Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

-I urge the CJ in accordance with the edict in Article 10 CoK-2010 to exercise her powers under Article 161 (2) (a) as read together with provisions of the Rules of Court Section 2 (1) regarding the National Policy Guideline on the Administration of the SOA No. 3 of 2006 ; and the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act 2015 ; as well as also read together with the ( Protection of Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ) Practice and Procedure Rules 2013 that guide the institution and prosecution of Constitutional matters ; to thus accommodate my several stalled applications under certificate of urgency and commence the due process of law as I wither-and-wane in virility short of Uhuru's-and-Raila's death-threats criminal-conspiracies political-legal abuses which endlessly violate my fundamental rights and freedoms as provided-for in :- Article 25 that, "Despite any other provision in this Constitution, the following rights and fundamental freedoms shall not be limited- (a) freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; (b) freedom from slavery or servitude; (c) the right to a fair trial; and (d) the right to an order of habeas corpus. Article 27 that : (1) Every person is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law. (2) Equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of all rights and fundamental freedoms.(4) The State shall not discriminate directly or indirectly against any person on any ground, including race, sex, pregnancy, marital status, health status, ethnic or social origin, colour, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, dress, language or birth. (5) A person shall not discriminate directly or indirectly against another person on any of the grounds specified or contemplated in clause (4). Article 28 that: Dignity that Every person has inherent dignity and the right to have that dignity respected and protected. Article 29 Every person has the right to freedom and security of the person, which includes the right not to be- (a) deprived of freedom arbitrarily or without just cause; (b) detained without trial, except during a state of emergency, in which case the detention is subject to Article 58; (c) subjected to any form of violence from either public or private sources; (d) subjected to torture in any manner, whether physical or psychological; (e) subjected to corporal punishment; or (f) treated or punished in a cruel, inhuman or degrading manner. Article 45 (2) that: Every adult has the right to marry a person of the opposite sex, based on the free consent of the parties. Article 48 that: The State shall ensure access to justice for all persons and, if any fee is required, it shall be reasonable and shall not impede access to justice. Article 50 (1) Every person has the right to have any dispute that can be resolved by the application of law decided in a fair and public hearing before a court or, if appropriate, another independent and impartial tribunal or body

Article 159(2)(d) of the Constitution that establishes that administration of justice provides that:- “In exercising judicial authority, the courts and tribunals shall be guided by the following principles…justice shall be administered without undue regard to procedural technicalities.” and as such Courts are guided and cautioned not to pay undue regard to procedural technicalities, since justice delayed is justice denied besides the fact that justice must not only be done but must be seen to be done in the public eye and therefore my aggravated cases in my broad lawsuit adding to backlog statistics with IPOA, ODPP and the Judiciary due to political-legal abuses by the executive out of vested interests ( like has been noted with the several quashed Uhuru's illegal, unlawful Executive-Orders ) since Uhuru-and-Raila are adversely mentioned as chief-defendants needs to be determined as quickly as possible to deter execution of their death-threats and criminal-conspiracies. In addition, matters before Court require to be disposed of without delay so as to avoid congestion of the Court with several matters resulting in an enormous case backlog when matters can be disposed off.
-The practice and procedure generally in regard to institution and prosecution of Constitutional matters is clearly guided by the Constitution of Kenya (Protection of Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) Practice and Procedure Rules 2013, otherwise referred to as (Mutunga Rules); and as such as much as Constitutional Petitions are required to be instituted by way of Petitions, Rule 10 (3) of the Mutunga Rules, provides that subject to Rule 9 and 10, the Court may accept an oral application, a letter or any other informal document which discloses denial, violation, infringement or threat to right or fundamental freedom; and thus the Mutunga Rules are drawn in such a manner that allows accommodation of an application that is not brought to Court by way of a Petition and the Courts are under an obligation to accept even an oral application, a letter or any other informal documentation, which discloses a denial, violation, infringement or threat to a right or fundamental freedom ; as read together with Rule 4 (1) of the Mutunga Rules that states that where any right or fundamental freedom provided for in the Constitution is allegedly denied, violated, infringed or threatened, a person affected or likely to be affected may make an application to the High Court in accordance with these rules. 

-Me the wearer of the shoe who feels where it pinches as the aggrieved-party, petitioner and litigant, my miscellaneous applications deals with Constitutional Violations as already noted herein above.

Latest medical battery case developments

CTA for reconstructive-assessment regarding the most recent medical-battery / negligence / malpractice continuous-violations-of-the-law series-of-crimes criminal-conspiracy to sabotage my broad lawsuit and 10m+ damages through gaslighting defamation insultants by the GoK MoH through Migori County Ref. Hosp. Covax-programme in cover-up cahoots with chief-defendants Uhuru, Raila and other mentioned co-conspirators. { { { }. SOS. { Need a shave, toothpaste, barsoap,...

Dear Sir/Madam,            
                         The title summarizes the brief regarding the most recent sanctioned psychiatric-system abuse approach medical-battery where the GoK MoH through Migori Country Ref. Hospital Covax-programme healthcare providers criminal-conspiracy acted in bad faith and unreasonably with premeditated ulterior motives when they lied to my consent 'bout the Covax-jab while fraudulently and suspiciously they negligently maliciously and unjustly exchanged the syringes to inject me with an entire novelty contrary to their codes of ethic and conduct. My fundamental rights and freedoms in Articles 25 (a) (b), 27, 28, 29, 45, 48, 50 (2) (c) are endlessly violated. { }. SOS.

Licensed to kill / Death-Row: Dead men tell no tales and neither zoo-caged disabled cabbages :- Political-legal abuse by chief defendants Uhuru, Raila, GoK among other mentioned co-conspirators criminal-conspiracies to obstruct justice and interfere with witnesses, murder, defile, defraud, commit felonies and misdemeanours contrary to Sections 117, 224, 157, 317, 393 and 395 respectively with regards to continuous-violations-of-the-law series-of-crimes concerning the most recent medical-battery / negligence / malpractise to sabotage my broad lawsuit through gaslighting defamation insults. SOS. Meanwhile the KPLC Kisii and his humpty-dumpty wife's Bori/GLBTQ homosexual-harassment worm has begun stalking me on 22-10-2021 with concealed weapons ( as could be deduced from his suspiciously baggy clothing ) as cops sleep; [ I'll explain in detail explicitly and implicitly once I afford the cyber-cafés cause my Symbian phone's incompatible with the upgraded mail services besides having stayed hungry as Uhuru's pawns start the 1 meal ration every 24hrs at supper ]. SOS

Latest Complaints Stalemate gathering dust at Migori Police Station ( OB 61/23/08/2021 at 1740hrs )

Dear Sir / Madam,
                             This is the title and the body of the latest update summarizing the status-quo. Otherwise, as I wait for my 9.3yrs delayed-justice and risking embezzlement Kihara-Construction accident-destruction / spoilation criminal-conspiracy case gathering dust with IPOA, ODPP and the Judiciary, I'll be grateful for spare cash or donations to sustain my 'hanging-on-a-string existence' threatened by Uhuru-and-Raila ritual killings and / or to enable me draft and file my criminal conspiracy case against the duo chief-defendants & their co-accomplices conspirators ( }. SOS.
                              Below are the consequence of events that took place in a descending order:

 30/09/2021 :- Briefly the police officer handling my case Mr. Maroko stuck with the most recent charges regarding threats of violence or imminent danger as was booked on the 23rd August 2021 under ( OB 61/23/08/2021 at 1740hrs ) whereby he took my statement on the facts and details of the case then I was told I'll be contacted for further details.

                         The Migori Police Station OCS summons above got to a rendez-vous with police officer Mr. Maroka { at the Records Office } who recollected about the last time two times I'd gone to report the series-of-crimes law-violations 

[ { }...Deliberations with Migori Police Station concluded with need for clarifications on evidence & witnesses I'll seek with ODPP Migori tomorrow as regards criminal-conspiracy and criminal sexual conduct charges against village AP's farm-hand Victor, the AP police and Pamela Mango; while the incomplete-update for the Uhuru-Raila chief-defendants and criminal co-conspirators due to wanting resources have the links are below. Otherwise, I complained over the crimes-office cop Maroko {0721447996} for unjustifiably derogatorily calling me 'Mlevi' with 988-sms; 1559-IPOA's obsolete. SOS. ] ; 
and asked whether anybody had harassed mepoorol'self to which I responded that except for the verbal slighting when he referred to mepoorol'self as a 'mlevi' { before the OCS-and- Migori Police Station which was harmfully derogatory to my reputation and public image } without any corroborations or substantiating for the same; and making me thus suspiciously read ulterior motives and/or malice as regards the broader conspiracy and smear-campaign, there wasn't any other instance of physical harassment or otherwise. 
                         Police officer Mr. Maroka also sought clarifications on where Uhuru-and-Raila came-in and I explained the broader criminal-conspiracy since Mombasa Municipal cop Ikenya's wrongful arrest, detention, jail, bail to forced transportation, the accident and its attempted cover-up. 
                        Policeman Maroka inquired { now we'd relocated to the Crimes Office } then over the threat-charge I'd leveled against Victor the Chamkombe-Village AP policeman's farmhand and the feedback after he'd sent me to the AP Headquarters Migori for which I detailed him what had transpired as I reported back and found the OCS and In-Charge-of-Crime in his place where we agreed I'll make further consultations with the ODPP Migori as regards the way forward with regards to Section124 Evidence Law Act that exempts sole-witness testimonies to be admissible provided they're corroborated by material evidence in victim cases of criminal sexual offences like mine; and that I'd asked the ODPP for more time print-out hard-copies of the same since I'll have to be flashing well-wishers.
                        Thus police officer Mr. Maroka prepared the charge-sheet ready to record my statement for which I asked him that though I have the details whether it would be convenient for him if I supplied him with the hard-copies which I'd already printed-out after changing my approach to wonna be charging criminals one-by-one; and he acquiesced telling me to bring the hard copies tomorrow for conveniency in relaying the specific details. The hard-copy I'll print-out is below subject to any latest updates after I corroborate with the other print-outs I'd left in the residence :-

I Erick Mango charge Chamkombe-Kakrao Village -area Administration Police, his farm-hand / son Victor and Pamela Mango with others as listed on the statement below with Criminal-Conspiracies to:- 
(a.):-defeat justice and interfere with witnesses contrary to Section 117; 
(b.):-commit misdemeanors contrary to Section 395;
(c.):-commit felonies contrary to Section 393; 
(d.):-commit defilement contrary to Section 157; 
(e.):-commit murder contrary to Section 224;  
        -All against the Penal Code CoK-2010 ; and as read-and-charged together with "A Series of Sexual-Crimes" contrary to
(f.):-Section 162 (c) concerning consent as regards homosexual harassment;
(g.):-Section 163 prohibiting attempts to commit the crimes under  Section 162 above;
(h):-Section 165 as read together with Sections 5-and-12 of The Sexual Offences Act No.3 of 2006 regarding acts of gross indecency between males 
(i.):-Section 145 (1) and 144 (1) (3) as regards indecent acts and defilement;
(j.):-SOA Section 2 (1) as concerns indecent unlawful, intentional acts causing contact between any part of  the body of a person with the genital organ, breast, or buttocks of another though without penetration
(k.):-Section 20 (1) & (2) that prohibits incest
        -All these as read together generally with and contrary to The Sexual-Offenses Act No. 3 of 2006 and the Penal-Code CoK-2010 :- 
-I urge the CJ in accordance with the edict in Article 10 CoK-2010 to exercise her powers under Article 161 (2) (a) as read together with provisions of the Rules of Court Section 2 (1) regarding the National Policy Guideline on the Administration of the SOA No. 3 of 2006 ; and and the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act 2015 ;
[1.]:- The latest turn of events has been brought forth by a conspiratorial pattern of continuous violations of the law by the mentioned accused in the title notice-of-motion above concerning a repeated series-of-crimes in which the most recent happened on the 5th of August 2021 for which I went to formally file the complaints after drafting on Saturday the 7th August 2021 at Migori Police  Station at a snail's pace cause of the exhausting extreme hunger-torture ritual-cycles I was still  recovering  from; and where the Front-Desk told me to go to the crimes office who directed me to return on the following day  [ 8/08/2021 ] because of renovations that were taking place.

[2]:-The above was soon followed with impunity by this most recent event that occurred on 19th, 20th & 22nd August 2021 touching on the pygmy farmhand Victor briefed as harassment with regards to stalking, pursuing and/or accosting, and sometimes while brandishing a machete apparently under the instructions of his hire AP Police Owino; for which Pamela Mango subsequently  
retorted in asides in Luo that,"Wachadhi wate," meaning, "We're hacking you all together," echoing ex-Chief Amara's proclamations.
[3.]:- Fast rewind to June 2012 where I was wrongfully and unlawfully arrested, detained, prosecuted,  jailed & relocated / evicted / transported  to Migori by Uhuru’s Mombasa Municipal Council police  conveniently-animistically called Ikenya plus Swaleh and another third one violating my rights to liberty.
[4.]:- Migori Police Station sent me to the Crimes-Office for the Officer investigating my case a Mr. Maroko ( 0721447996) who also deridingly referred to me as 'mlevi' as he consulted with the OCS } who asked me the particulars of my case and upon deliberations asked for witnesses whom I clarified there were basically none apart from me since most of the neighborhood is part-and-parcel of the larger conspiracy. Thus in collaboration with the OCS they referred my case to DAPC Migori since It touched on AP police Owino. DAPC listened and clarified that first of all they got no AP called Owino in their Suna database but that nonetheless Migori Police Station should arrest the individual Victor booked in the OB regarding the latest crime in the series of the criminal-conspiracy and thereafter if there's any conspiracy it'll be for them the Police to determine. The In-Charge of Crime and the OCS  said they couldn't start to arrest Victor, the alleged offender without any witness!

[5.]:-So I cited "Section 24 of the Evidence Act" which provides that :- Notwithstanding provisions of Section 19 of the 'Oaths and Statutory Declaration Act Cap. 15, where the evidence of the alleged victim's admitted in accordance with that Section on behalf of the prosecution in proceedings against any person for an offence, the accused shall not be liable to be convicted of such evidence unless it's corroborated by other material-evidence in support thereof implicating him, provided that where in a criminal case involving a sexual-offence the only evidence is that of the alleged victim of the offence; the court shall receive the evidence of the alleged victim and proceed to convict the accused person, if for reasons to be recorded in the proceedings the court's satisfied that the alleged victim's telling the truth.

[6.]:--Thus I told them I'll seek audience with the ODPP Migori on how to go about the matter of bringing the culprits to book and stop this continuous violations of a series of crimes with impunity since the same excuse has been given repeatedly whenever I went to complain against the conspiracy criminals including Peter and Pamela Mango who repeatedly exploit the fact of there being only three of us in their house except for the maids who pop in-and-out severally. Hence I urged concerned authorities to have the cited Section above implemented and start the wheels-of-justice moving; as I went to consult with the ODPP Migori on the way forward.

[7.]:-The first defendant is Victor the AP cop's farm-hand on August 10, 2021 mark-timed me to wonna borrow a knife from the kiosk he wanted to cut a 30l bottle's neck { when he said for my ears "Mistaki kujua," meaning, "I don't care," } for which as I filled my 1.5l bottle, he got finished and wanted to brush past my 'buttocks' as he passed behind me insultingly suggestively like the conspirators members have premonitioned; forcing me to duck thrusting my waist forward as I stood-upright quickly to avoid any touches. ;
-On 19th August 2021 is when this rude stump of a Victor began his confrontational accosting wanting to walk straight into my path for a physical brush-up so as to trigger the heinous murderous plans the witches'-nest has. Thus the additional charge regards the stalking harassments contrary to the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act 2015 as regards threats of violence or imminent danger by someone including people who live together; as was indicated by ex-Chief Amara.
-On  August 20th, 2021 between 1000hrs-1100hrs as I was chatting with some neighbor chap after filling my 1.5l bottle, AP police passed us waving a greeting at the chap as he went to his tenants rentals; from where Victor emerged later to come passing behind us in an (encircling manner as opposed to AP who'd passed in front) his eyes directed at me which scaringly made me suspicious ever since his kin Linet had called him for a machete he often wields as he hedges the fence or on his ups and downs about the farm as he crosses my path subliminally keeping the threat constant; and like he'd asked Sonia the water-kiosk woman to pass him a knife as recorded. I stuck to him from the corner of my eye ascertaining he wasn't gonna pull a surprise on me from behind with a knife-stub or something! A fact that was echoed by Pamela Mango when she later retorted in asides that evening, "Wachadhi wate," meaning "We're hacking you all of us," thus echoing ex-Chief Amara's proclamations. Remember in the precedent record I'd to duck his (Victor's) indecent-assault at the Kiosk as he said,"Mistaki kujua," meaning, "He doesn't care," though ambiguously the 'Mistaki' also is a lament referring to my having reported the AP in two complaints now.
-On August 22nd, 2021 between 1650hrs-1700hrs, Victor the AP police farm-hand and alleged son [ as per whispers ] threatened me again via the now repetitive behavior-pattern of accosting, stalking and encircling me, like he wanted to march right  through in-front of my path for a physical confrontation [ in spite of his short pygmy stump  physique signaling the broader conspiracy back-up of co-conspirators / accomplices ] as I  made a corner at the kiosk from filling my 1.5l bottle of complimentary piped water; before he side-stepped to enter the adjacent barber's rubbing his hands together like he was brushing-off dirt. He was lying across the path initially as came for the water leering at me forcing me to spit in response as I passed by ;
-This harassment he's sometimes done while brandishing a machete { under the excuse of being a farm-hand } apparently under the instructions of his hire the AP Police ; for which Pamela Mango has retorted in asides that,"Wachadhi wate," meaning, "We're hacking you all together." ;
-Still on August 28, 2021 at around 1930hrs rude Victor still accosted me as I came from filling my 1.5l bottle at the water-kiosk waiting till I was done before rushing up the road-side behind me with a long rod pointedly mumbling / murmuring some words I couldn't get as I looked behind to see what commotion was coming up.

The background of the charges
[8.]:-The second defendant starting with the  AP's supposed wife came out of the blues for since June 2012 after the Mombasa-Municipal-Council police Ikenya unlawfully transported me to Migori exclaiming, "Karibu Lamu" on arrival signifying the Lamu / Bondo-Usenge & Bori / GLBTQ+ reknown 'Married But Gay'-'Mixed Orientation Marriages,' I'd never seen or heard-of-her nowhere till this year 2021 when after  the AP cop having developed-expanded his residential-&-shops real estate and let one apparently for his family to run-a-mill.
-She's a prank-call, 'widow spider,' psychic-vampire-witch who sexually stimulated me the unsuspecting victims into now this what's become a tragic death-trap akin to what convicted real lifetime blood-sucking vampire Phillip Ondari Onyancha who led his dates to their deaths did!
-Sitting by their family-mill she started stop-calling me every time I passed-by down the slope on my way to the shops or to fill my 1.5l bottle with complimentary water or on my trek to town; either for customary greetings and / or 'small talk' niceties / pleasantries which though surprised at first at a total stranger's beckoning I gradually took heartily as I eased to her unceasing good-natured neighborliness; not knowing she was calculating her moves to wonna gradually turn intimate.
-Besides grinding flour from grains mostly maize she also begun selling second hand clothes which  she once put to my notice I think after noting the dehumanizing rags-&-tatters that Pamela Mango and her conman, embezzlement-paganism brother-thief Charles Ooko have defamed me into after the later stole my 5 brand new, long-sleeved, plain Blazer shirts; 5 second-hand trousers; a pair of brand new bed-sheets; a brand new towel & slippers I'd temporarily left with him in Changamwe claiming they'd burnt down in his go-down where he'd stored them with other goods; yet he refused to compensate me for them preferring he buys and sends me replacements in a bundle by bus which I refused suspecting witchcraft besides the slight undermining ; I promised to come buy her clothes
once I got paid my accident damages since I wasn't earning nothing then or generating any income ;  Our friendship developed.
- Thus while still gauging where to place this out-of-the-blues good-natured stranger, she begun dazzling me in puzzling ways, the ones that make your-jaw-drop, e.g. like mar timing me one day as I came back from town up the slope to come out of a short-call behind the hedge-fence of their compound farm-plot adjacent to their mill and was jus' propping-up..! I blinked it and assumed the usual exchange greetings. Her view was hazed by the hedge-thicket from outside but visible from their first floor on the outside. I gave it the benefit of ambiguity that could be she was suggesting something rather 'bout one of her supposed daughters (Linet) who was there instead; 
-Only to be surprised later on on another day when she crossed to meet me close on the pathway at a whispering distance as I came from filling my 1.5l bottle of  complimentary water to after niceties to remark that she thinks I should have a pot; to which I replied that that wasn't necessary cause a pot's kinda permanent while I intend to relocate to Nairobi once I get paid my accident damages & is through with litigating some of my broader lawsuit cases whose jurisdiction falls in Migori; and that as such I ain't keeping no permanent stuff. 
-All these while she was at a patting-as-you-talk whispering distance close range, yet bearing in mind the subliminal messaging she'd sent with her propping-up as she came from urinating; and now that she'd come that close. Yet she was making an inquisitive suggestion as to why I shouldn't stop filling the 1.5l bottle daily to which I narrated to her how with impunity the filthy witch 'Turpins' (Peter and Pamela Mango let the dog drink from the same roof-top rain water being harvested then store it for domestic use including drinking, cooking & washing utensils. This for s'body who can splash one of her way-ward daughters Linet who sires bastards each with a different sower, with up to 50,000/- in a month besides paying her rent, shoppings, bastards school fees & rent; for a loose-daughter who'd duped them she'd gone to Saudia while she was selling her wares at ( ) since defunct ( rd: genetic-imprints, like-mother like-daughter ).
- The remarks & close, small talk were a follow-up on the 'married but gay'-witch Peter Mango who'd mark-timed my going to fill the 1.5l bottle to go to the shop/water-kiosk ahead of me and was now headed back up the slope; Sonia the shopkeeper where I'd gone to fill water had previously remarked-asked that that was my 'father?' ; to which I in summary narrated the 14+ OBs at Migori Police Station including the homosexual harassments & how she couldn't trust him with her boys...being part of the reasons why we were done!
-Hence it's obvious that this scene was organized, meaning I was the outside party! It's the witches'-nest trading their craft and this incident's another proof-example of the criminal conspiracies and counter-conspiracies illustrating the imminent malicious-aforethought intentions to commit criminal overt acts repeatedly  ; and for which they were fully aware of the outcomes of their premeditated actions. Thus there were agreements between the alliance members to commit crimes as deduced from the actions and vows of the defendant-parties involved which can further be corroborated through forensic audits of the accused / defendants' SMSs & phone calls transcripts.
-Before the urinating / prop-up incident she'd once met me as I came from town up the slope to alight from a boda-boda motorcycle taxi she was coming-with past the AP's home-stead gate, with a 'back-stretched leg' the way a typical mounts a 'black mamba' bicycle. 
-On the other hand the self-bleaching Pamela Mango's (defendant no. 8b.) urinating in a standing position like a Bori / GLBTQ Hausa to mischievously expose her filthy nudity to me for witchcraft intentions {like's denoted in the footnotes of  the "Salem Witch Trials"} still underscores the criminal-conspiracies consent-agreement meetings her rubber-stamp signature of  'mischievous-exposures of nudity' by this AP cop's suppossed wife illustrates; same as Sonia's 'thumb-index' along-the-groin / vagina measure-gesture call as was be submitted!
-After the subliminal short-call & the benefit-of-ambiguity, the AP's daughter Linet once came around Sonia's shop where I'd gone to fill my 1.5l of water and was having 4 samosas when the samosa-girl asked her for a sip of the Fanta soda she was carrying saying she was thirsty to which she jokingly replies that she have some of the water I was carrying instead given water quenches thirst better! But the sexy-point was taken: that of girls thirsting for water which I could as well provide if megood'olself was willing. Thus was planted the idea that I could get a nail. So the ambiguity prevailed and relieved me of any worry-ful thoughts about somebody's wife and their nudities!
-All these times I was reserved all along though and never extended handshakes till one day I passed-by absent-mindedly not having noticed her before I heard her remark something to the extent that "she was noticing that that day I was just passing without any greetings," to which I excused my absent-mindedness saying I thought 'twas her daughters known to usually gather in stories and sometimes each with male company: a pair of 1 to 5 couples at any time. Thus did I retrace my steps to come and greet them including her daughter Linet and a short, plump 'farm-hand / menial tasks' fellow called Victor; though I greeted them with the back of the hand because of coronavirus  precautions. 
-The nailing-availability was further reinforced by Linet's supposed father the AP cop subliminally through an asides-remark as I went to fill my 1.5l bottle one morning and saw her coming out of their gate headed for the shops with her tiny waist / slender legs in display as she walked. On my way back up the slope I hear the AP cop behind the hedge-fence apparently busy with some of his workers exclaim, "Kanyaga!," which under context implied a 'cock-hen' mounting-affair... coming from behind the hedge-thicket the AP cop's supposed wife had squatted for a short-call before mark-timing to meet me as she propped-up { an incident which further indicates the criminal-conspiracies agreements-and-consent meetings }; thus the ambiguity was further confirmed same as the realization that he'd probably been watching from their one-storey floor house!
-When I managed to buy a 'new' second-hand trouser replacing one of  the last 3 worn-out over-sewn rags-&-tatters trousers, Linet the AP's was there within their hedge-thickets compound exclaiming, "Smart, smart" in asides perhaps in plays with her infant though I knew she was referencing to my new 2nd-hand jeans trouser cause she'd been there when her mother invited me to buy her clothing seeing the dehumanizing-defamations rags-&-tatters I was walking-in.... { when you add that to the Fanta-and-water thirsts incidents.. you get it that the girl's making a pass on me }.
-Between 12th and 17th April 2021  things took a turn for the worse one evening as I climbed up the slope back from town when I burst out laughing after spotting Linet sitting by their mill in the company of one of the many male suitors I'd mentioned usually court the sisters sometimes in a pair of 1-5. What cracked my ribs was the irony in the obvious sticky-atmosphere Linet was trying to camouflage in vain since his supposed father the AP cop subliminally through the 'kanyaga'-asides and his wife's behind-the-hedge squat-urinating short-call ambiguity gave me the green light that she was available for pinning; not to mention her water-thirst lewd jokes & 'smart'-asides...; though when she asked my empathetic-self why I was laughing, I  couldn't divulge to her before her guy the sex-thoughts that were going through my mind and so instead pretended that I'd been singing a song in my mind that reminded megoodol'self of something funny! Nonetheless 'twas obvious the couple had read my mind that their sticky-atmosphere they they were trying to camouflage was as see-through clear as a drive-in movie. My empathic-self thought perhaps I was spoiling her chances with a serious suitor and I felt sorry for her being a single mother looking for a serious suitor. 
-Ever since then, her ambiguous interpretation changed her flirting-approach and she thence-forth began speaking through Victor their relative and 'farm-hand /menial-tasks' fellow that since she realized I wasn't keen on courting her on a commitment-basis on a serious-note then she and / or they as a family were on a conflicting-path with me. That's when the KCPE remarks by her mother began including standing persons on my path as I passed their mill in the evenings from town; and Victor the following morning when I learnt his name {as she called him aloud from within the farm severally making the point of his name 'Victor' animistically-close to meaning 'war' / 'vita' in Kiswahili asking him for a machete } begun back-biting me one day as I came from town speaking in Luhya  {they are 'half Luhya-half Luo'} to one of the shopkeepers along the road-front where I noted the word " Hoyo mutu" pointedly referring to me as I passed. Victor, who'd been exchanging greetings with me, stopped. This Victor with another of the AP cop's kid-siblings look-alike son who was making a point of digging something in front of their gate also thus gestured one morning as I went for water that they're blocking my way standing in the middle of the path making one circumvent to pass. The same had been repeated by the Kisii fellow who's banana-ripe yellow wife used to sell inner-wears and had been asked by the neighborhood welder for a 'Ngotha' {pantie} which subliminally in Luo means {'Fuck me'} and thus had been asked for sex; the reason perhaps why she exposed her vagina to me from the rear { in what's known colloquially as 'above-the-rim' } sexually-stimulating mepoor'olself thirsty-me.
-Victor was acting like the family's moth-piece for he usually came next-door to Pamela-and-Peter Mangos' abode neighbor to visit their watchman / menial-tasks houseboy. It's from the path between those two neighbors residents that I heard an aside remark saying, " Nitakuua," meaning "I'll kill you." This was after Victor had spoken behind my back again when with Linet and another of their sister-sibling as I went for water said, "Nitakuchapa kama mtoto wangu," meaning, "I'll cane you like my child," which's why the 'Nitakuua' statement above from the resident across the 'Turpins' caught my attention to reflect a mouth-piece speaking on behalf of the village's AP cop who's also as tall as the said watchman houseboy. Thus did the AP cop raise my eyebrows one afternoon as I was having a late lunch past 1400hrs after the 'Dysfunctional Turpins' ate by themselves that day while I starved; the late lunch was two sticks of 'mishakiki' {3-4 roasted pieces of meat on a wire} at 10/- bob each plus  'kachumbari' {spices including sliced tomato-and-onion pieces} and ugali  {maize meal} at 30/- bob a plate, all thus at 50/-! As I was leaving the premises to trek to town for the cyber-cafes the AP cop drove to a standstill to park by the roadside and alight to cross to apparently one of the hardware along the road for which I wondered what coincidence could've brought him there but 'twas obvious he was snooping on me... whether planning to shoot me as per the 'Nitakuua' asides is anybody's guess but I wasn't taking the subliminal threats lightly putting the preceding events into context. It's obvious this AP cop is thus 'organizing a crime' against me reflecting the GoK's sanctioned death as proclaimed by ex-Chief Amara that they were going to kill me through all means necessary including rat-poisoning or a machete-hacking mob!
-The names Victor-and-Linet the village-AP's daughter-and- farm-hand are also Pamela-and-Peter Mangos' son-and-daughter kids names and thus reflects further the criminal-conspiracies with regards to the witchcraft of contagion-animism  'Animism' is a particular sensibility and way of relating to other worldly beings where it involves attributing sentience, a latent, invisible, vital-force, force-of-life, to other beings both animate-and-inanimate including persons, animals and places. The doctrine or philosophy of 'animism' rests in the belief that all natural things both animate-and-inanimate like  the sun or thunder or lightning possess a latent, immaterial force including spirits aka souls which can influence human events.  } concerning the attribution of 'animate-power-subjectivity' sentience to the village-AP's-family co-conspirators indicated by the criminal-attacks and sexual-offences committed by Victor, his father Peter Mango and mother Pamela Mango as a family highlighted in the 15+ OBs recorded at Migori Police Station.

This is the final complaints draft-update regarding ( OB 61/23/08/2021 at 1740hrs ) since the recent Migori Police Station turn-around to revisit and re-open my case-file on individual criminal charges following my changes-in-approach vis-à-vis the criminal-conspiracy interconnections with the broad lawsuit ; of which if there should be any inconsistencies with the police statement for duress, stress or otherwise, then this one upholds. I'm drafting the picture-photo physical evidence which will be ready soon subject to resources to supplement the police statement. SOS

ODPP and IPOA Feedbacks Stalemates

Dear Sir / Madam,
                             I'm so exhausted by the ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's GoK's endless-persecution I've just managed to copy-paste the latest CTA developments status-quo. SOS.
                            ICC-Indicted Illegitimate-President for crimes against humanity and atrocities Uhuru & co. are killing me miserably literally burying me in broad daylight for superstition in their prehistoric-descendant-culture; for which he operates with a powerful Mercedes Benz motorist witchdoctor licensed with a firearm by the GoK. They're drowning me and my distress calls are muffled. The title highlights the grievances. My prayers are in the cited links and their footnote signatures.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.

NB: Find some of the related links here within:- 

Re: SOS Aid Salvage KShs. 10m+ in Litigation Damages at Threat of
Embezzlement by Corrupt IPOA and Compromised ODPP plus the Judiciary:-
Rally-Up Drum-Support CTA for Your Divine-Intervention in
Legal-Assistance to Navigate the Litigation Stalemate Against
ICC-Indicted for Crimes Against Humanity Mass-Murderer and
Economy-Cartels Thief Illegitimate President Uhuru plus His Govt. of
Kenya as Demonstrated Below; Including Prayers for Migration for
Political-Asylum / Refuge from the same Tyrannical Uhuru's
Political-Legal Abuse Jinn-Theocracy Govt. of Kenya's
Endless-Persecution, Rape-of-Conscience by Gas Lighting and A
Sanctioned Psychiatric-System-Abuse Approach not-to-mention Mandatory
Systems of Commitment As Demonstrated In My Broad lawsuit Slideshow

Dear Sir / Madam,  
                            Ever since the legal-fraternity made the mistake of
allowing ICC-Indicted characters eligibility to run for public office
the tyrannical mass-murderer Uhuru & economy-cartels thief has
entrenched himself fully fighting the judiciary keen to usurp its
powers & independence over the supremacy of the constitution. Thus the
illegitimate president infamous for abrogating the constitution
including blatantly disregarding court orders numerously like's feared
he may do with the recent ruling that quashed the BBI, begun on a
wrong foot with the illegal & unconstitutional Executive Order No. 1
issued in January 2020 & published by a gazette notice on 11th May
2020 [
] geared to undermine other independent arms of the govt. and
constitutional offices shoving them under the control of state
agencies including that of the AG & Cabinet Secretaries as mere
stooges for his every whim, beck and call. 
                         This is the reason the 'Bill of Rights' has become inoperative 
& unenforceable for my broad lawsuit litigation cases [ https  ] & for the overburdened 
taxpayer electorate at large cause Uhuru's literally stripped us of any constitutional 
protections cause he's overriding the set rules-of-procedure for enforcements of the
same as demonstrated by the number of court orders he's blatantly
kicked aside to the suffering and chagrin of the public. There's no
longer any civilian mechanisms that checks public trust & confidence
in the lame-duck constitutional offices including IPOA, ODPP & the
Judiciary especially since he begun under-funding the crucial latter
for its delivery of justice crippling its operations like decried with
the immediate retired CJ  Maraga [
]; and worse now with the compromised new CJ Martha Koome & the 34
judges cherry-picked for unconstitutional & illegal swearing-in under
the accomplice witness of the now trying to sanitize CJ since 
legal-recourse & opposition to the same's been gaining trajectory by the day for
wanting to compel the mass-murderer to swear-in the remaining six [
] if public faith & trust in the judiciary's to be restored.
                      Otherwise, the judiciary's become a civil service beholden to the
whims, becks & calls of the ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru without
the backbone to stand-up to his political-legal abuses nor for its own
independence. It's indeed this now eroded lack of faith & trust in the
independence of such constitutional offices like IPOA & the ODPP as
regards the feedback stalemate of my now 9yrs Kihara-Construction
Accident evidence-destruction / spoilation case that I run to the
civil society for your divine-intervention to expedite prosecution of
the same to the full extent of the law's logical conclusion including
fast-tracking a speedy-processing of my actual & punitive damages
which could've now accumulated to the tune of anywhere btw KShs. 5m & KShs. 10m+ ; 
given the actual damages as quoted by Owade Advocates before breaching contract & spoiling
evidence as per the unremitted Akidiva Hospital Medical Examination
Form was btw KShs. 300,000 & KShs. 400,000 ; meaning additionally to
the punitive damages according to tort of compensation considering
all factors therein you'll arrive at the million figures quoted above.
Now you haven't put into consideration the damages accruing from the
breach-of-contract by Owade Advocates factoring-in stuff like
mitigation-of-loss, wasted-expenditure or loss-of-bargain; nor have you factored the damages 
accruing from the defamation by the Migori Police Station OCSs and co. 
                     Thus my KShs. 10m+ damages is threatened with embezzlement by a two-edged sword including acute corruption in IPOA & its accomplices at large as demonstrated with the recent arrests of three of its senior management staff
] on the one hand & by the executive's shackling of the due-process-of-the-rule-of-law crippling operations & enforcement of constitutional protections including the
Bill of Rights. Hence the irking silence by IPOA & the ODPP as regards
the cited litigation feedback stalemate has inconspicuously made them
willing accomplices of the ICC-Indicted mass-murderer and
economy-cartels thief Uhuru's pre-empted illegal and unconstitutional 
Executive-Order as he goes on a tantrum demolishing all constitutional
safeguards and restraints to turn them into puppet-departments under
the AG and assorted Cabinet Secretaries. Mind you the Office of the AG
has been noted by the US as inherently corrupt customarily shielding
the executive & its economy-cartels cronies from prosecution; indeed
the reason they sanctioned ex-AG Amos Wako, his wife & son.
                       The limping lame-duck judiciary though is trying to get back a hold on its footing  as it fights tooth & claw to regain its independence in asserting its role as the enforcer
of the constitutional rule-of-law 
which's a tall-order cause of the fear that's been struck down their
spines compromising their integrity given two of the six judges he
blocked among the 41 recommended by the JSC were party to the
5-judge-bench ruling that quashed the BBI enterprise; not to mention
prior 'revisit'-threats by this ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru
following the 2018 annulment of the presidential election by the
Supreme Court when he attempted to assassinate the Deputy CJ Mwilu
sending the first chill on the judiciary's spine which thereafter they
couldn't even muster a quorum to hear a case challenging the holding of a
repeat-election before the very issues that had led to the annulment
in the first place were fixed. Hence concerned authorities including
IPOA & ODPP are coiling their tails subserviently lest they be
revisited by the ICC-Indicted mass-murderer and thus we pray you endeavor 
he be brought to book for precedent and prosperity once his tenure comes to term.  SOS.
                             Thus below are some of the exchange-correspondences I've held with the corrupt and compromised hitherto independent constitutional offices to the current litigation feedback stalemate. I pray your divine-interventions. 
                             Thank you in advance for your considerations and assistances.
                             Yours Faithfully,
                             Erick Mango.

First Formal Charge Complaints To IPOA { Seconded By ODPP Prosecution Counsel } Over A Furious Migori Police Station OCS Who Tampered-With / Destroyed A Kihara-Construction-Accident P3 Form Documentary-Evidence In A Cover-Up Conspiracy To Obstruct-and-Defeat Justice Involving Two-OCSs, An In-Charge-of-Crime, A Cop In The Deputy County Commissioner's Office and One Asst. Chief Onyango { End of Year 2020 Summary / Updated Version }. SOS.

 Dear Sir / Madam,

                           My names are Erick Otieno Mango, a 42yr old B.A. graduate, entrepreneur, research-scientist & web-developer; currently residing in Migori, Suna East, Chamkombe / Kakrao, albeit in a hostage-situation; and of phone numbers [ +254723047863 and +254764087863 ]. First let me attest that I would've filed the complaints earlier as indicated in your attached correspondence 'cept that I only got an internet-enabled Symbian phone on 20th Dec 2017 [ before which accessing the www was in the cybers and far-&-wide placed ] and came to access your correspondence recently on searching my mail before I updated myself with your site ; the reason I first tried to e-file this crime with the ICMS the very day it occurred [
] ; for which the alert was first raised on social media [
] before fully updating. Otherwise, cause of the GoK's political-legal
abuses' arrested-development's imposed pauperism-pennilessness, I've duly urged the CJ courtesy of
civil-society-groups to extend the Statute-of-Limits { as indicated in
my broad lawsuit slideshow at}:-[
] till such a time the Advocates-Complaints-Commission in the office
of the AG pays-up my now 8.1yrs Kihara Construction Accident [ the
subject-matter of this first IPOA Complaints as regards the Migori
Police Station OCS Destroying the original P3-FormDocumentary
Evidence ] punitive & actual damages / dues to enable me e-file my
broad lawsuit with the ICMS. 'Twas on the 16th of December 2019 that I
went to report at Migori Police Station [
] the cyclic-ritual hunger-tortures by the Dysfunctional 'Turpins'
'Step Family' that I reside with  albeit in a hostage situation under
forced-dependency when after protocol at the front desk & preliminaries at the Crimes Office, they
gave me an appointment to see the OCS the following day on 17th Dec.
2019. Come the day the OCS found me waiting & he was surrounded by his
aides who intimidatingly threateningly seemed preparingly ready to
pounce-on-me at a bark from him. He asked for my file containing the
14 OBs & other documentary evidences indicating the
torturous-abusive-hostage situation I reside unwillingly with the
Dysfunctional Turpins 'Step Family' since the cops usually inquire
into the root-cause, chain & consequences of everything whenever one
visits them to register complaints. He then peruses & settles for the
original Kihara Construction Accident P3 Form, which finding his
target tears it into like 5 pieces he hands to one of his aides. The
water-dipped last-attachment in this IPOA Complaint is testimony to
the chaotic-skirmish the furious OCS caused when it fell on rain water
in a ditch.
                  They said they'll 'dispose better' of the torn-P3 when I asked for the
torn pieces! He then inquires on the 'status quo' since my last
complaints as regards the interconnections between the cyclic-ritual
hunger-tortures and the homosexual-&-incestuous sexual harassments
with the Dysfunctional Turpins 'Step Family' asking whether, "he'd now
fucked me," in a derogatory manner meant to chide my complaints as
'nonsense' before the Station. The furious OCS continues to throw
tantrums I guess cause I'd made an earlier complaint to the OCPD &
made clear intentions to file a suit against him and 3 others plus
Asst. Chief Onyango co-conspirators regarding subvert conspiracies. He
decries my overwhelming evidence then insults my sanity claiming, he
thinks I must be "Mentally disturbed" which underscores the same
covert operations to sabotage my pursuits for justice [ in
premonitioned intentions to execute Sanctioned Psychiatric System
Abuse ] by "falsely accusing" me in mean Defamation-proclamations to
his Station.      As demonstrated in the introductory link, he refers to the
co-conspirator IC as 'my friend' before echoing her words in asides to
his aides said, "This guy's back again!" The OCS claims I must be
'mentally disturbed' basing that as the reason my cases are rotting
despite my informing him it's rather cause I'm denied the resources to
process the same. He then dismisses me saying 'I don't know the law' &
that I go look for a lawyer; in a sarcastic manner suggesting to see
if I'll find one insinuating the GoK's political-legal abuse as
regards 'Sanctioned Psychiatric System Approach Abuse.' Those were
circumstances surrounding the criminal acts & civil-misconducts on
that day 17th Dec. 2019. I can identify the OCS while IPOA can
identify him as per the duty-records of that date; his 5 or 6 aides
plus the other officers present at the Crimes Office & elsewhere on
that date can testify 'under oath' to my allegations. Hence,
first & foremost I petition IPOA to independently investigate & pursue
criminal & civil charges against the mentioned OCS promptly and that
the perpetrator be brought to justice and if convicted, sentenced
according to the nature of his crimes and civil-misconducts ; as well
as put in place safeguards to prevent such wanton abuses in the future
in alignment with the objectives of the NPS Act which give effect to
the Provisions of Articles 238, 239, 243, 247& 244 of the
Constitution of Kenya as concerns the National Security Council ; not
to mention the IPOA Act [ No. 35 of 2011 ] that gave birth to its
'Civilian Complaints Accountability Mechanism.' I seek IPOA's
declaration that the mentioned OCS's 'Tampering / Destruction of
Evidence' was high-felony cause of its gross intent to interfere with
the orderly administration of law & justice since 'twas an
original-record by the first officer who filled-in the P3-Form on the
day of the accident as evidence in criminal-regulatory investigations
; and more so cause of the associated apparent conspiracy in cahoots
with Owade Advocates and Commissioners for Oaths who'd intentionally
alleged 'loosing' a crucial component of the Kihara Construction
Accident case-file particulars including the X-Ray in both "Spoilation
& Tampering of Evidence" geared to exonerate Kihara Construction the
defendant even as it underscores Owade Advocates criminal acts &
misconduct since its meant to lay grounds to create "Reasonable Doubt"
for Kihara Construction so as to justify the potential to "Dismiss
Motions and / or Achieve Mistrials" when their accident case is court
processed for determinations. Hence, the OCS's obvious "Obstruction /
Perversion of Justice" is associated in addition to the above deduced
more serious underlying crime involving the corrupt lawyers, cops,
Asst. Chief Onyango & co. in a widespread conspiracy. I seek IPOA's
finding of 'Abuse of Powers and Office' & that the OCS and his
mentioned co-conspirators accomplices be held responsible and
accountable for violating the constitution as regards evidence law
amongst other crimes. I seek IPOA's declaration finding that the OCS
acted unprofessionally, verbally harassed me as regards "DEFAMATION"
when he "FALSELY ACCUSED" me of being "MENTALLY DISTURBED" and that
he be compelled to substantiated for the same and/ or publicly
apologize & retract his statement as well as bear liability for the
damages. I seek IPOA's declaration that the aforementioned OCS
"DISCRIMINATED ME" based on malicious, framed, imposed, vicious
"Sanctioned Stigmatization-Stereotyping of the Psychiatric System" and
that he bear liability for the same. I seek IPOA's finding that the
OCS misconducted himself to treat me in a "DEROGATORY" manner that
"DEPRIVES HUMAN DIGNITY" [ contrary to Article 29 of the Constitution
of Kenya ] and impacts PSYCHOLOGICAL torture in a CAMPAIGN TO
DISCREDIT MY COMPLAINTS ; & that he be held liable for his criminal
acts and civil misconducts. Couldn't complain by filling-form cause of
Thank you in advance.
Yours Faithfully,                                                                                                                          
Erick Mango.

IPOA Rejoinder on The First Formal Complaints-Charge Filing:- CTA Rally-up Support For IPOA-Interventions As Regards GoK Institutional Systemic Corruption Impunities. SOS.


Greetings Eric Mango,

Kindly get in touch with me on 0799 862244.

Kind regards.

Joel Kimari
Complaints Management Officer
Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA)
Kisumu Regional Office
P.O Box 3560 - 40100,
Tel: 0799 862244; 020 4906361

Dear Sir / Madam,                  
                           It's been 1 month 2 weeks+ since I formally filed my first complaints [
] with your supposed Civilian Complaints Board as was established by
an Act of Parliament [ The IPOA Act No. 35 of 2011 ] which envisioned
a robust civilian accountability mechanism and that promotes
public-trust & confidence in the NPS ; for otherwise, who'll be held
responsible & accountable whenever the notorious, corrupt Kenya Police
violate as customary with impunity the rights to life and dignity
among others in the 'Bill of Rights?.' Unlike my previous engagements
with IPOA when your interventions was prompt & swift like showcased
with the IPOA PDF attachment, this time round it's a 'dead end' and
thus this rejoinder enquiring to be privileged with information as to
the status-quo to pre-empt any speculations & assumptions. What's
worse your portal's dysfunctional and won't open to any filings online
; citing unspecified portal-errors & asking complainants to 'try again'
some other period. The same applies to your 'toll free' phone. No.
1559 which hits a dead-end upon ringing ; at least the last times I
tried ; unlike during with the pdf-attachment period [ 2016 ] when one
of your prudent officer, a certain Mr. Kamau would call me the
complainant to give directions / instructions as well as to follow-up
on the status-quo as designated by the IPOA Act No. 35 of 2011 that
constituted IPOA ; to oversight the streamlining to the new Kenya's
constitutional dispensation provisioning regulation of the set-out
'object functions' of the NPS as per Article 244 including fostering &
promoting relationships btw IPOA, the NPS and the public at large ;
not to mention compliance with constitutional standards. of human rights,
fundamental freedoms & dignity plus trainings to respect the same in
observing standards. of professionalism, competence, integrity & discipline
; as well as practice transparency & accountability to prevent corruption. 
                      Your dead-end portal-breakdown / silence has
raised my eye-brows to speculations & assumptions which I hope you'll
put to rest by duly informing me of the status-quo. Such include : Was
IPOA part of the constitutional commissions & independent offices
listed by ICC-Indicted and therefore illegitimate president Uhuru's
infamous unlawful and improper Executive Order No. 1 issued in January
and signed in May 11 designed to implicitly infringe on their autonomy
by placing them under state-agencies / ministries so as to usurp
their powers geared to weaken their functional and
institutional-independence for muzzlings and underminings through that
unconstitutional restructuring-&-function-assignments which are thus
null-and-void? Is IPOA now under Uhuru's armpit and therefore a mere
stooge, appendage, toothless public watch-dog that promotes crimes
against humanity? Otherwise, I pray you process my case in letter &
spirit to the latter. 

Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.

IPOA and ODPP Prosecution Counsel Feedback Stalemate, Suspense, Speculation v The Executive Uhuru's Interference Precedence Fears:- Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid-pawns' start extreme starvation 1-meal-a-day at supper hunger-tortures by peristalsis-triggering boiled tubers unlike roasted or cooked cause I begun resuming exercise therapy yesterday; SOS; Almost walking naked; Need washing and bathing bar-soap bad. SOS; Lend 50%-interest payable soft loans given IPOA and ODPP are now processing my accident evidence-destruction case, to replace rags, dev. eCommerce / AdSense:- How Sadist, 'Penis Envy' [rd: Sexology] ICC-Indicted Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist Sissy-Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'Paid Pawns' the Compulsive-Neurotic, Sex-Pervet, Dysfunctional 'Turpin' Witches Exploit The Either Wichcraftly-Acquired or Genetically-Inherited DMD For Their 'Married But Gay' Gender-Conformity Mandatory 'Mixed Orientation Marriage' Commitments Ends:

Dear Sir / Madam,                
                            I'm so exhausted by ICC-Indicted
Uhuru's GoK's endless persecution, dehumanization, cyclic-ritual,
hunger-torture starvations by proxy of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
paid-pawns 'physiology food-witches' akin to the Maasai
cattle-bleeding for instant energy rejuvenations such that I feel I
could drop dead anytime one of these fine days. [
]. In Fact it reminds me of Tupac's song, "I wake up in the morning and
I ask myself, is life worth living or should I blast myself!" Simple
cause Uhuru's been brood-sitting on my now 8.9yrs Kihara-Construction
damages till late last year 2020 when ODPP Prosecution Council engaged
mepoorol'self with a letter asking I send them through the Post Office
the relevant documentary evidence hard copies pertaining to the case;
this following on IPOA assigning the same to their Kisumu Regional
Office Complaints-Management-Officer, a Mr. Joel Kimari who by 23rd
November 2020 told me on phone the case had been referred back to Nrb
Hq. & that I should expect a call for feedback from them regarding a
breakdown on the proceedings program. Thus mepoorol'self waited for
the end-&-new year festivities hangover to pass the whole of January [
bidding time hoping they'll call me ] before I flashed [ can't afford
airtime credit to call ] Joel Kimari again on Friday 5th Feb 2021 to
no avail making me flash again on 16th Feb 2021 at 1133hrs when he
called me back at 1245hrs promising follow-up for the Nrb Hq. feedback
& that they'll update me soon. Mepoorol'self waited another month
before flashing again last week on the 16th & 17th March 2021 both to
no avail till this week starting Monday 22nd, to Tuesday 23rd & today
24th Wednesday, all without any response so far! Previously I'd
written to the ODPP Prosecution Counsel c/o one Penina Wawira Ngondi
on the 11th of February 2021 asking for feedback on the status quo as
the victim / petitioner / complainant committing  enthusiasm to participate in the proceedings any time called upon including forwarding any necessary documents they may require further;
to no avail to date making mepoorol'self wonder whether IPOA have
taken-on the same turn to now remain mum too. Of course without
feedback the other foremost speculation's that ICC-Indicted Uhuru
outta vested interests being one of the key defendants incriminated in
my broad lawsuit [ ] by his
political-legal abuses might've interfered with the independent
constitutional-offices proceedings like he's done the last 8.9yrs with
the AG regarding my accident case [ under who the
Advocates-Complaints-Commission shifted-to following intense
corruption allegations ] known to customarily shield the executive in
Kenya from prosecution [ demonstrated by US sanctions against ex-AG
Amos Wako, his wife & son ] till IPOA & the ODPP Prosecution Counsel
intervened starting 27th October 2020 and now this suspense stalemate.
                     That speculation's  also fed with some of the BBI's 'bad apple' constitutional-amendment anticipations that certain constitutional-offices will be shifted to
fall under some of the executive's ministries thus eroding their
independence so as to set the stage for the executive to exploit their
constitutional mandates; an unpopular approach demonstrated by
electorate's objection when LSK took ICC-Indicted Uhuru to task
threatening to impeach him for jus' such an illegal Executive Order
that intended to put the JSC under his armpit for every whim, beck &
call. I'd indeed expressed such speculations fears in a rejoinder to
] for which I CTA civil society groups to intervene in your divine
mandates to fast-track the same for prosecutions to the full extent of
the law to expedite a speedy processing of my Kihara-Construction
8.9yrs actual & punitive damages [
                  For resolutions I'd thus urged the former CJ retired Maraga to
review-extend the 'Statute of Limitation' law [
]  as regards my broad lawsuit pending ICMS e-filing which's stalled
cause of murderous, heinous, ICC-Indicted Uhuru's political-legal
abuses brood-sitting on my now 8.9yrs accident damages courtesy of his
AG c/o the Advocates Complaints Commission till IPOA & ODPP
Prosecution Counsel intervened starting 27th October 2020; and now
this stalemate even as I wither in old age with whitening hair & a
waning virility still a bachelor at 43yrs cause of jealousy, sadist,
'penis envy' [ rd: Sexology ] Uhuru's imposed pennilessness-pauperism
curtailing my datings & marriage. SOS. Otherwise, the latest attached
photos illustrate the physiology-food-witches exploiting Uhuru's
forced dependency with peristalsis-triggering boiled cassava tubers
unlike roasted or of late cooked as I discovered recently; the same
applies to unthrashed-maize & beans [ nyoyo / githeri ] unlike thrashed [ mdhokoi
]. I'm almost walking naked accordingly to Uhuru's endless persecution
'gas lighting'-GoK & the Dysfunctional Turpin Witches 'making of
archetype' manipulation-strategies to wonna defame my image in the
eyes of the public swaying their minds that I supposedly could've run
outta mine; cause they've imposed mepoorol'self a 'passive male,'
hand-to-mouth 3D existence below-the-poverty-line. SOS. Jus' like
roasted sweet potatoes they quit roasting after realizing I can eat a
pile unlike boiled, so have they quit today cooking the cassava tubers
I realized on the 22nd March 2021 I can take without any
gastrointestinal peristalsis-triggerings like illustrated on the
latest attached photos. The same applies to cooked potatoes which
surprisingly if fried like as in chips again triggers me peristalsis
without fail like I discovered way back in Mombasa making me abandon
eating chips to date! Another thing's table sugar which I quit ages
back  for like now 2 or 3 yrs cause it effectuates me a shortening-of-breath
& the same applies to the soft drink Fanta or alcohol spirits made of
sugar cane like Kenya Cane both which I since put a stop to taking. If
Uhuru & co. kill me before pay of my damages since it appears they're
scared of facing the proceedings of my broad lawsuit before the
authority of independent law courts [
irrefutable guilt, then my prayers regarding the division of my estate
is in the footnote signatures; besides the other prayers I present the
civil society for their divine interventions. Need bathing & washing
bar-soap bad. Also I said before that I don't give a hoot 'bout
Uhuru's Jinn Theocracy GoK jobs cause my hands are full 'cept as per
these conditions since he reached-out recently in [

NB: The last photo's of yesterday's supper of paltry unsustainable
greens meant for one, the gay witch; divided for two. Surviving on
water. SOS.
                    Thank you in advance. 
                    Yours Faithfully,        
                    Erick Mango.

Exchange Correspondence  Between The ODPP and I as Regards:-    Feedback request inquiry on the submitted 'Hard copy documents' concerning the 'COMPLAINT AGAINST OCS - MIGORI POLICE STATION;' plus the status-quo on the declaration-findings, restitutions regarding my complaints prayers and/or my requisite participation in the proceedings.

On Friday, December 11, 2020, 02:31:33 PM GMT+6, Peninnah Wawira <> wrote:

The office of the DPP acknowledges receipt of your email dated 4th December 2020.
The attached documents are however blurred hence not legible. This is to request you to kindly attach clear copies of your documents so as to adequately advise you on the matter.


On Sat, Dec 12, 2020 at 12:46 PM Ym2006 <> wrote:
Dear Madam, 
                    I was wondering whether it'll be convenient to send the documents through the post office ; or alternatively if you could have a clearer view / download of the same from my slideshow exhibition highlighting my broad lawsuit at [ ]. 
Thank you in advance for your consideration. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

On Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 12:19:09 PM GMT+3, Peninnah Wawira <> wrote:

Good morning Erick.
I have checked the documents in your website but some are still not clear. kindly send hard copies of your documents to our post office box number 30701-00100 NAIROBI

Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 01:19:54 PM GMT+6
Subject: Re: [ Hard copy documents on the way :- ] COMPLAINT AGAINST OCS - MIGORI POLICE STATION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Erick Mango,        

                                                                                                                            P.O. Box 1184,

                                                                                                                            Suna, Migori.

Office of The DPP,
Prosecution Counsel,
P.O. Box 30701-00100,

Dear Madam,
                     Find attached the hard-copy photocopies of the documents concerning the Complaints Against Migori Police Station OCS including  [ I'm on my way to the Post Office. NB: I'll clarify any further details you may need and would appreciate if your impeccable office exhausted any felonies I may have omitted ] :-                                                                                                                          
[ 1.]- The Police Accident P3 Medical Examination Report for the Kihara-Construction accident case of OB 12/17/9/202  and OB 28/14/6/2012. This is the copy whose original the OCS tore for the ulterior-motive conspiracy to obstruct and defeat justice ; Which conjunctively with Owade Advocates who refused to hand-over the Akidiva Memorial Hospital Medical Examination Report demanding a fee of KShs 3000 first after tearing the contract-form yet he wanted me to sign an affidavit that they'd handed me all the contents of the aforesaid case file, thus elaborates the conspiracy. The same Owade Advocates who I also prefer charges of breach of contract and of client confidentiality, corruption, incompetence, negligence and  spoilation of evidence cause they refused to hand-over the accident X-Ray claiming arrogantly falsely that they'd lost it! 
[2.]- The fully-filled Kenya Police Road Accident Abstract Form of Anaco Insurance Policy No. AM5/080/0712121/20 from 18/5/2012 to 17/5/2013 for vehicle registration No. KAS 535K and signed on the 27/4/2016 ; and

[3.]- The half-filled Kenya Police Road Accident Abstract Form signed by the Traffic Commandant 0n 18/9/12 and Owade Advocates on the 20/9/2012 as shown.

Thank you in advance,
Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.


From: Ym2006 <>
To: Peninnah Wawira <>
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2021, 02:30:23 PM GMT+6
Subject: Re: Feedback request inquiry on the submitted 'Hard copy documents' concerning the 'COMPLAINT AGAINST OCS - MIGORI POLICE STATION;' plus the status-quo on the declaration-findings, restitutions regarding my complaints prayers and/or my requisite participation in the proceedings.

Dear Madam,                       
                   Happy new year. My concerns regard first and foremost the confirmation of reception of the hard-copy photocopies of the documentary evidence you'd asked for since given 'twas manually sent via the Post Office, I held sincere fears the antagonists could've intercepted to interfere or totally destroy the same in continuation of their ill-motive conspiracies to obstruct the course of law for purposes of defeating justice. 
                  Last but not least I wish to inquire on any requirements of my participation as the complainant-victim in the due process of which I would be duly glad to. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully,     
 Erick Mango.

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