Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Nextranalysiscope : Lancaster Devolution's Drawback Dividing The State Along Ethnic-Blocks & Party-Lines / Affiliations ; Why The DPP Must Charge Raila With 'High Treason'.

Well, to pick-up from yesterday rumours had begun hitting the mills
that Raila was 'getting it over his head' going by his
unreasonableness & even temperament. The last kicks before embracing
the reality of the due process of the rule of law I remember he
retorted 's'thing my foot' to some diplomat ; and his red-eyes were
swollen with tears, reflective of infantile-responses. If he got any
advisers either they're dodos or he's overbearing on them. He usually
starts-off with the best team then they all quit him into defections
cause of his unruly, uncivilized character. He was given a 2nd
life-line by The Supreme Court for which The Dep. CJ is now repaying
in the incumbent carrying-out his revisit like he'd threatened
immediately after the pronouncements annulling 2017 elections & for
which like now exposed the judiciary-divisions along party-lines at
least as claimed by pro-&-con camps. The charges date back years &
weren't issues in her interview raising 'witch-hunt' queries given the
ill-timming. Morrow...

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