Saturday, January 06, 2018


Hi all & sundry,pls pard on the interjections. You know handling a web-pho ne when 1 has been lagg ed-tecno.wise intentionall y by a JINN-THEOCRAC Y GoK to make them forg et all skills & capabilities they trainned-in is quiet t umultuous & equivalent to 1 arising from the flintsto ne-era days. Otherwise,le t me jus' go on in bits & t its while I reconfigure ho w to circumvent the tech nicalities. Let me start with the L IVING-LEGEND'S song 'G ET-UP,STAND-UP' at the part where goes s'thing li ke : 'MOST PEOPLE THIN K,GREAT-GOD WILL COM E SKYS,TAKE AWAY EV ERYTHING & MAKE EVE RYBODY FEEL HIGH. BUT IF U KNOW WHAT LIFE IS WORTH,U WOULD LOOK 4 UR [blah-blah] EARTH;& NOW U SEE THE LIGHT.... ..And then he goes on like : WE SICK & TIRED OF U R EASY SCHEMES GET DYIN' n GO TO HEAVEN I N A JESUS'-NAME LORD, WE KNOW WHEN WE UND ERSTAND...ALMIGHTY-G OD-IS-A-LIVING-MAN....U CAN FOOL SOME PPLE S'TIME,BUT U CAN'T FO OL ALL THE PPLE ALL T HE TIME; & NOW U SEE THE LIGHT...... The facts speak for.. PTO

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