Thursday, November 19, 2020

'Evil-eyed' psychic- cannibal-vampire jealousy food- poker witches attempt food-poisoning / 'hyena-people' pig-sty-filthing exploiting sadist ICC-Indicted Uhuru's sanctioned political-legal abuse endless persecution's imposed penilessness-pauperism forced-dependancy ; as they continue the hunger-tortures having eaten and left for town this morn. while I gotta guess my first ratio ; as if I'd asked to come to their abode. Aid restock 5/- bob juice sachets. [ All my other prayers including contacts for aid are in the footer signatures ] SOS.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jason Bourne <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020, 12:56:41 PM GMT+6
Subject: 'Evil-eyed' psychic- cannibal-vampire jealousy food- poker witches attempt food-poisoning / 'hyena-people' pig-sty-filthing exploiting sadist ICC-Indicted Uhuru's sanctioned political-legal abuse endless persecution's imposed penilessness-pauperism forced-dependancy ; as they continue the hunger-tortures having eaten and left for town this morn. while I gotta guess my first ratio ; as if I'd asked to come to their abode. Aid restock 5/- bob juice sachets. [ All my other prayers including contacts for aid are in the footer signatures ] SOS.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Astronaut Webb <>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020 07:42:49 +0100
Subject: 3.)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020 12:40:31 +0600
Subject: 2.)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020 12:36:25 +0600
Subject: 'Evil-eyed' psychic-cannibal-vampire jealousy food-poker
witches attempt food-poisoning / 'hyena-people' pig-sty-filthing
exploiting sadist ICC-Indicted Uhuru's sanctioned political-legal
abuse endless persecution's imposed penilessness-pauperism
forced-dependancy ; as they continue the hunger-tortures having eaten
and left for town this morn. while I gotta guess my first ratio ; as
if I'd asked to come to their abode. Aid restock 5/- bob juice
sachets. SOS.

Dear Sir / Madam,                  I pray your divine-interventions to
compel ICC-Indicted Uhuru to uphold the 'rule of law' and release my
now 8.5yrs Kihara Construction Accident punitive & actual damages he's
brood-sitting-on courtesy of the Advocates Complaints Commission in
the office of the AG curtailing my dates & marriage as I die miserably
in rags-&-tatters [ slideshow broad lawsuit exposition at ]:- [
a bachelor! Recent updates found in links within links at:- [
]. Thus yesterday morn. the self-bleaching quickie-prostitute-witch
[substantiated] serves her 'married but gay'-pimp [substantiated] 2
jugs of animism-'uji' of which he empties 1 before she brings
suspicious lukewarm tea he doesn't touch forcing me to take jus' sips
enough to swallow the 2 chapatis! Now they've eaten & left for town
while I gotta guess my 1st ration. SOS.  TYIA. YF, E.M.

Les Misérables Activists Advocacy and Consultants :-      Prayers for
migration for political-asylum / refuge from ICC-Indicted Uhuru's
GoK's political-legal abuses' endless persecution, rape of
conscience and mandatory systems of
committment. SOS.
Prayers as well for
legal assistance to 'Divorce,' Separate, Estrange, Disown and
thus Terminate Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'-'paid pawns' abusive,
domestic violence, witchcraft, sex pervert, dysfunctional, Bori / GLBTQ 'mixed
marriage orientation' homosexual-and-incestuous harassment
step-family's anyway 'Dead' kinship relationship. SOS.

Aid put in motion the wheels of justice as concerns :- Rectum-Downing
Penis-Envy [ rd: Sexology ] Bori / GLBTQ-Occultist,
Contagion-Animist-Witch, Sadist ICC-Indicted Uhuru of the 'Ikenya-cop
/ Kenyatta-Animism' masonic-assigned-sleeping-quarters sitting-pretty
on my damages in cahoots with fellow psychic vampires his loo-bat and
extended Jewish-kith, and his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'-'paid pawns'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins : Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Cults
Cyclic-Ritual Growth-Stunting Hunger-Tortures Under-and-Malnutrition
Dependency Food-Poker ; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 8.4yrs 50%
repayable-interest soft loans or spare cash for COVID-19 Reliefs /
eCommerce dev. can be sent to :- [ +254723047863 or +254764087863 or Equity
Bank, Migori Branch, Acc. No. 1160168298894 ] SOS. [

Some of the reasons why:-{
}. Support human rights. SOS.


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