Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Change in approach to filing the criminal sexual charges one-by-one pending ODPP Migori submissions as witches'-nest co-conspirator pawns continue the offensive onslaught; SOS. [ Finally made it to ODPP Migori where the Secretariat after preliminaries led me to the Prosecution Counsel whom I briefed adequately also regarding my charges of criminal conspiracies and criminal sexual conducts both on numerous counts and incriminating President Uhuru as Chief-defendant / architect amongs adversely mentioned accomplices and others. The lady Prosecution Counsel told me they deal with printed submissions / complaints and adviced me to print-out the soft copies I'd relayed to civil society groups including the legal fraternity the submit the same to her. I asked for more time due to wanting resources which could be elusive. Hence flashing friends and well-wishers for soft loans / spare cash to bullet and print-out the soft copies. { MPESA:- +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. SOS.

Dear Sir / Madam,
                           It took a while as indicated below before the title
events yielded. {
{ Still haven't eaten nothing yet as Uhuru's pawn-witches have their
breakfast in the kitchen while I gotta guess my first meal ration
pending ODPP 1105hrs; SOS. ] Yesterday I tasted the first meal ration
of the day at supper tabled at 2040hrs consisting of a paltry handful
of cabbages and like 4-tiny-pieces of meat; Thus I finally bathed
after that supper at around 2110hrs cause of the exhausting,
emaciating energylessness requiring you cease all efforts at any
physical work even carrying a bucket of water or walking; SOS. Thus
today waiting again to go present the facts and evidence of my case to
the ODPP Migori if Uhuru and co. don't put me on another
hunger-torture strain till supper. SOS }. [ 9/08/2021 ]:- Uhuru, GoK,
IPOA, ODPP, Judiciary & co. are
Uhuru's GoK's endless dehumanization, cyclic-ritual starvation torture persecutions proxy of
his Brokeside-Dairy-Jacket pawns the gay-witch and quickie-prostitute
[substantiated] has to do with the incriminating-evidence of my broad
lawsuit including the 14+ OBs being obstructed for
want of processing costs due to the delayed-injustice of my 9.1yrs
Kihara-Construction accident evidence-destruction/spoliation damages amounting to now KShs
10m+ ; This was once clarified by ODPP Migori asking how I expected the same GoK I
intended to sue to process my damages and
facilitate the litigation in turn; quoting thus defense of the accused
as did ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru in refusing to part with the
incriminating phone-transcripts and telephone-records evidence. Thus
my 10m+ damages risks embezzlement while my life's threatened with
death as Sanctioned by
the GoK c/o mouth-piece ex-Chief Amara and co. at the grassroots. I
pray for political asylum. SOS. { }.
Now that it's been deduced that the President doesn't enjoy absolute
immunity as highlighted in the "Republic v. CJ & 6 others {2010}" plus
"Nyarotho vs. AG & 3 others {2013}" High Court rulings in addition to
the BBI Judgement; both in his official capacity and liability in
personal responsibility, for constitutional & legal transgressions as
well as for any loss that may ensue as a result of his own actions or
omissions; my learned Lords and Ladies, members of the Bench and
members of the Bar, I've been thrown back to square-A as was aptly put
in context by the ODPP Migori when quoting defense of the President
asked how I expected the same GoK I intended to sue to process my now
9.1yrs 10m+ damages and facilitate the same. Thanks to the case law
developments above I've drafted and relayed the soft copies of part of
my broad lawsuit against the GoK adversely mentioning / touching on
President Uhuru 'cept for the stalemate that the ODPP Migori requires
a printed hard-copy for formal due process
which cause of the injustice of my delayed 9.1yrs Kihara Construction
accident litigation actual & punitive 10m+ damages {
} cause sadist Uhuru's been brood-sitting pretty on the same
exploiting his erstwhile mis-informed unlawful and illegal executive
orders [
] to wonna call the shots and put constitutional offices including the
Judiciary, IPOA, ODPP under his armpit for his becks, calls & whims;
I'm left flashing friends & well-wishers hourly as highlighted in the
title for soft loans to print-out the petition due to still being
under his imposed penilessness-pauperism 3D 'passive male'-existence
under the-poverty-line subject to his cyclic-ritual hunger-torture
starvations because of the captive-siege's imposed dependency on mandatory
systems of commitment [ #FreeBritney #TheReturnOfICC ]. SOS. That
much said I would like to state that the witches'-nest co-conspirators in
the ODPP Migori pending case-submission have taken on the offensive
yet again derriding the fact that the pending submission may take like
forever before any criminals are brought to book [ for want of
resources ] same as the 9.1yrs accident case and thus the new
onslaughts. The boiled-eggs seller was there at the water-hole / kiosk
scene-of-crime [ 9th August 2021 ] to come oogle at me as I bowed to
fill my 1.5l bottle; while Victor AP cop Owino's farmhand [
] marktimmed me yesterday [ 10th August 2021 ] to borrow a knife from
the kiosk he wanted to cut a 30l bottle's neck for which as I filled
my 1.5l bottle, he was finished and wanted to brush past my 'buttocks'
as he passed behind me insultingly suggestively like the conspirators
members have premonitioned; forcing me to duck thrusting my waist
forward as I stood-upright quickly to avoid any touches!
All these sexual offences are contrary to Cap. 63 Sections 145 (1), 144
(1) (3.), 157, 162, 165 as read together with the SOA Sections 2 (1),
5 and 12. Henceforth I've changed approach and will begin charging
perpetrators of the same personally and individually pending
litigation of the ODPP Migori petition submission and so I take leave
to ask the IG of Police Mutyambai to facilitate a conducive
environment at Migori Police Station where on Sunday 8th August 2021
as I briefed the new OCS I'd heard from outside his window another cop
in 'asides' repeat the phrase, "Huyu mjamaa amerudi hapa tena?" in a
marked pattern to dissuade me for purposes of obstructing justice and
the rule of law; though I can thankfully report that I'm gainning my
composure again from the systematic, consistent, widespread
intimidation, discrimination and outlawing. Thank you in
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

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