Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Subject: The Urgency surrounding My Accident-Case.

Concerned Authorities,
                                       Please allow me to detail Your Honorable-Offices with the Prevailing circumstances/developments circumnavigating the urgency for the expedition of my damages-case to a logical-culmination as reported/recorded with to C.S.G.'s courtesy of SAFARICOM. Otherwise there is a VIRUS which has accessed my mail and blog accounts with the title " Doc. for Bank Transfer Swift With Attachments,".........ALLEGEDLY PURPORTING to come from me.Please pardon me for any inconveniences caused I think this is the work of my antagonists trying to curtail,impede and interfere with my evidence submissions. Please ignore them and/or such mails.
                                    [1.]- Dear Safaricom,please allow me. " It is with shock and regret that I announce that the accident apparently had more repercussions on my morphology than I cared to admit or acknowledge due to gross under considerations since it's only my right index finger that bled  and got a tetanus-injection,dressing,physical-therapy and an X-ray given that it was hardest-hit by The Kihara-Construction-Canter spiraling Ikenya's wheat flour bundle of farm-fresh produce all the way to the middle of the road splitting it apart to scatter everything to the ground while my right-knee appeared only bruised and didn't seem to warrant much med. attention and so I overlooked it though as recorded in excerpts to HRW then, it caused me enough strain to limit my update-frequencies to Owade-Advocates then and even in later periods  forcing me to oftenly than not  take long rests without walking the distance to town.........PTO
                                     though like I surprisingly noted and even told friends , it made me limp even in the compound.Surprisingly enough the strain and limping are back with a rebound like never before  I can't seem to be able to get my foothold squarely  on the round with my right-leg/foot and the strain reverberates all day whenever I'm seated and into the night! I think it needs a critical medical review-assessment  and that it may have been brought about by the jogging I'd adopted of late whenever it showered to exercise-test my  my pulse-intensity beside the want to inquire why the why The Luo witch-sector/dept./cult of  of night-runners by members called 'Jojuogi piti-pata,' with the last word mimicking the  the supposed clatter of feet as the naked-witch ran over the; as opposed to 'Jajuog-wang,' meaning 'Evil-Eyed-Witch' akin to the Buda of Ethiopia; of which so far I've received some astounding responses........PTO
                                        from positive,anonymous,compulsive-neurotic cult-members who seem to either can't 'keep-the-cat-in-the-bag,' or can figure-out the inquisition and jus' wonna tell  and such include [1.]-'Itugo juogi,' meaning 'You/one is tugging the spirits-of-the-dead to play,' ; another is 'Dhi tug pesano,'  which here I think they are surreptitiously referring to the road-accident-damages from a superstitious,mythological,magical-witchcraft traditional-intervention for social-ills and injustices point-of-view as compared to the modern,civilized legal-way as regard The-Judiciary! Otherwise,please alert C.S.G.'s on the prevailing-developments as concerns a leg slowly  ADAPTING-A-LAME MORPHOLOGY due to corruption and delayed-justice and that I'll...........PTO
                                         be sincerely very glad and gratefull for their intervention for a medical re-examination check-up/reassessment on the anatomy of my leg all the way-up from the pelvis to the femur as it slides down the knee-joint to the fibula-and-tibia all which reverberate with the strain down to the heels/souls of the feet which feel like their cords are being strewn to kinda cull the right feet's lengt1 I am worried whether I'll be able to regain the full-vigor of my right-leg  if 4yrs 6months down the line it's not yet healed. For Christ's-sake can some C.S.G. like The IMLU  come to my assistance please. I've seen it happen to somebody before in Ganjoni MSA wherteby the character called Godini got a simple football injury  he neglected and which in no time turned him lame  till I heard he passed away recently. Please press The GoK for my damages amidst the shocking horrifying news. Thank You in Advance please.
 ......13th December 2016 at 1608hrs.

                                   [2.]-Dear Safaricom, please allow me. " Following the shock of my unhealed accident-leg slowly adapting a lame-morphology,revealed by the coincidental-jogging, I've decided to stop walking and begin taking long rests starting today in an effort to try and regain the foothold of my right-leg back which strains the calf as well as what seems to be a tendon running the length of the femur from the knee on the folding side  to somewhere in the groin , i.e. besides the other mentioned-areas and hopefully pending a medical reconstructive assessment ...........[ The other phrases and paragraph I'll add-up in the accident-profiles please due to ltd.-resources........]

                                    [3.]-Dear Safaricom,pls allow me. "The demise of The Chairman of The UoN who also happens to be kins with my Marble-Evil-Eyed tormentors and persecutors including The Sitting-President Uhuru and Kin Judy-Macharia of the loose-morals.........[pls pardon me everybody these 'Jinn-people' of The JINN-THEOCRACY GoK are very mischievous as regards psychic vampire-witches sorority-and-fraternity and the only way to dissuade them to stay awya from one for their own safety is through such measures despising the and even spitting-on-the Chinese-style to counter their maleficurums and evil-projections;since besides causing my predicament they are still tracking me all over Kenya [rd: Ikenya] everywhere I go like witch-hunting cannibal-vampires ; and besides Judy's wanting morals are fit for a concubine /mistress  and fall far way behind my criterion standards for a 'significant-other' whom I measure by the standards of American First-Ladies please. Excuse me.........] jus' goes a long way to confirm my accusations of Uhuru's -Family under-deals and interference s with Public-Institutions including The GoK- Tenders and UoN awarding/conferment of degrees-grades/classes contrary to Ethics-and-Professionalism Benchmarks as well as Autonomy and Independence of Public-Institutions.Isn't it CLEAR The Sacred-Family members above connived in cahoots  to engineer my unit-grades and thus rob me of the true-worth of my credentials leading to the 'Defeatist-Mindset'. Otherwise please press The GoK for my damages to curtail such CBA alerts below.........[ Below is an excerpt of CBA besides those I get from KCB engineered by proxy by The GoK threatening to outlaw me and cut me-off the Banking Industry while they're sitting-square on my accident-damages in an attempt tp trump me under the 'Arrested-Development and Forced-Dependency' circumstances.]"

                                    "Epuka CRB! Pay your overdue loan of Ksh.212.1 TODAY. You may pay up to Ksh.2200    CLEARANCE FEE if listed with CRB and denied loans by other Banks and SACCOS."

                                      Nonetheless, I'm glad and grateful that some C.S.G. heard the plea of my worsening-circumstances and M-Shwari have so far stopped though KCB is still haranguing me despite the letter written to them clarifying the status-quo. I hope The GoK upholds The Law and pays up to stop its subversive stifling and Economic witch-hunting.

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