Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Prosecuting Raila : Ex Treason Comvict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

               Hi everybody. I’m dying miserably as I turn half-a-century-less-a-decade and a year years old by January 5th 2018; following the arrested-development medically, socially as well as economically; and forced-dependency being exploited up to now with The GoK HAVING DECLARED / SWORN NOT  TO ALLOW ME ENGAGE IN ANY INCOME-GENERATING-ACTIVITY, BIZ OR FIXED-INCOME-EMPLOYMENT TILL THEY GET THROUGH WITH THEIR JINN-THEOCRACY JINN-EXORCISINGS and /or MENTAL-INCARCERATIONS / SOLITARY-CONFINEMENTS which in other words is SOCIALLY-SANCTIONED-ABUSE. Medically, the arrested development is resoundingly true given the stoppage of my  physical and mental development going by the fact that The GoK HAS SEEN TO IT THAT I LAG BEHING TECHNOLOGICALLY WITHOUT A SMART PHONE TO ACCESS KNOWLEDGE IN WIKIPEDIA EVEN AS THE WORLD and HUMANITY ADVANCES;THEY CUT-OFF THE ACCESS I HAD WITH MY MANUAL CELL-PHONE SAFARICOM AND EQUITEL LINES USING CODES .  I pray for the divine intervention of the civilized world and humanity please.  
                Otherwise, I jus’  wonna embark on this discourse to deliver a mind-boggling scientific investigative research comparative analysis study evidence showcasing that Man is jus’ a modified-animal for purposes of freeing the enslaved blind-faith masses of their religious bondage-chains so that they may awaken to the TRUTH measurable and testable by science and realize that there is no religion higher than the TRUTH which’s only provable by science and at the end of it all begin embracing their respective constitutions as sacred-texts.
                 Thus, summarily and briefly let me continue by saying that the increase in size and volume of the human-brain organ a.k.a. psychic-apparatus, i.e. its encephalization underpinned the evolution of humanity’s technological-adaptations including inventions, sophistications, developments, advances and elaborations of the same interpreted as a measure of human-intelligence; and at the same time also underpinned his moral-sensibilities including the pre-adaptation of speech, i.e. language and literacy following on rudimentary speech;………all these occurring as a response to  increased necessity for cognition, i.e. the set of all mental-processes/faculties/capacities a.k.a  intelligence or creative synthesis which’s characterized by perception or comprehension  all encapsulated in the mind which in turn facilitates the efficient operations of these mental-capacities and moral-sensibilities encompassed with the power and capacity to solve important problems of survival-and-reproduction across space and time.
                    This cognition jus’ like other organs and the immune-system is composed of a functional-structure which in turn also happens to be underpinned on a genetic basis meaning in essence that its development   evolved by natural-selection and was thus provided-for or acquired by gradation in descent as one ancestral-hominid-fossil-species descended into the next generation even as human-society became more and more civilized, advanced and complex!
                     All these are captured in the hominid-fossil-biochemical record-evidence conjunctively with  the  archaeological material-culture record-evidence which outline the dual-inheritance-theory holding that genetic/biological and cultural evolution interacted  in the evolutionary history of humanity; and that genes got an impact on cultural evolution via psychological predispositions on cultural learning which historically occurred through migrations as a result of war. That much said the hominid-dentition fossil-record-evidence indicates a long term trend towards smaller-molars as well as skull-expansion/encephalization  [ and an overall decrease of robustness in morphology ]indicated/whereby  the brains of early-bipedal-ancestral-hominid-fossil-species members of the Genus Homo including Homo habillis who evolved ca. 2.3 million years ago………………later, logistics.

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