Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Uhuru's Organized-Crime / Economy-Cartels Subversion of Justice / Circus : Chiefs and National Census v. OCS and Digitization of Bureaucracy / Services ; Prayers For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Mandatory Systems of Committment / Rape of Conscience and Endless Persecution ; SOS.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 22:44:06 +0600
Subject: Uhuru's Organized-Crime / Economy-Cartels Subversion of
Justice / Circus : Chiefs and National Census v. OCS and Digitization
of Bureaucracy / Services ; Prayers For Political-Asylum / Refuge From
Mandatory Systems of Committment / Rape of Conscience and Endless
Persecution ; SOS.
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com

wearing-down of my 4 pairs of trousers & shirts. The irony of the
matter's that the people in the vicinity of the Asst. Chief's office
told me him & Chief Onyango were deeply involved in the National
Cencus and hence the reason they were outta reach ; a fact which
would've been for grantedly obvious to the OCS but which he choose I
guess as an excuse jus' to exhaust my efforts in the pursuit of
justice. Thus I request concerned authorities to relay the Asst.
Chief's no. to the OCS as I await to undertake the same tomorrow at
0900hrs. I intend to pursue the latest charge to its logical
conclusion to severe any chances the sly gay-witch-father sex-pervet
will ever pest me again ; pending payment of my damages before I leave
the dysfunction Turpins & Raila's Luo-Nyanza to go settle where I can
freely rebuild my life again from scratch, date, marry & thrive. My
vows of never living or working in Raila's Luo Nyanza are constant to
the bitter end. Thank you in advance. Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 22:24:08 +0600
Subject: Uhuru's Organized-Crime / Economy-Cartels Subversion of
Justice / Circus : Chiefs and National Census v. OCS and Digitization
of Bureacracy / Services ; Prayers For Political-Asylum / Refuge From
Mandatory Systems of Committment / Rape of Conscience and Endless
Persecution ; SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

back to the Chief ; channels we'd already exhausted including
relatives. I found the Chief's offices to have been relocated from the
10min. walk from the dysfunctional Turpins' residence to some school
or place called Magina which non of the roadside people could trace ;
'cept for the Asst. Chief whose offices I found locked were located
appr. 12 or 15 km from the Turpins residence. My sore feet are still
heating-off I couldn't go back all the way to Migori Police Station
which's another like 10km or so again for the OCS feedback ; though
the people I found at Kakrao Old Market gave me the Asst. Chief's no.
[ 0725777305 ] which I'll forward to the OCS tomorrow for him to
coordinate his manual search for the Chief. Otherwise, the GoK should
modernize & digitize its provincial-administration and/or public
services in line with advanced civilizations. Tomorrow I'll still be
appearing in the same clothes for the 3rd day and still in my
dishevelled unshaved appearance as well cause I'm trying to curb the
fast PTO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 21:50:48 +0600
Subject: Uhuru's Organized-Crime / Economy-Cartels Subversion of
Justice / Circus : Chiefs and National Census v. OCS and Digitization
of Bureacracy / Services ; Prayers For Political-Asylum / Refuge From
Mandatory Systems of Committment / Rape of Conscience and Endless
Persecution ; SOS.
To: jbournd007@gmail.com

Dear Sir / Madam, I pray your civilized-interventions
for observation of the due process of the law as regards my most
recent charge of 'hunger-torture & homosexual-harassment' which are
directly in association as has been demonstrated by KTN in their
documentary concerning the convicted real life-time blood-sucking
vampire called Onyancha who lures unsuspecting famished females to
dates in secluded areas outta public vicinity before sinking his
'fangs' in cold murder... The gay-witch-father is premaditatingly
using the same 'psychic-cannibal-vampire-witches' strategy before he
strikes the final blow or attempts sodomy or both as he's indicated
all along like exhibited in precedent records / blogs & last week when
he locked both front & back doors at super's night before he followed
on Thursday by re-starting the cyclic-ritual, energy-emaciating, 1
meal ration @ 24hrs hunger-torture games... setting-off alarms as I
recalled the 'KTN Uhuru-Onyancha' documentary strategies. The OCS sent
me.. PTO

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 6yrs 11months Accident-Damages
Case and The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit
Against Raila-Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution / Sanctioned Arrested-Development / Involuntary
Systems Of Committment / Rape Of Conscience Still At 41yrs Derailling
My Datings & Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value
Strong Family-Traditions Ready To Settle-Down, Plz Avail Yourselves.
Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. Donate Spare Cash
To Change A Passive-Male Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life.
https://www.flickr.com/groups/4522199@N21/rules/ Support Justice
Cause > Buy Jewelry & Apparels Then Checkout With PayPal or
Credit-Card Online At : https://cafepress.com/ExtraterrestrialsMana

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