Monday, April 29, 2019

Kenya 'Shithole' Health Scare : Nairobi Hospital v. Treasury Sec. ; Uhuru Tames High-Treason Raila On A Leash [ ICC 2022 Tenure v. Referendum Politics ].

It's disparaging to say the least that a staff succumbed to
'shithole' cholera at no less a hospital than Nrb Hosp. amongst the
16+ who'd contracted the disease! Kenya's sewarage & drainage system's
gone to the dooldrums sinking slowly in deep shit ever since the
Treasury Sec. got bedridden of the same from bottled-water at a
Regional Trade Fair and Jacaranda Hotel plus another got shut down
over the same health scare after guests fell victims. Which hosp. will
Kenyans look up-to now? ; and what of the down trodden who rely on
public dispensaries? The Health Sec. outta quit, & more heads must
roll all the way down to the Nrb Hosp. Management. Heard the grooming
@$§hole§ duo of Raila & Uhuru spent like 150m on their trip to China
to go beg for like 300b+ to complete the SGR? Believe me the @$§hole§
are up to no good jus' scratching their backs one in anticipation of
life behind bars in the Hague after his tenure & the other salivating
to inherit the first in a referendum-deal that'll see him lump-post

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