Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Thursday, November 04, 2021

ICC-Indicted Uhuru's political-legal abuse out-lawing, bias, discrimination, gaslighting in CRB Listing plus the growth-stunting hunger-torture rituals. SOS.

Dear Sir / Madam,
                            Briefly the post speaks for itself including the CRB listing which for the second time since the Coronavirus pandemic begun Uhuru and his Jinn-Theocracy Govt. of Kenya are still discriminating against me having never been de-listed and thus curtailing any bit of relief from their imposed 'below the poverty line' existence as they brood-sit pretty on my 9.4yrs Kihara-Construction accident evidence-destruction / spoilation 10m+ damages. I pray your divine -interventions to be included this time around in the de-listings pending pay of my damages.
                            Thank you in advance,
                            Yours Faithfully,
                            Erick Mango.

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-Borrowers defaulting on loans of less than Sh5 million will not be blacklisted at the credit reference bureaus (CRBs) while those already blacklisted will be dropped in a bid to cushion businesses recovering from Covid-19 hardships. President Uhuru Kenyatta Wednesday announced the suspension of CRB listing for loans that were defaulted from last October and the relief from blacklisting will last to September next year. The CRB listing relief is part of a stimulus package to cushion distressed businesses and families from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, which have hit consumer demand and forced businesses to shed jobs and cut back their operations. Borrowers reported to one of Kenya’s three credit bureaux, jeopardize their chances of being able to borrow more. “The relevant authorities will, for loans less than Sh5 million, effect a moratorium of listing in CRBs for a period of 12 months to end September 2022,” President Kenyatta said yesterday. Mr Kenyatta’s order slams the brake on banks, SACCOs and microfinance firms which have since June been allowed to resume free provision of negative credit information to the three CRBs. The suspension is the second since Kenya reported the first case of the Covid-19 disease last year as the State moves to protect households and businesses from being locked out of credit. CBK had given a six-month suspension of CRB listings in April last year as part of the measures to cushion borrowers hit by the pandemic. The moratorium lapsed in October, allowing financial institutions to start sending names of defaulters to the bureaus. Lenders, however, offered defaulters 90 days from October 1 to start repaying their loans or get listed with CRBs. The suspension of negative listing on Kenya three CRBs — Metropol, TransUnion and Credit info International — was meant to cushion distressed borrowers from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Workers who had tapped unsecured loans on the strength of their salaries to purchase goods such as furniture and cars and for expenses like school fees have struggled to keep up with repayments in the wake of retrenchments and pay cuts. The number of loan accounts negatively listed with CRBs hit 14 million in January this year, underscoring the struggles Kenyans are having with repayments. Blacklisted accounts jumped 45 percent in the five months between August and January after the CBK lifted a three-month listing moratorium. Data from CRBs showed that the number of loans accounts in arrears for more than 90 days had jumped to 14,035,718 by January this year, up from 9,673,258 in August 2020. The ratio of non-performing loans to total loans in the banking sector stood at 14 percent in June, down from 14.6 percent at the end of March, highlighting the economic recovery for households and businesses.
Chronology of events surrounding the hunger-torture cylic-rituals
-04-11-2021 at around 1000hrs }:- Food poisoning attempts by the self-bleaching quickie-prostitute (substantiated ) go on for which she's begun kinda spraying her body perfume to meal-rations she doesn't want you to ingest including bread and 'chapatis.' Today I forfeited finishing 2 such 'chapatis' which feel like the swine is spraying the perfume in your mouth; I left a quarter-piece. And she made sure the 2 'chapatis' were served separately cause I entered the main house to find the gay-witch ( substantiated ) having jus' finished his breakfast before the quickie-whore ( substantiated ) brought the 2 perfumed 'chapatis' later. The recent diarrhoea bout I mentioned yesterday came the day these evil-eyed witches left me half-a-loaf after they'd taken their breakfast and went to town; the half-loaf was sprayed with this her same perfume as well for which after the diarrhoea bout barely an hour into ingesting the half-loaf, I thought it had been so-laced to mask any smell of excreations cause the symptoms I developed were like either of typhoid, amoeba or cholera their favorite contaminants. Food poisoning attempts by the self-bleaching quickie-prostitute ( substantiated ) go on for which she's begun kinda spraying her body perfume to meal-rations she doesn't want you to ingest including bread and 'chapatis.' Today I forfeited finishing 2 such 'chapatis' which feel like the swine is spraying the perfume in your mouth; I left a quarter-piece. And she made sure the 2 'chapatis' were served separately cause I entered the main house to find the gay-witch having jus' finished his breakfast before the quickie-whore brought the 2 perfumed 'chapatis' later. The recent diarrhoea bout I mentioned yesterday came the day these evil-eyed witches left me half-a-loaf after they'd taken their breakfast and went to town; the half-loaf was sprayed with this her same perfume as well for which after the diarrhoea bout barely an hour into ingesting the half-loaf, I thought it had been so-laced to mask any smell of excreations cause the symptoms I developed were like either of typhoid, amoeba or cholera their favorite contaminants. SOS
-03-11-2021 at around 1030hrs }:- Psychic-cannibal-vampires Uhuru's 'Brookside Dairy Jacket' pawn-witch proxies continue the cycle-ritual hunger-tortures due to Uhuru's imposed-dependency as he, Raila, IPOA, ODPP and Judiciary's political-legal abuse brood-sit pretty on my now 9.4yrs Kihara Construction accident evidence-destruction / spoilation case amounting to 10m+ in damages amid gaslighting strategies to embezzle the same and sabotage my broad lawsuit. Hence the gay-dodo and quickie-prostitute (substantiated) have eaten and left for town while for me my first ration's a guess (as if I'd asked to come to their abode) debilitating when I'll next wash my rags amid the consistent growth-stunting hunger-torture constrictings of my stomach to effectuate a child's physique like the Turpins of California; at 43yrs of evil-eye Bori/GLBTQ aka Lamu/Bondo-Usenge jealousy man-hater imposed bachelorhood. SOS. {NB: Need a shave, toothpaste, bar-soap and Loperamide Hydrochloride after food-poisoning diarrhoea bout.
-02-11-2021 at 0402hrs }:- Slept hungry today with hard winks because of the accumulated unsustainable rations of rice in the morning. meant for one the gay-witch which's then divided into two. Besides, Nyasare Water Supply left the water kiosk tap dry today meaning the witches'-nest hunger-torture prevailed as Victor the AP's farm-hand marktimed my water-runs jus' to pass behind my back making a statement as I bowed for the sprinkle. Thus I couldn't wash my rags and I still need a shave, toothpaste and a washing-bathing bar soap. SOS. { 27/10/2021 :- It's still anotherday of half-a-loaf and water till supper hunger-torture impunity as Uhuru's Brokeside-Dairy-Jacket pawn witches eat their plenties in the outer kitchen and leave for town. So you see how the wormed-assholes Lamu/Bondo-Usenge aka Bori/GLBTQ witches-nest are cowards; with them having the custom 3 square-meals a day besides their gang numbers in their conspiracies of homosexually harassing me when I'm most defenseless in energy-emaciating hunger tortures?
-26-10-2021 }:- Uhuru's pawn-witches continue the hunger-torture impunity eating plentifuls in the outside kitchen before the gay-witch leaves for town while for me it's half-a-loaf till supper. The jealousy coward Lamu/Bondo-Usenge aka Bori/GLBTQ wormed-assholes ensure I'm hunger-tortured for their homosexual harassments for which Migori Police are yet to make any arrests after my report and statement. I'm ganged-up: 2-touts, taxi-driver, AP/Victor, boiled-egg seller, KPLC-Kisii witches... [ 25-10-2021 }:- Food-poisoning attempts as was sanctioned by ex-Chief Amara c/o the GoK chief-defendants Uhuru-&-Raila restart as Uhuru's Brokeside-Dairy-Jacket pawn-witches eat early and leave for town while left on the table was yesterday's leftover ugali and suspicious beans which as well the gay witch could've regurgled; before the self-bleaching quickie-prostitute {substantiated} locks the doors and leaves for town too {as if I'd asked to come to their abode for compulsive-neurotic sex criminals I've disowned}; SOS.

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