Sunday, September 02, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Why The DPP Must Bring Raila To Book For 'High Treason' If The Onslaught Against Graft and Impunity Is To Be Seen In The Public-Eye As Impartial, Fair, Just, & Up-Holding The 'Rule-of-Law'.

Well, you know, the 2nd millenium BC has hastened to a
melodramatic-age where literally anything can happen so we're oft
caught-up unexpectantly with 'news' 'making headlines' like the recent
arrest & charging of The Dep. CJ who's pleas she stayed in the
1st-round of The Devolution's-Drawback Ethnically-Gerrymandered
Counties Civil-&-Criminal Suit pitying The Accused Against The State /
Republic and so remainning a mere-Suspect she resumed her routine
duties cause she hasn't been convicted of the offences for want of
pleas & due process on the other hand till procedural-technicalities
are sorted out. More the reason why it would be absolutely prudent for
The DPP to draft charges of 'High Treason' against Messr. Raila & co.
aka 'Lieutenants' for The Illegal 'Swearing-In' parallel Ceremony
rally broadcast live world wide. Otherwise, all the other charges he's
prosecuting to the 'public-eye' would seem to be ill-driven,
calculated machinations esp. With ref. to the supreme court 'threats &
revisits' / law-abuse.

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Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2018 18:23:24 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Closet

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