Thursday, September 21, 2017

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

                  Hi everybody. Jus’ wonna tell you that I’m usually under pressure to write very fast due to ltd resources and the power blackout  interruptions from The GoK INTENDING TO SABOTAGE MY LAWSUIT including the trumping and so for any discrepancies one can always Google for verifications. Otherwise, pls let me continue by saying that now that it’s clear that COGNITION the set of all mental-faculties/processes is composed of a FUNCTIONAL-STRUCTURE,THE-BRAIN, a biological-organ, a psychic/mental-apparatus whose ENCEPHALIZTAION/EVOLUTION, i.e. its increase in size and volume UNDERPINNED humanity’s TECHNOLOGICAL-ADAPTATIONS including inventions, developments, sophistication, advances and elaborations of the same [ rd: invention of the wheel and its revolution from riding on horsebacks to horse-driven-chariots, to rocket-science and space-ships and space-tours ], s well as humanity’s MORAL-SENSIBILITIES not forgetting LANGUAGE and LITERACY; IS IN TURN UNDERPINNED ON A GENETIC-BASIS meaning that THE BRAIN IS A GENETICALLY ENCODED/ DETERMINED STRUCTURE whose powers and capacities were acquire by NATURAL-SELECTION BY adaptation through GRADATION………..a topic I’ll delve into in due course.  
                 Otherwise, jus’ let me quickly take you through the reasons I’m sticking to not LIVING OR WORKING IN RAILA'S LUO-NYANZA as well as DISOWNING, ESTRANGING and DIVORCING the neurotic, sadistic, dysfunctional step-witch-family of my siblings as detailed in my lawsuit/complaint’s-file, i.e. besides the genealogy paternity/maternity unrelatedness due to my manifesting Muscular-Dystrophy which they don’t:
[1.]-The Ethnographic-Treatise category of my evidence-submissions demonstrates a concerted-effort by Raila’s Luo-Nyanza Community to kill me in cold blood as is referred  to in MY AMICUS-CURIAE forward brief on NETERISM/KEMETISM supported by recorded text/excerpt evidence reported to Civil-Society-Groups COURTESY OF SAFARICOM who at an appropriate time will upload the same to my e-mail  pls for my submitting to my blogsite evidence- platform once The GoK’s SABOTAGE-ATTEMPTS stop for I’m sure they are the ones c/o the chief-respondents in my lawsuit Raila and Uhuru demeaning, intimidating and/or threatening SAFARICOM not to send the same to my e-mail. The premeditated, orchestrated, choreographed, organized crime is demonstrated by Charles-Ooko  as outline below in letters to all concerned authorities
                              I Erick Otieno Mango with a civil/criminal lawsuit against The GoK [ at   titled: Prosecuting Raila…..] wishes to inquire with IPOA the feasibility of booking the theft/conning of my personal-effects/belongings including 5-plain long-sleeved BLAZER shirts,5-pair of trousers, a pair of bed sheets, a towel and a pair of slippers by one Charles-Ooko ,the Mombasa-Changamwe  businessman as chronicled in my evidence-submissions brief; which if viable then I intend to please have him arrested, charged, detained and arraigned before the law courts as my suit the judiciary, either in Mombasa in absentia, or deported to Migori-County for restitution and dispensation of justice given that it’s has effectuated a toll in my job-applications and/or interviews like e.g. the latest scenario opportunity of a life-time chance to work with AJIRA-DIGITAL on-line jobs computer-evolved global-outsourced jobs who’d booked me for their training/workshop in Nairobi beginning The 19th of June 2017; and for which I’ve tried in vain to raise some prerequisite-cash on a loan-prospectus-basis promising to pay friends-and-well wishers a 50% interest to purchase amongst others the clothes for presentation, a smart-phone and a suitcase to carry the same including fare to-and-fro Nairobi.
                             I indeed stopped applying for jobs waiting to pursue my lawsuit to its bitter logical-conclusion. Thus I will be most grateful for IPOA to coordinate the above investigation-and-arrest of Charles Ooko as mentioned above. Thank you in advance for your consideration, cooperation and assistance.
                              Yours Faithfully,
                              Erick Mango.    
The same will be found under the file titled Ethnographic-Treatise in my Lawsuit-epilogue.
[2.]-Nyatike and Kanyamkago Manuar’s brother Olala’s confession that they wonna kill me in Luo saying, ‘Wadwanegi’.
[3.]-The late Secretary Josephine HIV/AIDS transmission/infection attempt through forced customatty-marriage/dating attempts which I successfully thwarted. I hope this is not interpreted to be court-contempt pls.
[4.]-Chief Amara’s DEATH-SANCTION followed by The BELL’s-Pub / Resort area attack for which I’m waiting to sue the culprits amidst sabotage-attempts by The same GoK.
[5.]-The complaints-file demonstrating the step-witch parent’s numerous machete and slasher-sword attacks.
[6.]-Victor and his mother’s conflict machinations including homosexual-harassments accompanied by his father and the ensuing fight / self-defense/protection.
[7.]-The initial numerous microbe infections of including amoeba, typhoid and cholera which almost killed me save for friends and well-wishers.
[8.]-The self-bleaching / indecent-exposure step-witch mother’s waylaying  STANDING ARMS EKIMBO as I came from submitting evidence from the cyber…… detailed with SAFARICOM.
[9.]-Tanzania Randa-Kitembe Manuar-Olala orientations and the bleaching mother’s aside confession they’d should’ve tied me-up and left me there with the witchdoctors!
[10.]-The list is endless with as recent as yesterday the same bleaching step-witch mother wanting to yet again expose her filthiness/nudity as witchcraft [ recorded with SAFARICOM] not forgetting her rudeness when confronted with her psychopath strategies of which she’s on record as replying, ‘Kumanina and Nakumatt-construction’ reflecting their LAMU/BONDO-USENGE MIXED-ORIENTATION-MARRIAGE,MARRIED-BUT-GAY GLBT consistent attempts to transform my gender. They wonna hold my moey in custody and conduct an animal-husbandry zombie-cult marriage to control my wife, kids, labor, e.t.c.
                Otherwise, I’ll continue with ANATOMIC/PHYSIOLOGICAL-BIOCHEMICAL-GENETIC CONSTRAINTS that bar or inhibit the path to effective natural-selection as well as the EVOLUTIONARY-GENETIC PRESSURE-CONDITION MECHANISMS that ENHANCE-SELECTION, i.e. increase the EFFECTIVENES AND INTENSITY of PHENOTYPE-TRAITS rather than create new phenotypes and as such will delve on :

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