Monday, October 08, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same ; 'Reading Btw The Lines In A Game Of Chess As Players Hold Cards Close To Their Chests...'

The name Hollywood sometimes denotes me a holy-jungle / animal-kingdom
/ planet resonating with magic &/or miracles, & mystries & folk-tales
& mythologies, seasons,... Some realities appear as illusions & some
scenarios move like a puppeteers' show... making it the harder to lay
a finger on the external-reality from the ambiguous
'manipulated-thought-processes' of 'double-speaking-scenarios'.
Nontheless, under such circumstances I bet it would be best to let
stuff roll itself outta its logical conclusions without picking either
of the 2-extreme interpretations of the 'double-speaking' scenarios.
You see, the melting-pot of all-&-sundry from all walks of life leaves
a trailblazer of intermixing, intermediate, transitional
cultural-behavior traits both acquired & derived from Homo's cousin
species or rather Homo sapiens subspecies including Homo sapiens
neanderthalensis, Homo sapiens floresiensis, Homo sapiens denisovan,
Homo sapiens sapiens, etc and thus different peoples, different ways
of doing things......

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