Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Monday, April 18, 2016

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict andSerial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody let me just quickly update you on the latest.Below are the excerpts of late: -[1.]-Hi HRW.I would like to register with you that my life is still they threatened with food-poisoning due to forced-dependency susceptibilities which the witchcraft-family is exploiting. I don't know what they could have fed me on 4/4/2016 super since they 've mocked me through asides asking me 'whether I knew what I ate' and inferring that some disease had now caught me.Super was omena/dagaa and creamy/milky green vegetables which though the criminal-father served I realize didn't touch at meal's-end since I'd adopted eating separately.T.Y.I.A just in case of unpredictable complications!.........6/4/2016 at0713hrs. -[2.]-Dear Safaricom,please allow me the courtesy to convey messages to The HRW and other Civil-Society-Groups on behalf of Your Civil-Society-Corporation.The Neurotic,Sadistic and Dysfunctional witchcraft family in conjunction with The GoK have begun their Food-Hunger/Torture poisoning games again.Today they cook early breakfast and eat separately [ and repeat the same with/at lunch ] then prepare me a lunch-ratio now at1230hrs attempting to force me to eat it alone since the maid and all refuse to taste the suspicious-food.I am obliged to go report to The Migori-Police again trekking on an empty stomach.T.Y.I.A pending my accident-compensation while on forced-dependency........14/4/2016 at 1239hrs. Now let me quickly take you through the psychology of these "Axis-of-Evil" Psychic-Vampires including specifically Judy-Macharia and Emi of formerly CLEAR-LAW-FIRM.There have been whispers through asides by people who perhaps have been reading my blog that "I am maembe" Swahili for mango-fruit and a slang to mean a dodo or dander-head if you like for not jumping to the opportunity to "prowl" after the perfume/pheromone Judy. Let me tell the world that it's not the first-time she is up to these her psychic-vampire tricks which are merely part of the very many Prank-calls has been sending through-out the last decade and over in Mombasa as well as Nairobi.Initially I thought she was trying to seriously send a honest genuine message under strenuous-circumstances.Let me tell you with hind-sight that these psychic-vampires are very good at playing "innocent holier-than-thou" human beings just like in the novel " The Vampire Chronicles/Diaries." Those are merely "carnivorous-plant,pavlov dog-experiment,wolf-cry" prank-calls like I have come to learn bitterly.It is part of the wider signs-and-symbols Judy-Macaharia has been sending ever since I realized she wasn't worth the salt of a "Fist-Lady or Marriage-Material" for that matter after having confirmed the campus rumors that she was indeed just a "bird-of-the-night/down-to-earth" girl like the other bad-girls "who go everywhere" like the adage says.She followed me to a restaurant-bar in Nairobi when I was having "one for the road" wondering where the rain [ rd. 'reign' ] had begun to beat me as regards my forged transcripts salvaged by the late Kalama [ R.I.P ] as well as my socioeconomic development put under arrest by the GoK to date just like they are still with-holding/impeding the processing of my accident-proceeds. I didn't realize she was in the bar sitting a few chairs in front/besides of me till when I rose to go to the loos when I noticed her. Then there are the doubles/look-alikes who've whispered through aside that they are as many a population to fill a district,i.e. the Sitting-President's Kins, including the likes of Emi as well.I would like you my beloved-audience to read the book "Facing Mount Kenya" by the partner Founding-Father [ R.I.P. ] who I hold nothing personal against to get a glimpse of how this Judy-Macharia WICCA,witchcraft,sorority psychic-vampires operate.There is the notion of "TELEPATHY" which they've inherited for one besides what they've whispered through asides that since the Founding-Father was initially employed as a meter-reader by either Kenya-Power and Lightening Co. or The Water-and-Sewerage Co.;which in Swahili they whisper animistic-ally to read "Fundi-wa-Mita" translating to sound like "Fundi-wa-Mitaa" whereby mitaa here means 'hoods' as in e.g. "West-side/East-side," i.e. different neighborhoods;which they've have been exploiting making The Republic-of-Kenya look like their personal-garden and that's why they've been following me everywhere controlling everybody within my life...... from U.o.N Transcripts to my accident compensation proceeds.They've whispered through asides that they won't live and let me live and that they will be bound to follow me everywhere.That surreptitiously means they ONLY rest after they "kill-me-dead;" and the reason she's been prank-calling me while behaving like a jinn/ghost without appearing. Kenyans be ware,the country is surrounded by a cancerous-psychic-vampire system thriving on the blood and flesh of innocent Kenyans like happens around election times when people are sacrificed in unnecessary deaths.Thanks god the goodwill Kenyans have woken-up to the hypnosis of the black-colonialists masquerading as royals/monarchs and decided enough is enough with the falsified portraits in the Kenyan-currencies and soon we will be having bank-notes without the portrait of any particular individual except for National-Features. Last but not least as regards advising the executive on basic economics in terms of "Decriminalizing-and-Legalizing" Informal-Sectors including Marijuana and The Sex-Industry akin to other enlightened-countries that some years back [ you can confirm it in the print-media ] Marijuana was found thriving planted nowhere-else but The Central-Police Station Compound/vicinity in Nairobi.Till it was reported I don't know how long the planting-and-harvesting had been gowing-on.Secondly,I think sometimes last year Kiganjo Police-recruits including 3-cops were arrested with hounds-of-Marijuana and/or for allegedly trafficking and selling the same to their fellow comrades-at-arms;and again sometimes like a couple or so years ago Raila's bro Oburu's GoK car and drivers was arrested for trafficking and/or carrying Marijuana. What I am trying to say is I don't know who the GoK IS FULLING SINCE IT SEEMS EVERYBODY in all areas of life are up to Marijuana-Kenya so why not just Decriminalize-and-Legalize it once and for all? Then I would like to remind everybody that Karlmarx the late [ R.I.P] died or was killed with Raila's name on his lips and he succumbed to excessive consumption of alcohol BUT on an empty stomach and I smell the same strategy being used on my Food Hunger-Torture poisoning games.Last but not least we should all remember the suspicious circumstances under which Fidel-Castro [ R.I.P. ] died since the Postmortem analysis tests have failed to reveal the cause of his death to date and we all know that Luo Culture of dispatching people to their ancestral-lands then dancing and celebrating in their funerals. lAST BUT NOT LEAST MY EVOLUTION article will be on the evidence-submission as regards the GoK INTERROGATING ME on faith and god of which I plan to showcase the metamorphosis or evolution of Man from a lineage of upright early bipedal ancestral hominid species from extant Homo sapiens who are like a hybrid of chimps and man due to their inherent traits similar to chimps in the double lives they lead secretly at night when they switch-on chimp powers like the extra strong sense of smell! Later,logistics.

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