Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Vol. 2 :- Dehumanization:- Britney Spears, 13 Turpins Kids v. Psychic-Vampire-Witches’ Embezzlement-Paganism Theft-Conmanship v. Estrangements-Separations:- [ Back to hourly-flashings having taken only 4-‘mandazis’ and water since morn. ]: Energy-emaciating growth-stunting hunger-tortures impunity go-on with quickie-prostitute serving paltry cabbage-ration meant for one the belly-full gay-dodo who serves larger share yet leaves it unfinished while I who’d been famished-starving since yesterday can’t have enough wiping the plate as illustrated; Spare cash bal. 20/-; SOS: Lend 50%-interest payable soft loans now that IPOA and ODPP are processing my accident evidence-destruction case, to replace rags, dev. eCommerce/Adsense:- How Sadist, ‘Penis Envy’ [rd: Sexology] Bori/GLBTQ aka Lamu/Bondo-Usenge Mixed-Orientation-Marriage Compulsive-Neurotic, Sex-Pervet, Dysfunctional ‘Turpin’ Witches Exploit The Either Wichcraftly-Acquired or Genetically-Inherited DMD For Their ‘Married But Gay’ Gender

Hello? This had begun as a by-the-way update on the GoK’s endless persecution hunger-torture-starvations but it’s picked-up momentum to highlight a comparative-analysis research on the developments of the #FreeBritney Conservatorship case dilemma: Watch this space.


Dear Sir / Madam,

ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Illegitimate President Uhuru’s GoK’s endless persecution sanctioned psychiatric-system abuse approach [ ] continues with impunity as the tittle entails and today it’s back again to scheduled 1-meal ration every 24hrs at supper of hunger-torture starvations for medical arrested development geared to effectuate a stunted / child’s physique. Will give full details in due course. I pray your divine interventions to fast-track the speedy-processing of my 9yrs damages and set me free like Britney Spears or the 13 Turpin kids who were literally shackled { }. Bathing postponed till after supper. { NB: 3rd finger of left palm swollen at the tip 5th day now debilitating further rags washing }. SOS.

Thank you in advance.

Yours Faithfully,

Erick Mango.

Other links as regards latest developments on the #FreeBritney Conservatorship include:-

{1.}- [ ];

{2.}- [ ];

{3.}- [ ]


ICMS e-filings
ICMS e-filings
Britney’s non-consensual disinformed forced drugging
Statute of Limitations v. Impunity
Free Britney: Stop the sanctioned abuse; stop the failed-enterprise pseudo-science; stop the hired psychiatrist-assassins; stop the cabbaging; stop the zoo-exhibit caging; stop the dehumanization…
Bori / GLBTQ+ aka Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Dysfunctional-Family including the “self-bleaching, indecent-exposure, quickie-prostitute,” & her “married but gay”-husband illustrating their homosexual-&-incestuous marktimming-tracking harassments plus her conman-thief brother Charles Ooko psychic-vampire-witches v. Phillip Ondari Onyancha the real lifetime blood-sucking vampire convict. The locks, keys and bolt demonstrate the several break-ins, lock-interferences and false imprisonment.
Jamie Spears [ family ] and Britney Spears psychic-vampire-witch-father [ akin to the Turpins ] unwittingly granted her Conservatorship before turning into a wolf-in-sheep’s-skin embezzlement-conman-thief bondage-master tick-parasite of her life & estate.
Newly sworn and 3rd CJ Martha Koome & family since my now Migori Police Station recorded 9yrs Kihara-Construction accident occured on 14th June 2012 after I lodged my advocates-complaints with the then Mungai’s AG’s portal subsequently when Uhuru the executive & economy-cartels cronies hadn’t yet threatened ex-CJ Mutunga into premature retirement-resignation to be succeeded by the outspoken CJ Maraga. Will CJ Koome deliver now that corrupt-IPOA & ODPP have taken-over the accident’s ‘evidence destruction-spoilation’ case since the US Sanctioned ex-AG Amos Wako, wife & son for the OAG’s inherent corruption including shielding the executive from prosecution?
Psychic vampire Turpins living-fossils of the European Witch Trials & their 13 kids shackled for eternity and who underwent hunger-torture starvations to medically effectuate an arrested-development physique even in the adult kids. Their’s a prehistoric-descendant-culture / zombie-occultism evolved into the psychiatric-system zoo-exhibit caging-abuse cabbaging akin to what Britney Spear’s been forced to undergo.
The swollen-and-normal left-&-right 3rd fingers since 25th June 2021 though it’s now somehow receding. ICC-Indicted Uhuru’s political-legal abuse’s imposed pennilessness-pauperism’s left me without health insurance cover amid the ravaging SARS nCoV2 not to mention the unhygienic, health-hazard often rotting, maggot-infested foodstuffs or unwashed in a mix of snails, cockroaches or soil; even as he brood-sits pretty on my now 9yrs KShs. 10m+ in accident and other charge-counts damages. I often gotta rely on over-the-counter tabs after double-guessing diagnoses unless a well-wisher’s spare cash coincides with an ailment. SOS.
David and Louise Turpin, the compulsive-neurotic psychic-vampire-witches of Riverside California were charged with 12 counts of torture; 12 counts of false imprisonment; 7 counts of abuse of a dependent adult; 6 counts of child abuse plus David received an additional charge of a lewd act on a child under 14. The living-fossils duo of the European-Witch-Trials witches’ prehistoric-descendant-culture zombie-occult now evolved into the Sanctioned Pseudoscience Psychiatric-System’s ‘Psychiatrist-Assassins for Hire’ were sentenced on April 19, 2019 to life imprisonment with a parole possibility after 25yrs. The occults engaged in swinging & Louise was reportedly obsessed with witchcraft, satanic rituals, Ouija boards and snake handlings. Their abuse & torture of the 13 kids was calculated and of a systematic nature involving years of imprisonment, beatings, stranglings and eatings / showerings once annually. Rescue cops thought they was all under 18 for the malnourishments yet 7 were 18yrs+!

The snapshots demonstrate like once narrated to the ODPP Migori when I sought interventions over my accident litigation progress hurdles in complaints over Owade / Mudeyi Advocates, how the calculating psychic-vampire-witches had cut the rope to the well forcing me to rely on rain water for 3 weeks for bathing/washing; now they changed that to oftenly confiscating the keys to the well usually hang on the tree for which to bath/wash I’d to search for them and ask for the keys before they could let me & if absent wait till they re-appeared! Restricted hygiene. Other scenarios illustrate the sex-pervert witches incestuous-&-homosexual marktimming-trackings harassments to the pit-latrines/bathrooms at day and night which increase with the hunger-tortures. The door showcases their numerous locks interferences. Above, the ODPP asked how I expected the same GoK I intended to sue to cooperate in processing my damages quoting defence akin to Uhuru’s refusal to hand-over ICC incriminating phone & finance record evidences

Britney's breakdown
What sparked Britney’s mental breakdown was correctly pinned by her early childhood-insiders to be her deeply troubled childhood having been born to an alcoholic dad till his 2004 quitting after treatment for alcohol addiction; a conduct that imprinted on Britney who’d to check into Malibu Alcohol and Drug Rehab Feb. 20 to March 20, 2007 exacerbated by ex-hubby filing for custody of their 2 sons which she eventually lost forcing her to barricade with the youngest before they forcefully detained her on a psychiatric-hold. Mourning her divorced-marriage, loss of love & kids custody made her shave her head and attack the paparazzi decrying the media’s mockery-fun of exaggerating her every move. Her parents filed for divorce in early 1980 but withdrew the papers in March 1980 before finally splitting 20yrs later in 2002; another mis-hap that imprinted on Britney’s life. Her childhood experience bore her witness to her parents rows & fights leaving her a bundle of nerves mistaken for energy or kicks. Relate Harry.

from Solar System Media

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