Friday, July 13, 2018

NEXTRANALYSISCOPE : Rubble-Apocalypse, Techno-Evolution & Generation-Next's TransHumanity In Star-Trek Robot-Era...

Oh yes. Like megoodol'self was sayin', I jus' can't help harboring
dreams for destination America, the land of plenty and opportunity not
to mention democracy where all-&-sundry can have their say and The
Majesty of The Law its way. Perhaps, chances are one might jus' pretty
end-up getting a seat to Mars in the event of a rubble-apocalypse, say
if heaven forbid comrade Putin and allies like Kim, Ayatollah et al.
decide to unleash their arsenals in a chain reaction that would crunch
The Blue Economy ; or if NASA and co. decide to propell Man in a
start-up to colonize other planets. In any case, blue planet Earth is
doomed to extinct naturally as Man goes on to deplete resources plus
the ozone layer enhancing climate change besides the destruction of
habitats. Though in the 1st instance outta collective responsibility
and humanity a rubble-apocalypse may be far-fetched though we gotta
put into consideration techno-evolution ushering-in generation-next's
robot era. This is a samaritan's 20/- bundles courtesy..

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