Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Economic Sabotate : Stealing From Public Coffers To Pay Debt For Lifestyles Of Economy-Cartels Allies & Cronies Budget Deficits ; Uhuru & co..

Ironically, Kenya had the most ewpensive election in the world, was
it last yr? And Uhuru, the Indicted ICC-Culprit went to #UNGA with an
unnecessarily irrelevant entourage of appr. 77 while his neat
countepart Magufuli is heard to have only accomodated around 7!
Remember with other E. African states TZ could afford an electric
train & their 'citoyens' have more 'purchasing powers'. By the end of
his tenure since he's cajoled Raila into Jubilee & thus no feasible
impeachements are likely he would have amassed Kenyans a total debt of
7 trillion since June 2013. Simply cause he runs an economy cartel
with allies & cronies milkhng public coffers dry which they subvert to
compensate-for by over-budgeting to accomodate their lifestyles and
pay for the accrued debts thereof ; & then excuse himself by claiming
the loans are for implement his manifesto during his 10yr tenure.
Since he signed the 8% VAT the going got tougher for Kenyans. I can
now just afford 5/- daily data bundles whereas I could weekly or

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