Saturday, January 06, 2018


-themselves & I'll continu e substantiating for the s ame that 'ALMIGHTY-GO D IS A LIVING MAN' & th at there'll be no APOCAL YPSE or 'JUDGEMENT-D OOMSDAY' since there'll be no 'GREAT-GOD COMI NG FROM THE SKYS' in anybody's lifetime or the near future. These are ju s' SANCTIONED-THREAT S meant to exploit blind-s heeps' UNCONCIOUS-FEA RS OF THE UNKNOWN so as to streamline their con duct & behavior to upkee p / uphold THE-LAW mad e to regulate the same si nce 'THE COMING OF MA N INTO SOCIETY' from th e jungle following the ado ption of BIPEDALISM as The HOMININ-LINEAGE'S MAIN-ADAPTATION after splitting,diverging & branc hing from them-chimps wi th The Last-Shared-Com mon-Ancestor. Thus the M.E. Library-of-Books ca lled 'The-Bible' to which most of the 'BLIND-BELIE VERS' identify-with.lean-t owards & are persuaded-by CLEARLY-RECOGNIZ ES the above truths whe n it says : 'IN THE BEGIN NING WAS THE-WORD & THE WORD WAS WITH G OD & THE WORD WAS G OD'. It further acknowled ges that : 'MAN IS MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD'

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