Friday, July 13, 2018

NEXTRANALYSISCOPE : Trump, Her Majesty & The Apocalypse ; Salmonella, KRA & Economy-Cartels ; Strippers, Wheelers & Willers.

I jus' can't understand why all the hullabaloo with Trump's visit to
Britain. My honest opinion 'give-or-take' will be herd-mentality
chiselled into innocent people by unaccepting schemers. US is The
Super Power protecting Europe including UK and the world from what
would probably be a rubble-apocalypse should Putin decide to unleash
his arsenal in an arms race. I would urge Trump to enjoy the honor and
privilege of taking tea with Her Majesty as he works the ropes with
The PM and let the 'spoiled babies' fly their kite. A multistate
outbreak of Salmonella has been reported in The US from contaminated
McDonalds fast-foods. Atleast the democracy can be honest 'bout it and
the source which're important factors in addressing and arresting such
epidemics. Retrogressive Kenya reported mercury-contaminated sugar by
the Interior Sec. only to be rebuffed by his Industrial counterpart in
an import-cartel ok-ed by The KRA CEO involving The Incumbent's kith,
1 Muhoho. Arrest a stripper for fondling uncomplaining cop?

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