trust

Any person who being in a position of trust takes advantage of his or her position and induces or seduces a person in their care to have sexual intercourse with him or her or commits any other offence under this Act, such sexual intercourse not amounting to the offence of rape or defilement, shall be guilty of an offence of abuse of position of trust and shall be liable upon conviction to imprisonment for a term of not less than ten years.

Sexual harassment

Any person, who being in a position of authority, or holding a public office, who persistently makes any sexual advances or requests which he or she knows, or has reasonable grounds to know, are unwelcome, is guilty of the offence of sexual harassment and shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of not less than three years or to a fine of not less than one hundred thousand shillings or to both.


It shall be necessary to prove in a charge of sexual harassment that-


the submission or rejection by the person to whom advances or requests are made is intended to be used as basis of employment or of a decision relevant to the career of the alleged victim or of a service due to a member of the public in the case of a public officer;


such advances or requests have the effect of interfering with the alleged victim's work or educational performance or creating an offensive working or learning environment for the alleged victim or denial of a service due to the member of the


public from a public office.

-11A. Indecent act with adult :-Any person who commits an indecent act with an adult is guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or a fine not exceeding fifty thousand shillings or to both.

-21. Incest by female persons:- The provisions of section 20 shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to any female person who commits an indecent act or act which causes penetration with a male person who is to her knowledge her son, father, grandson grand father, brother, nephew or uncle.

(C.):-( )

-Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment occurs generally in the form of sexual advances, such as: requests for sexual favors, vulgar language, inappropriate gestures and jokes, and displaying offensive pictures.
-Consent in Sexual Assault must be a voluntary, sober, informed, mutual and verbal agreement to the given sexual contact.
-Consent cannot be coerced and must be present at each step of every sexual encounters; it can never be assumed or implied ; and there is also no requirement that the victim fight back against the perpetrator.
-Criminal Sexual Assault Charges: In criminal court, the government seeks to punish a sexual assault defendant for the unwanted sexual touching done to a victim. The victim will usually participate and assist the government in their case through witness testimony, but they are not a party and do not have a say in the direction of the case that the prosecution decides to pursue.
-The burden that the government must prove is that the defendant sexually assaulted the victim beyond a reasonable doubt. 

The outcome of a criminal sexual assault case if a guilty or not guilty verdict by the jury. If the defendant is found to be not guilty, they can walk free and are innocent in the eyes of the law. If the verdict is guilty, however, they are punished by incarceration, probation, or can be required to pay the victim for any financial harms they incurred as a result of the sexual assault. The sentencing hearing happens after the guilty verdict is announced by the court.

-What is an assault? An assault is the attempt or threat to inflict offensive physical contact or bodily harm on another person, which puts them in immediate danger of or in apprehension of that harm. Examples of assault include: (a.)-Threats of sexual assault and (b.)-Attempts to sexually touch another person.

-What is a battery? A battery is a completed assault. It is the unlawful physical contact with another person so has not consented to that contact. While assault only requires the threat of physical contact, battery requires that physical contact actually happens. Examples of battery include:

(a.)-Unwanted sexual touching ; (b.)-Rape ; (c.)-Forcible Sodomy; (d.)-Forcible Object Insertion; (e.)-Martial Rape ; (f.)-Sexual contact with minors (consensual or nonconsensual) ; (g.)-Incest

-What is intentional infliction of emotional distress? The law does not just recognize physical harm, but emotional harm as well. Intentional infliction of emotional distress occurs when the perpetrator recklessly or intentionally acted in an extreme or outrageous way that actually caused the victim severe emotional distress.

-Sexual Assault is an offense where a person engages a victim in unwanted sexual touching.

-The victim has the opportunity to sue the person who sexually assaulted them for claims such as intentional infliction of emotional distress as a result of the trauma and negligent infliction of emotional distress for failing to take action to prevent the continued sexual assault or trauma.


 -AN ACT of Parliament to provide for the protection and relief of victims of domestic violence; to provide for the protection of a spouse and any children or other dependent persons, and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto;

-"dwelling house" includes any mobile home or other means of shelter, placed or erected upon any land and intended for occupation on that land;

-"emotional, verbal or psychological abuse" means a pattern of degrading or humiliating conduct towards the applicant, including but not limited to the following— (a) repeated insults, ridicule or name-calling; and (b) repeated threats to cause emotional pain.

-"harassment" means engaging in a pattern of conduct that induces in an applicant the fear of imminent harm, including— (a) watching or loitering outside or near the building or place where the applicant resides, works, carries on business, studies or happens to be; (b) repeated contact or attempts to contact the applicant by telephone, electronic means, post or otherwise, whether or not a conversation ensues; and (c) sending, delivering or causing the delivery of offensive or abusive documents or offensive objects to the applicant;

-"intimidation" includes uttering or conveying a threat or causing an applicant to receive a threat which includes a fear of imminent harm to the applicant;

-"physical abuse" includes any act or threatened act of physical violence towards the applicant;

-"stalking" includes pursuing or accosting a person;

- Meaning of domestic violence. In this Act, "violence" means (a) abuse that includes:- (i) child marriage; (ii) female genital mutilation; (iii) forced marriage; (iv) forced wife inheritance; (v) interference from in-laws; (vi) sexual violence within marriage; (vii) virginity testing; and (viii) widow cleansing; 

-(b) damage to property; (c) defilement; (d) depriving the applicant of or hindering the applicant from access to or a reasonable share of the facilities associated with the applicant's place of residence; (e) economic abuse; (f) emotional or psychological abuse; (g) forcible entry into the applicant's residence where the parties do not share the same residence; (h) harassment; (i) incest; (j) intimidation; (k) physical abuse; (l) sexual abuse; (m) stalking; (n) verbal abuse; or (o) any other conduct against a person, where such conduct harms or may cause imminent harm to the safety, health, or well-being of the person.

-(2) "Domestic violence", in relation to any person, means violence against that person, or threat of violence or of imminent danger to that person, by any other person with whom that person is, or has been, in a domestic relationship.

(E.):-( )

-The Meaning of Domestic Violence under the PDVA The first part of the PDVA is dedicated to definitions. Of importance to any person who wishes to use this Act to get reliefs in court is the definition of domestic violence. The Act defines domestic violence in three parts. First, it defines violence, then, it defines domestic violence, and finally defines the term domestic relationship. The term violence is defined in section 3 of the PDVA to include abuse that include child marriage, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, forced wife inheritance, interference from widows, sexual violence within marriage, virginity testing and widow cleansing.

-Through this provision, the PDVA clearly shows the desire of the drafters of the law to categorize harmful cultural practices, especially against women as domestic violence. It is, therefore, correct to state that this law is meant to provide protection against harmful cultural practices. While this is laudable, it presents some problems when it comes to litigation. The PDVA also defines violence to include acts such as damage to property, defilement, hindering applicant access to facilities, economic abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, forcible entry, harassment, incest, intimidation, physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse and any other act that may cause harm to the safety, health and well-being of the person.

-Domestic violence is defined as violence as described above, or the threat of such violence by a person who has or had a domestic relationship with the victim.

-Kenya's Protection from Domestic Violence Act 2015 recognizes both a single act and a pattern of behavior, even when these acts when considered in isolation may appear to be minor or trivial.

-The third part of the definition of domestic violence involves the definition of the domestic relationship. This is crucial to litigations under the Act as it delineates who the potential perpetrator could be. It is the distinguishing factor between normal run–of-the-mill criminals and the special ones who fall under this Act. The perpetrators here must have at some point enjoyed a domestic relationship with the victim. According to the definition, a person is in a domestic relationship with another if these people are married, have previously been married, are living in the same household, are members of a family member, are engaged to be married or have previously been engaged, have a child together, or enjoy a close personal relationship. In the definition of the domestic relationship, the Act has provided guidance as to who may not be regarded as being in a domestic relationship with a complainant. These include persons who are connected to the complainant only through a landlord-tenant relationship, employer-employee relationship or simply because they occupy the same dwelling house.

-This criterion is also used to describe people who may not be considered as sharing a household for the purposes of creating a domestic relationship or a close personal relationship. As to determining what a close personal relationship is, the drafters provided some guidance to the courts, which were in no way restrictive as to what to consider when determining that there exists a close personal relationship between the litigants before it. The court may consider the nature and intensity of the relationshipthat is, the time spent together, the place or places where this time is spent and the manner in which the time is spent.

-As such the PADVA protects all those affected by violence or the threat of violence and its provisions address both domestic violence and violence outside close relationships. The Act also offers protection against undue harassment in the form of stalking.

-The European Court of Human Rights has held states responsible for violation of the right to life in cases of domestic violence where state organs, such as the Police, the Director of Public Prosecutions and the State, failed to act to effectively protect victims of domestic violence making them responsible for the physical and psychological harms inflicted by the perpetrators."

-Violence violates the right to life, the right to be protected from torture and inhuman and degrading treatment, the right to equal protection of the law, the right to liberty and security of the person, the right to the highest attainable standards of mental and physical health among others. 

-Many human right scholars have categorized domestic violence as a specific human rights violation comparing in terms of its gravity to torture or terrorism, and as such the State then cannot escape its duty to protect, promote, and fulfil its mandate just as it is obligated for other human rights.

Introduction From Way Back In 2021
[1.]:- The latest turn of events has been brought forth by a conspiratorial pattern of continuous violations of the law by the mentioned accused in the title notice-of-motion above concerning a repeated series-of-crimes in which the most recent happened on the 5th of August 2021 for which I went to formally file the complaints after drafting on Saturday the 7th August 2021 at Migori Police Station at a snail's pace cause of the exhausting extreme hunger-torture ritual-cycles I was still recovering  from; and where the Front-Desk told me to go to the crimes office who directed me to return on the following day [ 8/08/2021 ] because of renovations that were taking place.
[2]:-The above was soon followed with impunity by this most recent event that occurred on 19th, 20th & 22nd August 2021 touching on the pygmy farmhand Victor briefed as harassment with regards to stalking, pursuing and/or accosting, and sometimes while brandishing a machete apparently under the instructions of his hire AP Police Owino; for which Pamela Mango subsequently  retorted in asides in Luo that,"Wachadhi wate," meaning, "We're hacking you all together," echoing ex-Chief Amara's proclamations.
[3.]:- Fast rewind to June 2012 where I was wrongfully and unlawfully arrested, detained, prosecuted, jailed & relocated / evicted / transported  to Migori by Uhuru's Mombasa Municipal Council police conveniently-animistically called Ikenya plus Swaleh and another third one violating my rights to liberty.
[4.]:- Migori Police Station sent me to the Crimes-Office for the Officer investigating my case a Mr. Maroko ( 0721447996) who also deridingly referred to me as 'mlevi' as he consulted with the OCS } who asked me the particulars of my case and upon deliberations asked for witnesses whom I clarified there were basically none apart from me since most of the neighborhood is part-and-parcel of the larger conspiracy. Thus in collaboration with the OCS they referred my case to DAPC Migori since It touched on AP police Owino. DAPC listened and clarified that first of all they got no AP called Owino in their Suna database but that nonetheless Migori Police Station should arrest the individual Victor booked in the OB regarding the latest crime in the series of the criminal-conspiracy and thereafter if there's any conspiracy it'll be for them the Police to determine. The In-Charge of Crime and the OCS said they couldn't start to arrest Victor, the alleged offender without any witness!
[5.]:-So I cited "Section 24 of the Evidence Act" which provides that :- Notwithstanding provisions of Section 19 of the 'Oaths and Statutory Declaration Act Cap. 15, where the evidence of the alleged victim's admitted in accordance with that Section on behalf of the prosecution in proceedings against any person for an offence, the accused shall not be liable to be convicted of such evidence unless it's corroborated by other material-evidence in support thereof implicating him, provided that where in a criminal case involving a sexual-offence the only evidence is that of the alleged victim of the offence; the court shall receive the evidence of the alleged victim and proceed to convict the accused person, if for reasons to be recorded in the proceedings the court's satisfied that the alleged victim's telling the truth.
[6.]:-Thus I told them I'll seek audience with the ODPP Migori on how to go about the matter of bringing the culprits to book and stop this continuous violations of a series of crimes with impunity since the same excuse has been given repeatedly whenever I went to complain against the conspiracy criminals including Peter and Pamela Mango who repeatedly exploit the fact of there being only three of us in their house except for the maids who pop in-and-out severally. Hence I urged concerned authorities to have the cited Section above implemented and start the wheels-of-justice moving; as I went to consult with the ODPP Migori on the way forward.
[7.]:-The first defendant is Victor the AP cop's farm-hand on August 10, 2021 mark-timed me to wonna borrow a knife from the kiosk he wanted to cut a 30l bottle's neck { when he said for my ears "Mistaki kujua," meaning, "I don't care," } for which as I filled my 1.5l bottle, he got finished and wanted to brush past my 'buttocks' as he passed behind me insultingly suggestively like the conspirators members have pre-monitioned; forcing me to duck thrusting my waist forward as I stood-upright quickly to avoid any touches. ;
-On 19th August 2021 is when this rude stump of a Victor began his confrontational accosting wanting to walk straight into my path for a physical brush-up so as to trigger the heinous murderous plans the witches'-nest has. Thus the additional charge regards the stalking harassments contrary to the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act 2015 as regards threats of violence or imminent danger by someone including people who live together; as was indicated by ex-Chief Amara. 
-AP cop Owino's kids names 'Victor & Linet' are also the names of Peter and Pamela Mango's kids which further reflect the criminal conspiracy since the former were late entrants; besides the contagion-animism witchcraft attribution of 'animate-power subjectivity' sentience demonstrated by the criminal-conspiracy and sex-crimes both having been committed by Victor & his father and now vehemently being committed by AP cop Owino and  his farm-hand or son Victor.
Below are the chronology of events that took place in a descending order:-
30/09/2021:- Briefly the police officer handling my case Mr. Maroko stuck with the most recent charges regarding threats of violence or imminent danger as was booked on the 23rd August 2021 under ( OB 61/23/08/2021 at 1740hrs ) whereby he took my statement on the facts and details of the case then I was told I'll be contacted for further details.
                     The Migori Police Station OCS summons above got to a rendezvous with police officer Mr. Maroka { at the Records Office } who recollected about the last two times I'd gone to report the series-of-crimes law-violations... [ }...Deliberations with Migori Police Station concluded with need for clarifications on evidence & witnesses I'll seek with ODPP Migori tomorrow as regards criminal-conspiracy and criminal sexual conduct charges against village AP's farm-hand Victor, the AP police and Pamela Mango; while the incomplete-update for the Uhuru-Raila chief-defendants and criminal co-conspirators due to wanting resources have the links are below. Otherwise, I complained over the crimes-office cop Maroko {0721447996} for unjustifiably derogatorily calling me 'Mlevi' with 988-sms; 1559-IPOA's obsolete. SOS. ] ...and asked whether anybody had harassed mepoorol'self to which I responded that except for the verbal slighting when he referred to mepoorol'self as a 'mlevi' { before the OCS-and- Migori Police Station which was harmfully derogatory to my reputation and public image } without any corroborations or substantiating for the same; and making me thus suspiciously read ulterior motives and/or malice as regards the broader conspiracy and smear-campaign, there wasn't any other instance of physical harassment or otherwise. 
                         Police officer Mr. Maroka also sought clarifications on where Uhuru-and-Raila came-in and I explained the broader criminal-conspiracy since Mombasa Municipal cop Ikenya's wrongful arrest, detention, jail, bail to forced transportation, the accident and its attempted cover-up. 
                        Policeman Maroka inquired { now we'd relocated to the Crimes Office } then over the threat-charge I'd leveled against Victor the Chamkombe-Village AP policeman's farmhand and the feedback after he'd sent me to the AP Headquarters Migori for which I detailed him what had transpired as I reported back and found the OCS and In-Charge-of-Crime in his place where we agreed I'll make further consultations with the ODPP Migori as regards the way forward with regards to Section124 Evidence Law Act that exempts sole-witness testimonies to be admissible provided they're corroborated by material evidence in victim cases of criminal sexual offences like mine; and that I'd asked the ODPP for more time print-out hard-copies of the same since I'll have to be flashing well-wishers. { }
                        Thus police officer Mr. Maroka prepared the charge-sheet ready to record my statement for which I asked him that though I have the details whether it would be convenient for him if I supplied him with the hard-copies which I'd already printed-out after changing my approach to wonna be charging criminals one-by-one; and he acquiesced telling me to bring the hard copies tomorrow for convenience in relaying the specific details. The hard-copy I'll print-out is below subject to any latest updates after I corroborate with the other print-outs I'd left in the residence:-
NB:- Quote { } Criminal sexual conducts in families is rarely discussed for the stigma & taboo 'cept for evident pregnancy cases like in Makadara Law Courts Nairobi where a Pastor successfully impregnated 1 of his 2 daughters he'd been sleeping-with for nights-on-end. In 1531 Martin Luther revealed Pope Leo X had vetoed a measure that Cardinals restrict the no. of boys they kept for pleasure for otherwise, it would've spread globally how openly & shamelessly the Pope & Cardinals in Rome practice sodomy. Thus the difficulty in measuring sexual harassments or abuse cause of human nature to not generally discuss the sticky-issue for the stigma & shame ; hence in Chile Pope Francis first un-acceptingly accused victims of fabricating allegations before apologizing for his tragic-error & finally later expressing shame-&-horror for the tragic history. I urge the CJ Maraga to not let community & church leaders plus the police fail to stop criminal sexual misconducts including assaults, gender-undermining's, humiliations, incestuous-&-homosexual harassments.
Thus additionally, the most recent continuous violations-of-the-law series-of-crimes by the adversely mentioned perpetrators below include now on { the others numerous instances will be added later subject to resources }:-
(a.):- 21-05-2022- As demonstrated in one of my lawsuits that Uhuru's a jealousy GLBTQ-Occultist bent on turning my sexual-orientation into an un-straight 'married but gay' fellow like him and his pawn-witch Peter Mango as incriminated by his linking 'Brookside Dairy Jacket;' and Uhuru's bosom-buddy of his former hang-out at Carnivore-Club Nairobi the self-confessed 'married but gay' Eng. Emmanuel Edgar Sirma; plus his Mombasa-County ( formerly Municipal Council ) cop ( animistically-conveniently named ) Ikenya's insulting-proposal to cohabit with a weirdo male of his choosing, besides welcoming me to Lamu in Migori where their paid accomplices led by Uhuru's pawn-witches routinely homosexually harass me; another's a delinquent juvenile ( perhaps it's taken an ID but I doubt it ever saw the inside of a classroom... it looks like a brute ) even till yesterday along the KPLC Kisii's errand-boy / boiled egg-seller's path whereby he's formed the habit of insultingly stalking me directly hurriedly up close to my back ( i.e. bumper-to-bumper ) which he then by-passes me to go urinate at the wall-fence's corner of the home-stead path leading along to the yellow-banana Kissi woman's ( of the above-the-rim indecent-exposure sexual-stimulation / 'ngotha'-seller ).
-I think he's a Kisii cause this follows as a chain-consequence of the next homosexual-harassment below dated [ 21-05-2022 at 1003hrs:- Pawn-witches continue the hunger-tortures with peristalsis-triggering maize-beans mix I gotta forgo and deplete the last 20/- bob on 4-'mandazis' and water till supper. Rags un-washable SOS.  
( )(b.):-20-05-2022-It's recorded of how the KPLC Kisii neighbor when he'd jus' settled in the neighborhood with his humpty-dumpty wife and was constructing some additional rentals, sent one of the masons to come out of the construction site and come urinate on the fence bordering the pawn-witches abode where I currently reside, next to the washrooms, mark-timing me as I was coming from the assigned-sleeping quarters headed towards the bathroom to bath, with intentions to indecently-expose his penis across the fence in the same manner Uhuru's pawn-witch the 'married-but-gay' Peter Mango did live as depicted in the attached photos; though like the weirdo-herder ( probably of ex-Chief Amara who I recorded I'd berated for ogling at my torso as I buttoned my shirt from bathing ) shown in the attached photos herding the cattle away along the path outside the fence, the hedge overgrowth on the fence hazed any exposure like they would've wished, 'cept for the noise of the urine as it splattered across the fence;
-Hence on this date above a certain nincompoop accomplice was sent and mark-timed me as I was sun-bathing from bathing to dry close to the fence around 1700hrs ... to again in the manner of the masons above urinate noisily adjacently close to me at the back from the fence while farting loudly as well before walking away and entering the KPLC Kisii's residence. It's not my premises and the least I could do was jus' spit loudly for the GLBTQ-pawn to hear; but the message was taken... especially when the delinquent-juvenile above took over the next day to stalk, by-pass the urinate on the corner as recorded above!
(c.):-19-05-2022 On this date AP cop Owino's daughter Linet mark-times me at the kiosk water-point after several such instances and then again greats me in as many days as I've recorded I tried to severally repulse her and her mother's attempts at any socializations cause of the issues it's raised in this case so far; fed-up / tired, I obliged for once making an exception and replied, "Fine thank you," though I've assumed her any more time and will have to remind her again of my policies 'regarding sleeping with the enemy' as far as she's an interested-party / defendant in this case; till it's heard and determined. I'll fill up the other occasions details subject to resources in due course though it's noteworthy to note that the KPLC Kisii's humpty-dumpty wife's also made socialization attempts at the same water-kiosk asking why I no longer greet or talk to her to which I'd replied they were parties to a case I've reported at Migori Police Station and if she would like the details in black-and-white to come prepared the next day which she absconded and later-on I summarized it to avoiding socializing with peoples' wives unless it's serious biz ( jus' to make a long story short ) since it ain't the time or place; besides it being an insulting mockery knowing they're the puppeteer-accomplices on instructions of Uhuru's pawn-witches the quickie-prostitute and 'married but gay'-husband ( substantiated technical descriptive terms ).
Thus, such is the direct relationship between the 'hunger tortures starvations' and the peak in 'homosexual harassment'-strategy akin to that of the real life-time blood-sucking vampire convict Phillip Ondari Onyancha convict ; whereby the one-meal-ration-a-day extreme hunger-torture starvations are geared to render me defenseless ( I'm supposed to melt into jelly and/or turn the other cheek when they and their homosexual pawn-witches harass me ) with intentions to execute their mob 'homosexual-harassments or machete-hacking death-trap' like was already sanctioned by ex-Chief Amara on behalf of Uhuru-and-Raila / the GoK and/or change my sexual-orientation into an un-straight 'married but gay' fellow in alignment with their Bori / GLBTQ and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge occults for which the most recent interlinking starvation episodes as recorded in my blog and written to civil-society-groups are detailed below:-
-24-05-2022 at 2148hrs:- Death Row. From cybers (email's dysfunctional) they'd cooked early; slept half-hungry on avocado, 'mandazis', H2O. SOS. [ It's now official the GoK, Uhuru and Raila by proxy of their pawn-witches the quickie-prostitute and gay-husband (substantiated) begin for the 2nd day running one-meal-ration-a-day extreme hunger-torture starvations to render me defenseless ( I'm supposed to melt into jelly and/or turn the other cheek when they and their homosexual pawn-witches harass me ) with intentions to change my sexual-orientation into an un-straight 'married but gay' fellow in alignment with their Bori / GLBTQ and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge occults; as the pawn-witches eat their brunch and leave for town / carry-on with their biz. Flashing friends and well-wishers hourly. SOS.
-The Links Below Demonstrate How The Ritual-Killings Like My Sanctioned-and-Attempted Case Are Culturally Carried-Out In Migori

(d.):- On 19-04-2022 around 1746hrs as I went to fill my water-bottle another of jealousy AP cop Owino's feral sons mark-times me with 3 other guys along the path of their stalls with the son going into the barber's and on my way back up one of the 3 guys walks across to make a gap forcing me to pass in-btw which's another subliminal threat.
(e.):- 18-04-2022 at 1738hrs :- As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of OB61/23/08/2021 on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and PADVA of 2015, murderous-conspirator AP cop Owino's bimbo daughter Linet's still itching mark-timing my water-refiling to pour a cup-of-liquid across my path up the slope; same as was once done by the boiled-eggs seller from the barber's where another feral accomplice homosexually harassed me twice pretentiously this month at the water kiosk tugging my patience before quitting.
(f.):- 29-03-2022 at 1130hrs numb-skull AP cop Owino sent his feral / savage farm-hand Victor again to follow me in a kiosk I was taking a cup of tea to push the pawn-witches' four-'mandazis' down with since they don't take the tabled tea; and on leaving Victor stands at the door and looks back insultingly leering at me as nincompoop AP Owino watches from his construction site. I assume him and feigns spitting in disgust sideways before he leaves.
(g.):- 24-03-2022 at 2120hrs whereby AP cop Owino still brings it on with his primitive farm-hand Victor way-laying me to harshly cross my path diagonally at around 1915hrs as I came from the town's cyber-café; in a manner suggesting as before that the witches'-nest kangaroo-court is organizing crime like sanctioned by ex-Chief Amara that they're going to kill me through all means necessary including by a machete-hacking gang and/or by rat/food-poisoning.
-More will be added in due course subject to resources.
You will agree with me nonetheless that the witches'-nest are as cowardly as a pack of scavenger-hyenas targeting a starving-and-dehydrated fellow like me while they eat three square meals a day; all in ill-attempts to transgender my straight sexual-orientation contrary to theirs of Lamu / Bondo-Usenge aka Bori / GLBTQ 'married-but-gay' 'mixed orientation marriages;' corroborated by the fact that the homosexual-harassments, insults and challenges to a fist-fight brawl are the trigger trap the primitive-strength savages are laying to wonna ambush me in their brute numbers.
In between the two incidents above many others abound that will take time to peruse in my blog and highlight for want of resources including time and money. And then again Victor, same as another of AP cop Owino's boys called 'Small' have resorted to a new endeavor of mark-timing my paths in town either as I go or as I come back to Chamkombe with like yesterday 8th April 2022 'Small' chiding me pointedly with his palms as he obviously back-bit with another fellow he was with ; while two-or-three days back 'twas Victor who came on my path as I went to town searching to lock-eyes with me which for a feral, chimp-sized brained rudimentary-brute who probably never saw the inside of a classroom, I can't bring myself to stoop-to! I instead chose to look across the road making a wide berth and spitting as the dwarf banana-stalk of a stump passed-by!
Linet, AP cop Owino's primitive bimbo has been mocking me pretending to match mm path directly ( with palms edged like she's doing a cat-walk ) whenever I come down on my way to town or in search of water but I've largely ignored her cause besides not being my type I can't afford to date cause of the status-quo and my vows as recorded elsewhere that "I don't give a hoot 'bout Migori women especially Luos 'cept perhaps for one night-stands which if they don't mind the imposed rags-and-tatters they can proceed to book a lodge for the nights without any strings attached since my priority ladies are Europeans, European-Americans or descendant African-Americans." Hence yesterday the 8th of April 2022 at dusk around 1920hrs as I came from town Linet had some motor-cyclist aka boda-boda guy flash his headlights suddenly on me as I climbed the slope and while I covered my face somehow to get my bearings that's when the feral daughter ( taking the village from a person is hard ) crisscrossed my path like Victor did on 24th March 2022 as indicated above signaling the same stalking-threats, albeit subtly.
                                They're animists and so whatever crime the savages wonna commit they'll first make impressions of the same on the target conveying the message of their intentions before they strike home.; the reason why I'd to go report to Migori Police Station on the status-quo of my compromised 
OB61/23/08/2021 most probably cause AP cop Owino is a fellow policeman and/or cause the case I've against them is interconnected with the broad lawsuit which's adversely mentioned other cops incriminating them in the wider criminal-conspiracy. If they quote the same excuses cited below regarding witnesses [ Some of the material evidences corroborating my criminal-sexual offences in support of my testimony evidence as the sole victim-witness in a case marred by conspiracy and counter-conspiracy besides exploitation of the fact that we're usually only three in the house of Peter and Pamela Mango; is in the attached photos ]I'll have to wait till I get enough resources to print the suit including photos-evidences and present it to the ODPP-Migori and/or e-file it with ICMS and charge as well the complacent / complicit cops in-charge of the investigation and prosecution.
                          Otherwise, as I wait for my 10yrs 8-months delayed-justice and risking embezzlement Kihara-Construction accident evidence-destruction / spoliation 10m+ damages criminal-conspiracy case gathering dust now with the Ombudsman Kisumu, I'll be grateful for spare cash or donations to sustain my 'hanging-on-a-string existence' threatened by Uhuru-and-Raila ritual killings and / or to enable me draft and file my criminal conspiracy case against the duo chief-defendants & their co-accomplices conspirators ( }. SOS.

The other accomplice co-conspirators include:-
[1.]- Two well-known touts as recorded with Safaricom then ;

[2.]:-A taxi-driver of vehicles { KCP 348F } and { KCL 749G } ;

[3.]:-The village boiled-egg seller ;

[4.]:-Ex-Chief Amara's herd's boy ;

[5.]:-Victor Mango and his father Peter Mango and mother Pamela Mango ;

[6.]:-Ex-panties seller banana-yellow Kisii wife and his husband ;

[7.]:-KPLC Kisii neighbor, his wife, their masons and errand-boy ;

[8.]:-KPLC Kisii neighbor / Peter and Pamela Mango delinquent-juvenile errand-boy ;

[9.]:-The latest masons building a house adjacent to my assigned sleeping-quarters ;

-On August 20th, 2021 between 1000hrs-1100hrs as I was chatting with some neighbor chap after filling my 1.5l bottle, AP police passed us waving a greeting at the chap as he went to his tenants rentals; from where Victor emerged later to come passing behind us in an (encircling manner as opposed to AP who'd passed in front) his eyes directed at me which scaringly made me suspicious ever since his kin Linet had called him for a machete he often wields as he hedges the fence or on his ups and downs about the farm as he crosses my path subliminally keeping the threat constant; and like he'd asked Sonia the water-kiosk woman to pass him a knife as recorded. I stuck to him from the corner of my eye ascertaining he wasn't gonna pull a surprise on me from behind with a knife-stub or something! A fact that was echoed by Pamela Mango when she later retorted in asides that evening, "Wachadhi wate," meaning "We're hacking you all of us," thus echoing ex-Chief Amara's proclamations. Remember in the precedent record I'd to duck his (Victor's) indecent-assault at the Kiosk as he said,"Mistaki kujua," meaning, "He doesn't care," though ambiguously the 'Mistaki' also is a lament referring to my having reported the AP in two complaints now.
-On August 22nd, 2021 between 1650hrs-1700hrs, Victor the AP police farm-hand and alleged son [ as per whispers ] threatened me again via the now repetitive behavior-pattern of accosting, stalking and encircling me, like he wanted to march right  through in-front of my path for a physical confrontation [ in spite of his short pygmy stump  physique signaling the broader conspiracy back-up of co-conspirators / accomplices ] as I  made a corner at the kiosk from filling my 1.5l bottle of complimentary piped water; before he side-stepped to enter the adjacent barber's rubbing his hands together like he was brushing-off dirt. He was lying across the path initially as came for the water leering at me forcing me to spit in response as I passed by ;
-This harassment he's sometimes done while brandishing a machete { under the excuse of being a farm-hand } apparently under the instructions of his hire the AP Police ; for which Pamela Mango has retorted in asides that,"Wachadhi wate," meaning, "We're hacking you all together." ;
-Still on August 28, 2021 at around 1930hrs rude Victor still accosted me as I came from filling my 1.5l bottle at the water-kiosk waiting till I was done before rushing up the road-side behind me with a long rod pointedly mumbling / murmuring some words I couldn't get as I looked behind to see what commotion was coming up.

The Main Background of The Charges 
[8.]:-The second defendant starting with the  AP's supposed wife came out of the blues for since June 2012 after the Mombasa-Municipal-Council police Ikenya unlawfully transported me to Migori exclaiming, "Karibu Lamu" on arrival signifying the Lamu / Bondo-Usenge & Bori / GLBTQ+ renown 'Married But Gay'-'Mixed Orientation Marriages,' I'd never seen or heard-of-her nowhere till this year 2021 when after  the AP cop having developed-expanded his residential-&-shops real estate and let one apparently for his family to run-a-mill.
-She's a prank-call, 'widow spider,' psychic-vampire-witch who sexually stimulated me the unsuspecting victims into now this what's become a tragic death-trap akin to what convicted real lifetime blood-sucking vampire Phillip Ondari Onyancha who led his dates to their deaths did!
-Sitting by their family-mill she started stop-calling me every time I passed-by down the slope on my way to the shops or to fill my 1.5l bottle with complimentary water or on my trek to town; either for customary greetings and / or 'small talk' niceties / pleasantries which though surprised at first at a total stranger's beckoning I gradually took heartily as I eased to her unceasing good-natured neighborliness; not knowing she was calculating her moves to wonna gradually turn intimate.
-Besides grinding flour from grains mostly maize she also begun selling second hand clothes which  she once put to my notice I think after noting the dehumanizing rags-&-tatters that Pamela Mango and her conman, embezzlement-paganism brother-thief Charles Ooko have defamed me into after the later stole my 5 brand new, long-sleeved, plain Blazer shirts; 5 second-hand trousers; a pair of brand new bed-sheets; a brand new towel & slippers I'd temporarily left with him in Changamwe claiming they'd burnt down in his go-down where he'd stored them with other goods; yet he refused to compensate me for them preferring he buys and sends me replacements in a bundle by bus which I refused suspecting witchcraft besides the slight undermining ; I promised to come buy her clothes once I got paid my accident damages since I wasn't earning nothing then or generating any income ;  Our friendship developed.
- Thus while still gauging where to place this out-of-the-blues good-natured stranger, she begun dazzling me in puzzling ways, the ones that make your-jaw-drop, e.g. like mar timing me one day as I came back from town up the slope to come out of a short-call behind the hedge-fence of their compound farm-plot adjacent to their mill and was jus' propping-up..! I blinked and assumed the usual exchange greetings. Her view was hazed by the hedge-thicket from outside but visible from their first floor on the outside. I gave it the benefit of ambiguity that could be she was suggesting something rather 'bout one of her supposed daughters (Linet) who was there instead; 
-Only to be surprised later on on another day when she crossed to meet me close on the pathway at a whispering distance as I came from filling my 1.5l bottle of  complimentary water to after niceties to remark that she thinks I should have a pot; to which I replied that that wasn't necessary cause a pot's kinda permanent while I intend to relocate to Nairobi once I get paid my accident damages & is through with litigating some of my broader lawsuit cases whose jurisdiction falls in Migori; and that as such I ain't keeping no permanent stuff. 
-All these while she was at a patting-as-you-talk whispering distance close range, yet bearing in mind the subliminal messaging she'd sent with her propping-up as she came from urinating; and now that she'd come that close. Yet she was making an inquisitive suggestion as to why I shouldn't stop filling the 1.5l bottle daily to which I narrated to her how with impunity the filthy witch 'Turpins' (Peter and Pamela Mango let the dog drink from the same roof-top rainwater being harvested then store it for domestic use including drinking, cooking & washing utensils. This for s'body who can splash one of her way-ward daughters Linet who sires bastards each with a different sower, with up to 50,000/- in a month besides paying her rent, shopping, bastards school fees & rent; for a loose-daughter who'd duped them she'd gone to Saudia while she was selling her wares at ( ) since defunct ( rd: genetic-imprints, like-mother like-daughter ).
- The remarks & close, small talk were a follow-up on the 'married but gay'-witch Peter Mango who'd mark-timed my going to fill the 1.5l bottle to go to the shop/water-kiosk ahead of me and was now headed back up the slope; Sonia the shopkeeper where I'd gone to fill water had previously remarked-asked that that was my 'father?' ; to which I in summary narrated the 14+ OBs at Migori Police Station including the homosexual harassments & how she couldn't trust him with her boys...being part of the reasons why we were done!
-Hence it's obvious that this scene was organized, meaning I was the outside party! It's the witches'-nest trading their craft and this incident's another proof-example of the criminal conspiracies and counter-conspiracies illustrating the imminent malicious-aforethought intentions to commit criminal overt acts repeatedly ; and for which they were fully aware of the outcomes of their premeditated actions. Thus there were agreements between the alliance members to commit crimes as deduced from the actions and vows of the defendant-parties involved which can further be corroborated through forensic audits of the accused / defendants' SMSs & phone calls transcripts.
-Before the urinating / prop-up incident she'd once met me as I came from town up the slope to alight from a boda-boda motorcycle taxi she was coming-with past the AP's home-stead gate, with a 'back-stretched leg' the way a typical mounts a 'black mamba' bicycle. 
-On the other hand the self-bleaching Pamela Mango's (defendant no. 8b.) urinating in a standing position like a Bori / GLBTQ Hausa to mischievously expose her filthy nudity to me for witchcraft intentions {like's denoted in the footnotes of  the "Salem Witch Trials" still underscores the criminal-conspiracies consent-agreement meetings her rubber-stamp signature of  'mischievous-exposures of nudity' by this AP cop's supposed wife illustrates; same as Sonia's 'thumb-index' along-the-groin / vagina measure-gesture call as was be submitted!
-After the subliminal short-call & the benefit-of-ambiguity, the AP's daughter Linet once came around Sonia's shop where I'd gone to fill my 1.5l of water and was having 4 samosas when the samosa-girl asked her for a sip of the Fanta soda she was carrying saying she was thirsty to which she jokingly replies that she have some of the water I was carrying instead given water quenches thirst better! But the sexy-point was taken: that of girls thirsting for water which I could as well provide if megood'olself was willing. Thus was planted the idea that I could get a nail. So the ambiguity prevailed and relieved me of any worry-ful thoughts about somebody's wife and their nudity!
-All these times I was reserved all along though and never extended handshakes till one day I passed-by absent-mindedly not having noticed her before I heard her remark something to the extent that "she was noticing that that day I was just passing without any greetings," to which I excused my absent-mindedness saying I thought 'twas her daughters known to usually gather in stories and sometimes each with male company: a pair of 1 to 5 couples at any time. Thus did I retrace my steps to come and greet them including her daughter Linet and a short, plump 'farm-hand / menial tasks' fellow called Victor; though I greeted them with the back of the hand because of coronavirus  precautions. 
-The nailing-availability was further reinforced by Linet's supposed father the AP cop subliminally through an asides-remark as I went to fill my 1.5l bottle one morning and saw her coming out of their gate headed for the shops with her tiny waist / slender legs in display as she walked. On my way back up the slope I hear the AP cop behind the hedge-fence apparently busy with some of his workers exclaim, "Kanyaga!," which under context implied a 'cock-hen' mounting-affair... coming from behind the hedge-thicket the AP cop's supposed wife had squatted for a short-call before mark-timing to meet me as she propped-up { an incident which further indicates the criminal-conspiracies agreements-and-consent meetings }; thus the ambiguity was further confirmed same as the realization that he'd probably been watching from their one-story floor house!
-When I managed to buy a 'new' second-hand trouser replacing one of  the last 3 worn-out over-sewn rags-&-tatters trousers, Linet the AP's was there within their hedge-thickets compound exclaiming, "Smart, smart" in asides perhaps in plays with her infant though I knew she was referencing to my new 2nd-hand jeans trouser cause she'd been there when her mother invited me to buy her clothing seeing the dehumanizing-defamations rags-&-tatters I was walking-in.... { when you add that to the Fanta-and-water thirsts incidents.. you get it that the girl's making a pass on me }.
-Between 12th and 17th April 2021  things took a turn for the worse one evening as I climbed up the slope back from town when I burst out laughing after spotting Linet sitting by their mill in the company of one of the many male suitors I'd mentioned usually court the sisters sometimes in a pair of 1-5. What cracked my ribs was the irony in the obvious sticky-atmosphere Linet was trying to camouflage in vain since his supposed father the AP cop subliminally through the 'kanyaga'-asides and his wife's behind-the-hedge squat-urinating short-call ambiguity gave me the green light that she was available for pinning; not to mention her water-thirst lewd jokes & 'smart'-asides...; though when she asked my empathetic-self why I was laughing, I  couldn't divulge to her before her guy the sex-thoughts that were going through my mind and so instead pretended that I'd been singing a song in my mind that reminded megoodol'self of something funny! Nonetheless 'twas obvious the couple had read my mind that their sticky-atmosphere they they were trying to camouflage was as see-through clear as a drive-in movie. My empathic-self thought perhaps I was spoiling her chances with a serious suitor and I felt sorry for her being a single mother looking for a serious suitor. 
-Ever since then, her ambiguous interpretation changed her flirting-approach and she thence-forth began speaking through Victor their relative and 'farm-hand /menial-tasks' fellow that since she realized I wasn't keen on courting her on a commitment-basis on a serious-note then she and / or they as a family were on a conflicting-path with me. That's when the KCPE remarks by her mother began including standing persons on my path as I passed their mill in the evenings from town; and Victor the following morning when I learnt his name {as she called him aloud from within the farm severally making the point of his name 'Victor' animistically-close to meaning 'war' / 'vita' in Kiswahili asking him for a machete } begun back-biting me one day as I came from town speaking in Luhya  {they are 'half Luhya-half Luo'} to one of the shopkeepers along the road-front where I noted the word " Hoyo mutu" pointedly referring to me as I passed. Victor, who'd been exchanging greetings with me, stopped. This Victor with another of the AP cop's kid-siblings look-alike son who was making a point of digging something in front of their gate also thus gestured one morning as I went for water that they're blocking my way standing in the middle of the path making one circumvent to pass. The same had been repeated by the Kisii fellow who's banana-ripe yellow wife used to sell inner-wears and had been asked by the neighborhood welder for a 'Ngotha' {pantie} which subliminally in Luo means {'Fuck me'} and thus had been asked for sex; the reason perhaps why she exposed her vagina to me from the rear { in what's known colloquially as 'above-the-rim' } sexually-stimulating mepoor'olself thirsty-me.
-Victor was acting like the family's moth-piece for he usually came next-door to Pamela-and-Peter Mangos' abode neighbor to visit their watchman / menial-tasks houseboy. It's from the path between those two neighbors residents that I heard an aside remark saying, " Nitakuua," meaning "I'll kill you." This was after Victor had spoken behind my back again when with Linet and another of their sister-sibling as I went for water said, "Nitakuchapa kama mtoto wangu," meaning, "I'll cane you like my child," which's why the 'Nitakuua' statement above from the resident across the 'Turpins' caught my attention to reflect a mouth-piece speaking on behalf of the village's AP cop who's also as tall as the said watchman houseboy. Thus did the AP cop raise my eyebrows one afternoon as I was having a late lunch past 1400hrs after the 'Dysfunctional Turpins' ate by themselves that day while I starved; the late lunch was two sticks of 'mishakiki' {3-4 roasted pieces of meat on a wire} at 10/- bob each plus  'kachumbari' {spices including sliced tomato-and-onion pieces} and ugali  {maize meal} at 30/- bob a plate, all thus at 50/-! As I was leaving the premises to trek to town for the cyber-cafes the AP cop drove to a standstill to park by the roadside and alight to cross to apparently one of the hardware along the road for which I wondered what coincidence could've brought him there but 'twas obvious he was snooping on me... whether planning to shoot me as per the 'Nitakuua' asides is anybody's guess but I wasn't taking the subliminal threats lightly putting the preceding events into context. It's obvious this AP cop is thus 'organizing a crime' against me reflecting the GoK's sanctioned death as proclaimed by ex-Chief Amara that they were going to kill me through all means necessary including rat-poisoning or a machete-hacking mob!
-The names Victor-and-Linet the village-AP's daughter-and- farm-hand are also Pamela-and-Peter Mangos' son-and-daughter kids names and thus reflects further the criminal-conspiracies with regards to the witchcraft of contagion-animism... 'Animism' is a particular sensibility and way of relating to other worldly beings where it involves attributing sentience, a latent, invisible, vital-force, force-of-life, to other beings both animate-and-inanimate including persons, animals and places. The doctrine or philosophy of 'animism' rests in the belief that all natural things both animate-and-inanimate like  the sun or thunder or lightning possess a latent, immaterial force including spirits aka souls which can influence human events. }...concerning the attribution of 'animate-power-subjectivity' sentience to the village-AP's-family co-conspirators indicated by the criminal-attacks and sexual-offences committed by Victor, his father Peter Mango and mother Pamela Mango as a family highlighted in the 15+ OBs recorded at Migori Police Station.

Most Recent Continuous-Violations-of-The-Law Series-of- SOA / PADVA Crime Updates
-Archetypal-Content-Projections / Fast Rewind :- 22-05-2022 :-As demonstrated in one of my lawsuits that Uhuru's a jealousy GLBTQ-Occultist hell-bent on turning me un-straight married-but-gay like him-and-his pawn-witch linked by his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' and self-confessed married-but-gay Eng. Emmanuel Edgar Sirma; plus cop Ikenya's insulting-proposal of cohabitation with a choice-male... besides welcoming me to Lamu-in-Migori where their paid LGBTQ secret-society accomplices led by Uhuru's pawn-witches routinely homosexually harass me. Another of late's a creepy-crouching delinquent juvenile who even till yesterday was along the KPLC Kisii's errand-boy / boiled egg-seller's path. [ 21-05-2022 1003hrs:- Pawn-witches continue the hunger-tortures with peristalsis-triggering maize-beans mix I gotta forego and deplete the last 20/- bob on 4-'mandazis' and water till supper. Rags non-washable SOS. [ ) (
-21-03-2023 1829hrs:- Front-Desk after deliberations sent me to the Crimes-Office for I.O. Maroko where they told me to call him and he later sent me to F.D. for a new OB on the latest crimes. F.D. sends me to Dep. OCS who scheduled I.O. Maroko's crime-scene visit. SOS. {19-03-2023 2139hrs:-Brunch's still unsustainable half-a-loaf till supper. (0917hrs:- Slept half-way last night yawning with starvation due to the drastically reduced rations' accumulative hunger-tortures. Otherwise, the update draft-complaints on OB61/23/08/2021 still got repetitions outta computer technical errors for which subject to resources I'll make elaborate typesetting-changes for coherency; same as the daily social-media postings now that most updates have been consolidated in the final OB61/23/08/2021 and can be found there. The photo-evidence exposition can still be found elsewhere in the daily posting-links to my broad lawsuit though I'll collage them into a PDF mosaic for efficiency purposes. SOS ( ( )
-3rd March 2023 1731hrs:- Investigating Officer Maroko traveled home and will call me next Wednesday. He hadn't arrived and was told to call him which previously wasn't a viable option cause he never picked my phone before though this time he picked, I ran outta credit and he'd the time and/or courtesy to call me back, so till 8th March 2023.
-02-02-2023 1031hrs:- A bull killed a man in one of Khalalwe's bull-fight matches and I thought they was reincarnations of the other's-form in their previous lives, for why would an animal fight a man? I wouldn't, cause ppl may not notice the difference even with a fool / mad man! The feral-mason pawns of the quickie-prostitute & gay-husband witches (substantiated) continue throwing barbs on-and-off to provoke me into a confrontation yesterday saying, "Nee siandane," ("Look at his ass") as I brushed my teeth and later-on "Tokikulri," ("Squat") as I peed! The day before, the sex-perverts re-started mark-timing me at the dinning corridor for a dick-grab and/or challenge-taunt respectively, reflected in their pawn feral-masons taunts. I've stated why I don't pee in the loos so I bet the masons have had sex with the whore and/or their mothers as a norm; and the gay with their females / gays, like they duped Paul Mango to sleep with one of his maid-lovers; the reason I wouldn't sex the neighborhood wives. SOS.-05-02-2023 hrs:- Victor, AP's farmhand 1630 hrs matches ma path puffed like a toad as I go for 5/- water and on ma way back around 1845hrs they stand with the sex-pervert AP's wife up the slope, feral Victor carrying a slasher symbolic to their past threats. Can you join the dots?-17-02-2023 2111hrs:- Evil-eyed pawn witches' feral masons pelt a stone and catcall as I pee giggling like a pack of hyenas; all while their gay-benefactor was following from the gates waiting to move the sheep in.-Thursday 29th too for the Migori Police Station the escalating violation of the PADV Act OB61/23/08/2021 by AP's farmhand Victor & the witches' feral masons proxies.
-18-02-2023 0938hrs:- I think the best thing will be to report / update the SOA / PADVA OB61/23/08/2021 investigated by officer Maroko next Monday 20th, though you can see from 2021 he's been prejudiced-and-compromised to make any arrests or take statements contrary to what he usually hypes 'bout; on one side citing the technicality of evidence while on the other AP Owino's a colleague, same as the rumored owner of the house being built by the masons…then there's bribery by the pawn witches Peter and Pamela Mango. The cops refuse the photo evidence exposition and though I've been trying to capture an audio recording of the primitive masons' homosexual harassment insults, yesterday it escaped me by a second as they caught me off guard while all my hands were on deck peeing as they catcalled twice in a space of seconds. SOS. {
-20-02-2023 0848hrs:- As I prepare to go to Migori Police Station to report-update the latest SOA/PADVA on OB61/23/08/2021, don't know when it'll happen cause the culpable pawn-witches in such instances usually ensure they prepare the first meal-ration late, if at all, past 1400hrs to wonna compromise the same; and they're already taking their first breakfast serving by 0900hrs while I gotta guess. I pray for your interventions.
-20-02-2023 2024hrs:- Investigating Officer Maroko has engagements in Kisumu till next Friday-but-one on March 3rd when he gave me an appointment to follow-up on the latest PADVA / SOA violations development so he can take statements of the culprits. SOS. { 1234hrs:- Quickie-prostitute and gay-husband incestuous sex-pervert witches (substantiated) felons delay cooking indefinitely to derail my reporting their murderous-conspiracies at Migori Police Station so I'll be obliged to buy 20/- 4-'mandazis' with last coins to take with 5/- water then trek slowly to-and-fro to go report; perhaps I'll arrive btw 1500-1600hrs. SOS.
-25-02-2023 1648hrs:- Now I pee the leash-dog masons pelt stones 1555hrs. -0904hrs:-Meanwhile the pawn-witches primitive masons are still itching up there as we head towards Friday 3rd March OB61/23/08/2021 processing; timing after I'd peed to come out saying, "Nga'ni oselayo kanyo, nenego/That fellow's urinated there, look at him."SOS
-3rd March 2023 0958hrs:- Today's the appointment day the Investigating Officer Maroko booked to process OB61/23/08/2021 and you can bet the compulsive-neurotic incestuous-and-homosexual sex-pervert felons leading the witches'-nest in Chamkombe-Migori will as usual table a late brunch towards 1400hrs if at all to wonna obstruct and defeat justice in shielding themselves, accomplices and co-conspirators. Even as recent as yesterday-but-one on 1st March 2023 the 'married-but-gay'-witch was still tracking me in the pit latrines where I'd gone on a long call to wonna mind-associate his nudity with mine as regards homosexual-harassment in spite of having two toilets in the main-house!
-10-03-2023 2156hrs:- Now you've to leave everything and keep watch of the pawn-witches in the outside kitchen from the dining chambers lest I starve another 3rd day with only half-a-loaf till supper. SOS. { 1516hrs:- The pawn-witches' feral masons are still pelting me with stones with impunity as I pee and I managed to record a small conversation as I took one of the suspects to task even as he denied being the stone thrower. I.O. Maroko for OB61/23/08/2021 doesn't pick his phone so you can join the dots btw the sanctioned LGBTQ secret society and stalling of the SOA / PADVA criminal proceedings. SOS. { 1149hrs:- Brunch was an unsustainable half-a-loaf till supper ( ( )
-11-03-2023 1709hrs:- Recorded audio-bit of stone-pelting hit-run to buddy's call in vain. {0936hrs:-The self-bleaching quickie-prostitute-wife's (substantiated) now re-started mark-timing me at the main-hse front door entrance this morn.(usually it's in the corridor) to wonna grab my penis or brush shoulders as we pass-by (perhaps her male escorts can't stand her filthy vagina no-more) with impunity now that I.O. Maroko ain't willing to process OB61/23/08/2021. Meanwhile, the witches who've broken into my Kenyatta Animism quarters severally as demonstrated in the photo-exposition left the gate open the whole night probably in threats of their ondiek / otoyo / hyena machete-hacking gang-pack as sanctioned-threatened by ex-Chief Amara; I slept half-awake with ears on the ground. [
-14/03/2023:-The quickie-prostitute and gay-husband witches (substantiated) did it before with their biological son Victor who attacked me in a hail of stones as recorded and with OB. Ex-Chief Amara sanctioned them killing me by a machete-hacking gang or rat-poison in food. Now they're saying "Adwatwei," "I wonna tie you up!" thus the insulting provocations by well-fed 3x a day leash-dog savage masons against a sickly, starving-dehydrating target; and they'll go after my balls…as demonstrated by the evil-eyed quickie-prostitute COVAX-manipulation and her prior spermatogenesis-interferences by putting kerosene in my rations; not to mention the Randa-Kitembe TZ witchdr. covert tie-up attempts by her escapade-boy Paul Mango and his brother Olala. They wonna transgender my ID & sexual-orientation to a married-but-gay. Ruto-GoK and Cops are unwilling to take action cause of vested interests. 
-17-03-2023 1859hrs:- The jealousy witches' pawn-masons are still insultingly making me the butt-of-their-jokes calling me as I went to fetch bathing-water and on turning-up asking what their problem is to always be provocatively insulting me, there's a character called Ochieng' two of them call from inside as they exchange asides / laughter (audio recorded) who doesn't show-up anyway. They'd initially summoned themselves to come watch as I peed with all hands on deck which I was done-and-going before the recall above. I phoned I.O. Maroko who is apparently still in Nairobi and so decided will go update OB61/23/08/2021 8-page statement tomorrow Saturday and seek an audience with the OCS / OCPD on the way forward before organized gang-violence occurs. SOS.
-18-03-2023 1217hrs:- As I take a bath preparing to go seek an audience with the OCS / OCPD 'bout OB61/23/08/2021 on SOA / PADVA violations... the crime series must be seen against the backdrop of the already recorded 14+ OBs at Migori Police Station on the same by the pawn witches (who attack me whenever I opened my mouth to protest their homosexual-and-incestuous sexual-harassments including forced customary marriage attempts / coercion) and ex-Chief Odira's sons which can be read in the Complaints-File of my broad lawsuit the link which I'll add later. SOS. (
-27-09-2022 1648hrs:- Pawn-witches have been sending some feral masons building a perimeter wall across the fence to get into snoopy, peeping-tom, monkey-biz & animism which's now taking a stupid turn. They sent a dirtied one on a rainy day armed with a machete and baton 'bout 3-days ago who arrogantly without courtesy rushed to make his way straight to sit-pretty on the only chair around before talking 'bout the rain with thiefly eyes roving all over the room as if he would come back to pick s'thing; he feigned dozing seeing I noticed. Today as we speak from around 1620hrs they've been pelting the iron-sheet roof with cement mounds from across in primitive-strength provocation amid the hunger-torture starvation. Will report to Migori Police Station tomorrow on PADV Act, same as on AP's farmhand Victor. 
-29-09-2022 2140hrs:- Got scheduled a Sunday appointment for the escalating PADV Act crime-series (OB61/23/08/2021) on recently sent / organized snooping / stone-pelting masons and AP cop Owino's farmhand Victor among others.
-01-10-2022 0906hrs:- Power blackout since yesterday around 1800hrs as the guilty witches'-nest shit-on-their-pants contemplating morrow's Sunday Migori Police Station Appointment; esp. the KPLC Kisii neighbor whose masons too when he was building his house across the fence on the other side would be sent in cahoots with the gay-witch Peter Mango (of indecent-exposure urination photo) to mark-time my going to bath to come urinate across the fence-hedge through the holes in my direction. The same KPLC Kisii accomplice whose errand boys showcased in my broad lawsuit photo-exhibition include the former boiled-egg seller, the camera-ducker and the creepy, crouching juvenile-delinquent sent to homosexually harass me for end-goals of changing my sexual-orientation from straight-heterosexual to theirs of 'married-but-gay' whereby I'm supposed to melt-into-jelly or turn-the-other cheek when they harass me. Pray concerned authorities switch power back. 
-12-08-2022 at 1049hrs:- The AP cop Owino's ( of OB61/23/08/2021 ) wife and/or daughter Linet must be on heat again looking for a 'mpango wa kando' or nailing respectively cause the brood's still sending their numbskull farmhand Victor who mark-times my coming back from NYAWASSCO for water way-laying me with a slasher on my path across their stalls and rudely side-steps in tandem with me when I try to give him the usual wide-berth. I invite 'team mafisi' to come dip the hen-&-chick on heat for I've repeatedly clarified feral bimbos aren't ma type neither do I have time for nincompoops
-02/10/2022 2011hrs:- Processing of OB61/23/08/2021 by Investigating Officer Maroko of Migori Police Station on the escalating PADV/SO Acts stalled again today after he didn't keep his word to come make arrests and take statements of the culprits. I bet he got compromised by the wealthy felons including retired-AP cop numbskull Owino who last week Sep was still rehearsing the repeated organized-crime assault threats by his imbecile farmhand / son Victor searching to confront me directly on my path to provoke a physical confrontation, though I usually make it a wide berth as I spit snubbing their narrow savage lens; it was speaking to dull Owino in his car before starting on my path armed with s'thing when it made an about-turn back to its sender. It's recorded Uhuru's cop Ikenya shed tears in Msa asking whether 'nitatoboa,' welcomed me to 'Lamu' in Migori and suggested cohabitation with another guy!

Related Links:-
{ } daily hunger-torture starvations ;
( ) broad lawsuit and other links ;
(  ) Advocates complaints commission / AG ; ) CAJ / OJO ; ) Medical battery / negligence / malpractice ; ) Feedback stalemate ;

As formely Uhuru's and now Ruto's GoK suppress my 7-8 page statement charges of OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 2006 and PADVA 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 10yrs 8-months 10m+ damages { }, imposing me a pauperism-bachelorhood at 45yrs compromising my dating-and-marriage, I routinely need bare-basics to meet hygiene-decency stds including now: a wardrobe / shoes to replace over-sewn/patched rags. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's Luo-Nyanza. SOS #FreedBritney #turpinfamily { { { { { { {

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