Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Complaints Against Owade-Advocates and Mudeyi-Advocates for Breach-of-Contract and Ethics / Corruption-Charges Over my Long-Overdue Kihara-Construction Canter Accident-Case.

Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2018 02:58:08 +0300

Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 18:45:30 +0000 (UTC)

--- On Mon, 6/20/16, erick mango <> wrote:

> To: "" <>
> Date: Monday, June 20, 2016, 4:46 PM

> Subject:  Plea for Legal-Intervention for a Speedy-Recourse of
> My Accident-Compensation.

> NB : Dear Sir / Madam,
                                          Below is The Police
> Abstract of my
> accident-case attached to the circular as regards the same.
> I would like to
> add/mention that The Migori Traffic Base-Commander
> exclaimed while the
> vehicle was yet to be impounded that there are basically no
> lawyers in Migori  worth their salt and/or either of substance or principle and
> he cited his own
> accident-case saying thart he had to seek Lawyers all the
> way in Kisii instead;
> thus no wonder what I am going through after the
> shock-absorber of Owade and
> noe Mudeyi whom I've also been duly informed that
> isn't the LSK-rEP IN ANY CASE
> GIVEN THAT HE AIN'T QUALIFIED as a Commissioner-of-oaths
> in the first place
> anyway.The Base-Commander said that even him with his
> Kiganjo Police
> Trainning-College Legal-Trainning was better-off /
> Legally-competent than the
> Migori-Lawyers.
>        Secondly, The Chief
> Justice has extensively
> talked about corruption inj the Judiciary as is also evident
> in the several
> Tribunals inquiring the conduct of high echelon
> judges.Migori Judiciary is no
> exception.Thirdly I would like to mention that other factors
> concerning the
> accident including the right knee-cup/patella injury and the
> right vertebrae
> were all taken care of by physical-therapy/gym exersises
> over time
> progressively. I also would like to mention that I seekd the
> Independent
> -Intervention of the Migori Judiciary to Arbitrate my
> accident-case as had been
> promised the ordinary lay citizenry during the
> 'Judicial-Marches-Week' in
> August 22nd and 23rd 2012 that in instances such as mine in
> case lawyers
> representing accident-victims tended to turn-coats with
> intent to fleece them of
> their due compensation/proceeds then they could turn to The
> Law courts for
> Independent Arbitration which seemed to have undergone
> either Judicial-Preview
> or gross negligence  for I was told by Hon. Justice
> E.M. Nyaga to access
> justice ONLY through a Lawyer who in Migori have
> turned-coats though courtesy
> of the Nation Media Migori-Reporter I am prospecting for a
Dear Sir / Madam,
                             This is a circular intended to drum-up advocacy for legal-representation as well as to social-network and expose to the Civil-Society and Legal-Institutions my Criminal and Civil
Lawsuit against the GoK courtesy of the culpable-duo of the Sitting-President
 and former P.M.,  Uhuru and Raila respectively. I have so far written to The
 Judicial-Service-Commission, Kituo-Cha-Sheria and
 Independent-Police-Oversight-Authority following counseling by The
Human- Rights-Watch and The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission; and lately of
 recent added The Ombudsman as advised by The Migori-County DPP; and also
 written as well to The Kenya-Judges-and Magistrates Association so as to pre-empt
any unforeseeable eventualities. I seriously hope the culpable-duo and their
 mentioned-associates have been served with notices expressing my intention to sue them for civil-and-criminal liabilities/damages.          
                                   I look forward to cross
> examine the
> culpable-duo in the docks before the authority of
> independent-courts which's a
> tall-order in the Kenyan scenario given the adage that
> "You can't expect a
> hyena to deliver justice in a sheep's court;" [ rd:
> a recent scenario of a
> Kenyan-Magistrate charged with robbery with violence !]; and
> that's why the
> exploited masses of the Kenyan peasantry, ordinary
> mwananchis and the 3rd-class
> all support and cry to The ICC and The
> International-Community at large to
> stand steadfast and rescue the political-agenda from the
> selfish myopic
> vested-interests of the est./GoK courtesy of the
> culpable-duo for purposes of
> securing and ensuring justice is delivered to the 2007-PEV
> Victims and the
> ordinary citizens at large so that the institutions of
> Democracy and
> Civil-Rights as enshrined in The UN-Charter are protected
> for prosperity once
> and for all. The doubting GoK courtesy of the culpable-duo
> can call a
> referendum on the matter if they think they have the will of
> the people at
> heart. I intend the culpable-duo to be charged and tried for
> witchcraft
> as happened in medieval Europe reflecting the psychology,
> mentality, mind-sets
> and approach of the GoK AS REGARDS THEOCRACY-and-JINNI S;
> besides all the other
> counts in my Charge-Sheet and others accruing from the
> evidence that may be
> found liable by my lawyers.
>           Of priority dear Lords,
> Ladies and Gentlemen
> is my prayer that you facilitate the fast-tracking  of
> the accident-case
> so that I may be set free "from-the-jaws-of-death"
> in Raila's
> Secret-Society 2-Way Traffic Fertility Reproductive Cult of
> Luo-Nyanza as well
> as the sadistic manipulations, susceptibilities and
> vulnerabilities of the GoK
> as a whole courtesy of the culpable-duo and their associates
> since by releasing
> my accident-proceeds, I may get and start a life even as I
> finish my submission
> and presentation of evidence to The UNHCR-and-The IOM for
> purposes of gaining
> political asylum/refuge.
>         I Erick Otieno Mango would like
> to prefer charges
> of harassment, abusive behavior, misconduct and abuse of
> office including abuse
> of authority and powers vested in The Office of The
> Commander-In-Chief of
> The  Armed Forces of The Republic of Kenya, i.e. The
> Sitting-President
> Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta  and consequently The Office of
> The immediate former
> Prime-Minister of The same Republic of Kenya Raila Amolo
> Odinga.It is becoming
> apparently obvious that the two above are circumnavigating
> the speedy-recourse
> of my accident-case for release of my
> accident-damages/compensation proceeds so
> as to impede the lodging of my Civil/Criminal Lawsuit
> against them by
> completing the evidence-submission and filing the suit as is
> evidenced in the
> SMS-texts below to Civil-Society-Groups including Safaricom
> Communications-Network, The
> LSK, Kituo-Cha-Sheria, Human-Rights-Watch and The
> Nation-Media-Group, Office-of-The Chief-Justice, The
> Ombudsman, Migori-Law-Courts/Judiciary, Constitutional-Implementation-Commission
> et al. :
> NB:  So far the LSK-Rep. has begun speaking like a
> member-of-a-Party who
> has defected to its rival-Party since he's now saying,
> " What if the case
> is DISMISSED?" in reference to The Migori
> Law-courts/Judiciary ruling on
> the matter making me wonder on what-grounds they could
> 'DISMISS' THE cleary
> "OPEN-and-SHUT" accident-case given that it's
> The
> Migori-Traffic-Police and/or Owade-Advocates who should
> shoulder any blames for
> the late-impounding of the KAS-535K MITSUBISHI-canter which
> took them 3yrs
> 11months due to either gross-incompetence and/or corruption
> with suspicions of
> being compromised with bribes.On the other hand,Mudeyi The
> LSK-Rep. could be
> echoing the sentiments of The Migori Judiciary
> 'MOUTH-PIECE' Driver who
> proclaimed/sanctioned that The Migori Law-courts/Judiciary
> wouldn't pay me till
> they customarily marry me-off to one of their Luo
> Prehistoric Descendant
>       We managed to have gathered all the
> prerequisite
> paper-work with Owade-Advocates within 3-months including
> The
> Akidiva-Medical-Report and The X-ray and by September-2012
> were only waiting
> for The Migori Traffic Cops to impound The Mitsubishi which
> took them up to
> 26/4/2016 when the Insurance co. and Policy no. as regards
> the vehicle during
> the time/date of the accident were availed and taken by The
> LSK-Rep.The point
> of The matter is that we got the accident aboard a
> motorcycle with Ikenya, [
> The Mombasa Municipal-Cop who'd accompanied/deported me
> to Migori after the
> illegal arrest and detention at Shimo-La-Tewa Prison on the
> 2nd-day after
> arrival-14/6/2012 the night after they'd subjected me to
> the forced WITCHCRAFT
> The Migori Kenya-Commercial-Bank;of
> which since I was sitting last with Ikenya's
> bundle-luggage full of upcountry
> fresh market-ware for his city-wife,I was the ONLY one who
> got grazed by the
> sides of The Vehicle as the motor-cyclist tried the much he
> could to evade the
> on-coming vehicle swerving to the left till he entered the
> ditch adjacent to
> The K.C.B. leaving my right index-finger and knee-cap
> hit/razed as well as my
> right vertebrae/chest by the impact of the collision on the
> flour
> bundle-luggage to my chest.I was so new in Migori I
> couldn't tell that The
> Migori District Hospital was right opposite/adjacent to The
> Migori-County-Offices and Ikenya and her former-girlfriend
> colleague with whom
> they'd trained together instead took me all the way to
> The Market's
> Bahati-Clinic which indicates they were trying to hide
> tracks of their
> illegal-activities as reported to The IPOA.It took me over a
> month to heal and
> all that while I couldn't put my right-hand down which
> had swollen like the
> body/corpse of a 'DROWNED-PERSON' and had to always
> keep it held in an UPRIGHT
> sitting,standing,walking or sleeping;I
> couldn't as much hold-up a spoon to my mouth you can
> imagine! It took over
> 10-sessions with The Migori District-Hospital
> Physiotherapist to get on the healing
> trail and though I didn't pay him up-front, I promised
> him nonetheless to pay
> him-up once I got paid my accident-proceeds given that
> I'd since taken a
> Lawyer.He even jokingly said I could 'PAY HIM
> BARTER-TRADE- wise' with chicken
> which although I laughed-at I told him I didn't keep any
> and asked him to bear
> with me till I got the accident-proceeds/compensation.Indeed
> so new was I in
> Migori that I couldn't mark the motorcyclist except by a
> the much to get his
> cooperation in availing the motorcycle to the cops;by the
> time I was making
> follow-ups with him he'd already plucked-off the club
> and claimed the
> motorcycle he was now riding wasn't the same ant the
> accident motor vehicle furthermore
> didn't have INSURANCE like most motorcycles and in any
> case it belonged to
> 'squad-members' and wasn't wholly-his as
> such;and so I let the matter with Sam
> ,the other legal-assistant with Owade-Advocates who
> followed-up from there
> though the cops didn't include the motor-cycle in the
> abstract deciding to
> stick to elements/factors relevant to the case.That's
> all about there's in the
> case and I don't see how or why on what grounds The
> Migori Law-courts could
> dismiss the case except for the reasons given above.
>       I think the
> Psychology/Mentality/Approach/Mood of The
> Migori Law-courts and/or The Migori Legal-Fraternity HAS
> and so become partisan with myopic vested-interests since
> the beginning of the
> Case as reflected by the PREJUDICIAL sentiments of The
> Migori Judiciary-Driver
> 'Otieno-Ndama' as well as The LSK-Rep. Mudeyi-Okumu
> Advocates and so the
> parties courtesy of The SADISTIC GoK are PLANNING TO
> SABOTAGE The Migori
> Lawcourts Proceedings as concerns my Accident-Case
> proceeds/damages/compensation
> and so I call and beseech the INTERVENTION OF THE
> HEARING/RULING.Thank you in advance for all please pending
> damages.
> [1.]-Hi Civil-Society-Groups.Pls assist resolve my
> accident-case.The Mig
> Traffic B.C. Mr. Aggrey-0722441650 ain't willing to
> impound The
> Kihara-Construction accident-canter KAS-535K which passes
> btw The Mig. Ploice
> Station and Div. Hq's past The Lawcourts daily since
> 19/4/2016. I can't give
> feedback to Mr. Kamau of IPOA-0204906000 WHO'VE ALSO
> OPENED A FILE -318/2016
> of airtime.My
> exploited and threatened life on forced-dependency is
> deteriorating below the
> poverty line under 'arrested-development' by The GoK
> pending payment of my
> accident-proceeds being facilitated courtesy of The
> LSK-Rep.-0722433266,3yrs
> 11months down the line.The Mitsubishi was impounded on
> 26/4/2016 for 2-days at
> Mig. Police during which The Police-abstract attached to The
> P3  was
> filled in-full.Pls assist urgently.T.Y.I.A for all pending
> damages
> pls...........14/5/2016 at 0837hrs.
> [2.]-Hi C.S.G. Uhuru and Raila are having me tracked byThe
> GoK cops in town
> [Migori] esp. at the recreational-park which also happens to
> be a
> 'Convent-Garden' being exploited by Uhuru's
> mother [ animistic-ally read as
> HURUMA] and kins  Judy-Macharia and Emi animistic-ally
> since they are also
> psychic-vampire-witches as established  in my
> Civil/Criminal Lawsuit [
> ]. Through doubles and cops The GoK
> / Catholic-Church
> is impressing to impose
> 'mental-retardation/torture/death' at their St.
> Joseph
> Ombo-Hospital facility; and/or abduction for
> cyclic-witchcraft fo my
> 'Evolutionary-Leanings/Persuasions.' They want to
> swindle me-off my
> accident-compensation estimated at btw KShs 300,000-400,000
> for The
> LSK-Rep.-0722433266 is now feigning busy-ness not willing to
> take........P.T.O.
>     -The LSK-Rep. ain't willing to take
> immediate action as agreed
> that he was going to have the driver of the accident-vehicle
> sued for careless
> driving as well as sue the Traffic-cops for late impounding
> of the vehicle
> before taking leave-of-court to sue for the
> accident-compensation given that
> the max.-period allowed to sue for accident-compensations is
> 3yrs which in my
> case has elapsed by 11months now! The LSK-Rep. Mudeyi was to
> liase with
> Owade-Advocates to get The 'Akidiva-Medical-Report and
> X-ray' which they'd
> retained demanding a fee of 3,000/-. My case is urgent since
> as mentioned I am
> existing on forced-dependency below the poverty-line
> subjected to endless
> persecution by The GoK WHICH' EFFECTIVELY
> 'out-casting/outlawing-me'
> systematically since a dozen-yrs plus ago;the subject of my
> Civil/Criminal
> Lawsuit forcing me to seek Political-Asylum/Refuge. Pls
> assist
> urgently..........14/5/2016 at 0841hrs.
> [3.]-Hi C.S.G. Pls allow me the courtesy to register with
> you that when
> ODM-sympathizers demonstrated in Raila's stronghold
> and/or country-wide last
> Monday,The GoK seemingly spoiled for an excuse to shoot
> specifically at me as
> they needlessly fires sporadically and skewed in the air
> as they raced in a
> land-cruiser/rover pick-up loaded with armed AP's all
> the way from past the
> bridge over the market-side and then past the Kakrao-Kisii
> highway passing
> motorists, other pedestrians and I who'd deserted the
> town's riot-area and
> rioters as if they were clearing the way for The
> 'Presidential-Motorcade!' My
> suspicions are confirmed by a motorist grinning at me as he
> speed-drives back
> to town, the way I'd reported plans to be run-over of
> recent.They are
> attempting to trap me in cross-fires! Lastly attempts at
> are meant to wheel-chair me and/or exorcise GoK jinn [
> T.Y.I.A.............14/5/2016 at 0842hrs.
> [4.]-Hi C.S.G. The sadistic GoK virtue of its
> psychic-vampire-witches
> secret-society is still circumnavigating the speedy-recourse
> of my
> accident-compensation/damages with The LSK-Rep. not
> considering the urgency of
> my predicament and thus keeping postponing the case
> [tomorrow] while
> Owade-Advocates are still withholding-on to The Akidiva
> Med.-Examination Report
> and X-ray. Today the well-fed neurotic dysfunctional-family
> rations me 4-slices
> of bread which I take with water till super as I make
> follow-ups with The
> LSK-Rep. whom we're to see Dr. Akidiva tomorrow! The
> clothes I wear are
> bought-for including an orange-shirt leaving Raila's
> home-turf savages
> impressing to impose their archetypal-contents on my
> besieged-person; they
> disregard the 'SOUND-LOGIC' intim....... P.T.O.
> SOUND-LOGIC AS IS SUBMITTED in my Criminal-Civil Lawsuit in
> my blogsite
> platform [ ] trying to impose the
> impression that I am
> dumb following the systematic-consistent Outlawings
> /Out-castings from the
> societal-framework and its institutions .Can't tell when
> I'll next shave for my
> hair is shaggy/ragged; I am fast running-out of
> bathing-washing barsoap which I
> usually divide in two; worse,I may soon be forced to
> trek/walk bare-feet since
> my 1-pair synthetic 'several-times' repaired
> moccasin-shoes' soles are now both
> torn into two's and when it rains mud enters both shoes
> muddying the torn-socks
> and feet. They listed me in the Credit-Reference-Bureau and I
> can't access the
> min KShs.3,000  [ KCB M-PESA ] loan to reapay in
> 1-month [ using the
> accident-damages/compensation. ] Pls assist. [ T.Y.I.A. ]
>       Hence, I would like The
> Legal-Institutions world-wide to
> MASON-MEMBERS including especially The
> sitting-President's Uhuru'-mother [
> ANIMISTIC ALLY read as HURUMA, ] Judy-Macharia and Emi from
> tracking me or
> imposing their
> witchcraft/inferiority-complexes/intentions/impressions/mirror-images/psychology/interpretations/words
> and/or meanings on my person as well as organizing-crimes on
> me and/or
> circumnavigating for purposes of sabotaging, abusing or
> exploiting my
> 'arrested-development' predicament any further as
> was animistic-ally predicted
> by The Migori-Judiciary-Driver mouth-piece allegedly
> on-behalf of Judy-Macharia
> who proclaimed that 'They [ The Migori-Judiciary ]
> animal-husbandry v. zero-grazing ] ALLEGEDLY TO ONE OF THEIR
>       Last but not least remember the
> psychology of the above
> mentioned-parties are hell-bent on killing me as evidenced
> by The
> Owade-Advocates attempts to contract me with the HIV
> AIDS-Virus by their former
> the late [ R.I.P. ] secretary-receptionist in what was to be
> a
> 'forced-customary date/marriage affair;' the cyclic
> repeated patterns of food-hunger, torture-poisoning
> games with typhoid, amoeba and cholera contamination; the
> Chamkombe Chief-Amara
> sanction to the above medical-effects as well as the
> palpable
> mob-gang/matched-wielding attacks threats! Thus below is a
> summary of the
> accident chronological-proceedings as copied to C.S.G.
 Dear Sir / Madam,
                             I would like to raise issue with
> your Offices of  IPOA  AND NPS as concerns The Migori Traffic-Police
> Base-Commander and Officer
> Mr. Maingi handling the case-file of my accident-case the
> last 3yrs
> 7months.Except for limited-resources I would have included
> them in the IPOA
> Website on complaints touching on Police-Officers but that
> will have to wait
> till I get my accident-compensation; of which I plan it to
> include Mombasa
> Municipal cops Ikenya,Swale and another I can't remember
> the name for
> illegal-arrest,illegal-detention at Shimo-La-Tewa Prison for
> 5days under
> unhygienic dangerous conditions before I was deported to
> Migori accompanied by
> Ikenya for purposes of being forcefully subjected to engage
> in witchcraft
> allegedly to remove "a jinn or something" against
> my scientific
> knowledge and adherence to EVOLUTION;AND DESPITE MY PROTESTS
> OF THE SAME.I will
> also include the 2 regular-cops who arrested me in
> Uhuru-Gardens Mombasa before
> they stood watch as I was abducted in to the Mercedes-benz
> of the GoK licensed
> fire-arms holder Omari before being driven to his Jomvu-Kuu
> residence for a
> 2weeks-sojourn.
                                I propose the recommendation of
> suspension of the
> Migori-Traffic Base-Commander and Officer Maingi pending
> investigations
> and / or dismissal on grounds of abuse of office,authority
> and powers vested
> having the services of
> a legal-representative in  my accident-case.I have
> received positive
> feedback from the Tourism and Hospitality Industry
> whereby I am required
> to acquire a passport and a Driving-License of which I am
> waiting for the
> damages to process the same and the Traffic-cops are keeping
> me waiting 3yrs
> 7months down the line. Thus The GoK is killing me slowly as
> my life ebbs away
> with time subjected to a Zombie-Existence of a passive-male
> and whose
> virility, manhood and/or phallus are being turned
> vestigial. Please I need your
> urgent intervention to stop the economic losses I am
> incurring in terms of lost
> incomes. Thus below is a summary of the accident-case:-
To Whom it May Concern,
REF: Complaints on a Long Overdue  Kihara-Construction Accident-Case.

Dear Sir / Madam,       
                             I wish to express gross disappointment in Owade Advocates and Commissioner for Oaths in the CORRUPT  manner, attitude, psychology and/or approach they have handled my Accident-Case since  June,2012 up to The 11th January 2016 when Owade finally tore the CONTRACT-FORM we had; with Akuku one of the Legal-Assistants  saying they are not handling or representing me in the Accident-Case anymore.
                            Owade-Advocates have literally
> BREACHED-THE-CONTRACT  due to vested interests as
> regards compromise by
> KIHARA-CONSTRUCTION [ rd: "The case has hit a snag" ]
> exhibiting gross
> Unprofessional ism as well as lack of Legal-Competence and
> Ethics. On the one hand
> they attempted to MURDER me through trying to coerce a
> forced
> Customary-Marriage-Date with their former the late
> Secretary/Receptionist who
> eventually died of HIV-AIDS, one Josephine [R.I.P.]. On the
> other hand, it's
> refusal to reconcile with their Raila ODM-Party affiliations
> since they
> insinuated during the last elections 2013 that
> they'll  ONLY work with/for
> those who'd presumably  voted proved by /with the
> indelible –ink mark on
> the small-finger. Furthermore, Kihara-Construction
> head-quartered in Nairobi derives
> its name from Kiambu The President Uhuru's backyard and I
> don't know how much
> they could be affiliated or how much they are
> pulling-strings on The
> Migori-Traffic-Police.
Thus below is a summary of the proceed of events as
regards the Kihara-Construction Accident-Case as recorded in
my Complaints-File and blog-site : [ ] entitled :
"Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Psychopath Ritual Murderer."

I wish to enjoin the aid of your Offices in asking for transparency and accountability in the speedy-recourse of my several cases as mentioned-above and below amidst the government threats to summarily clump on the same. Now interestingly enough the case has been inevitably brought forward to your offices because as The Migori cops operate their investigations, it becomes again inevitable not to mention Raila [the head of O.D.M.] and by extension Uhuru [ the current occupant of The Highest office on land and suspect of crimes against humanity and atrocitiesat The ICC ] given  that the  genesis of the reported latest condensed  sub-cases accrues from the larger case-saga deriving from the Mombasa deportation  for purposes of "removing that something /jinn" by a witch-doctor which leads to an accident the following day which has kept me waiting for the compensation proceeds to date of which as a result there have been other eight-cases due to Family-Cultural-Conflicts. The accident case was reported at The Migori Police  Station :
> [3.]-O.B. 28  / 14 / 06 / 2012 and later re-modified  to - O.B. 12  / 17 / 9 / 2012.

Dear Sir/Madam, 
                                I Erick Otieno Mango seek to file a
> complaint with your
> office regarding an accident I got on the 14th of June 2012
> involving a Kihara
> Construction canter of number plate KAS 536K in Migori
> County opposite The
> Kenya Commercial Bank. I subsequently referred the case to
> Owade and Company Advocates
> and Commissioner for Oaths situated in Migori County. Up to
> the end of last
> year December 2013, we'd managed to fill-in the
> prerequisite medical
> examination report, Police P3 forms X-ray radiography report
> e.t.c. All that
> remains is the towing of the said canter for the traffic
> police abstract forms.
> The base traffic commander and  the office assigned the
> case left us with
> the notice to stay vigilante and report the canter for
> towing once we sight it.
> It was traced to Rongo by 1 of the legal assistants and the
> matter rested
> there. This is where the bone of contention arises for the
> legal assistants now
> say the case has hit a snag, has collapsed, is closed since
> it is proving quiet
> difficult to impound the canter vehicle above. Thus I take
> this opportunity
> to  beseech your office to intervene and help us
> including Owade and Co.
> Advocates and/or the traffic police to impound this vehicle
> since I have not
> spotted it all this time for one and secondly the accident
> affected my right
> knee-cap which makes me limp if I walk long distance and
> last but not least
> ,since Owade and Co. Advocates have surreptitiously as well
> asked me to pay
> them back their file charges as well as service fees
> incurred so far in various
> technicalities before the file can be transferred to another
> party for purposes
> of continuing the accident case proceedings should the
> status-quo prevail.
> Hence in regard to that I wonder whether your office would
> kindly arrange for
> Owade and Co. Advocates to complete the extra mile on my
> behalf or otherwise
> since my financial circumstances cannot afford the necessary
> fares when I am
> required at the office most of the times. I hope your
> efforts will be reflected
> in spirit and letter of the new constitution as was
> exemplified during the
> country wide Judiciary Marches Week. 
Thank you in advance for your consideration, cooperation and assistance.
Yours  Faithfully  
Erick Mango.
               Dear  Sir / Madam, 
                                            Please, I wish to clarify for matters of expediency and for setting
the record straight that the number-plate registration of the Kihara Construction canter involved in the accident is KAS-535K AND NOT KAS-536K .Please excuse me the former was a  'typing-error' given that all the details and paper-work of the accident have been with Owade and Co. Advocates since June, 2012.I confirmed the registration on my diary. Sorry for any inconveniences caused.
Thank you in advance for your consideration, cooperation and assistance.
Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.

Thus, the above is the full Complaints-File as hard-copy
hand-delivered to The Devolved Office of The DPP Migori-County. 

                                                     I would like to add that I just met one of the legal assistants with Owade and Co. at The Migori
Bus-Stage Market where I access the cheap affordable cyber-cafe and he said
> they have not
> received any communiqué from The above Office and that
> besides, the cops
> refused to cooperate in the impounding of the aforementioned
> canter and that it
> looks like my case is kind-of running out-of-time. So he
> tells me to see them
> in their office in two weeks' time so they can set the
> way-ahead. In other
> words it means the government of Kenya is sitting square on
> my accident
> compensation and thus perpetrating the
> "Arrested-Development" and the
> incessant abuse of the basic nature of the psychological of
> my personality.

> Last but not least as a final resolution Walubengo [ a cop
> assigned my
> Family-Cultural-Conflict Cases ] sent me to The Traffic-Cops
> whose
> Base-Commander, PTO [1028hrs] refuted all allegations by
> Owade- Advocates
> handling my accident case that at no given time had they
> refused to cooperate
> in impounding The Kihara-Construction Canter : KAS-535K; and
> they sent me to
> The Owades who I found had closed for the season from the
> 17th Dec till the
> 11th Jan 2016 and so I went to The LSK County-Rep 1-Mudeyi
> and co. Advocates
> whom I'd consulted earlier-on leaving updates with his
> receptionist who books
> an appointment for Monday The 28th Dec. As I go back to
> Migori Police I meet
> Sam an Owade Agent/Legal-Assistance who categorically states
> that The Police
> P-3 and Abstract-Form were both issued at Migori-Police
> where they were filled
> in-full and half-way respectively and that its them cops who
> refute to impound
> the accident-canter! The Migori Traffic-Cops say they
> aren't crazy and tell me
> to wait for them Owades on 11th Jan 2016 to come with the
> Abstract, PTO
> [1050hrs] form so that they can fill it in full once and for
> all and proceed-on
> with the impounding of The Kihara-Construction Canter
> wherever it might be in
> Kenya to facilitate payment of my accident proceeds so that
> I may leave the
> neurotic-family in peace and go-on to get and start a
> life.
Below are excerpts regarding the Accident-Case as texted to
The Human Rights Watch:

> Hi HRW.  Owade-Advocates deliberating whether to cancel
> and sell me
> Accident-Case-File [ including P3-and-Abstract Forms ] at
> 1500/- and
> Treatment-Notes of Akidiva-Memorial-Hospital at 3000/- or
> not. They've
> misplaced The X-Ray and Treatment-Notes which they are still
> searching.
> Traffic-cop Maingi says I go back on Wednesday 13th January
> 2016 when
> Base-Commander will be there to coordinate with Awendo
> Traffic-Police
> impounding of KAS-535K in Awendo. Thank you in advance for
> all pending damages.
> Hi HRW.It doesn't work without a Lawyer at The
> Traffic-Department. Up-dated
> LSK-Rep. Mudeyi-Advocates about Owade-Advocates tearing
> Contract-Form and
> asking me to sign an AFFIDAVIT that they'd  handed me
> The
> Accident-Case-File which I couldn't cause of The missing
> X-Ray and Akidiva
> Memorial Hospital Treatment –Notes whereby I was then
> given an appointment for
> next Monday, 18th January 2016.Thank you in advance pending
> damages.

 Please, I need Your Legal-Aid to render me Legal-Remedy and
Thank you in advance for your consideration, cooperation and
 Yours Faithfully,

     Erick  Mango.
 NB: Below are three-attachments
including :

-[1.]-The half-way filled Police-Abstract,
-[2.]-The fully-filled Police-Abstract, and

-[3.]-The accompanying Police P3 Medical-Examination-Form.

 I will also arrange the last-part concerning the accident in
 chronological-order since the present-form was curtailed by
 hurried-scriblings due to limited-resources, constant
 power-blackouts, internet-technicalities.

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call For A NOW 6.2yrs Accident-Damages Case and
The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit Against
Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Politico-Legal Abuse's Endless-Persecution /
Sanctioned Arrested-Development Still At 40yrs Derailling My Datings &
Eventual Matrimony. { Spinsters & Single-Ladies Who Value Strong
Family-Traditions & Are Ready To Mingle & Settle-Down, Plz Avail
Yourselves. Calls : +254723047863 or +254764087863 }.
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Passive, Ebbing Existence Back To Track On Life. Support Justice
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