Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.Please let me take you back to where I cut short as regards feeling like an alien from mars just because of communication-incompatibility deriving from different thought-patterns reading from different scripts... ....... In fact,musta been a real stranger at the U.o.N for if I sought twilight girls outside unaware that the difference was the same right there in campus,then I didn't know what I was missing.I could've saved lotsa time,mileage,energy having the cakes and eating them there in campus.I treated them campus-chicks like marriage-material of which my approach to the Institution-of-Marriage was filled with reverence;only to realize outta-campus that few comrades ever marry campus comrade-chicks!All I know is we called them 'mende,'Swahili for cockroaches,i.e. such twilight-like campus-chicks and/or their consorts/escorts.Sexually starved having mated only thrice i 3yrs and six-months,I resorted to try online-dating hoping to catch one of them fast-lane bad-girls and I found one of them campus-chicks in "juicyaffairs .com" with a hot nude reverse-pose only to realize got to part with some credit before you can get connected, [rd: cultural-epithet/ fixed-income/business,no dating/dates.]The reason I changed to BADOO. Besides,I found Linet,5th-born and 2nd-daughter of the family of my siblings which shocked me to the core since juicy-affairs is where them really bad-girls are with some posing nude and ready which in turn made me wonder whether she really was in Saudi-Arabia where she claimed she'd gone leaving her bastored one 5yr-old Ian Giovanni allegedly fathered by a fellow called Mr. Tuka who works with the Ministry-of-Water.Since Linet Left around 2-years ago the kid has had its upheavals trying to fit in with substitute averaged-parents [grandparents] who negligently leave it all to the underage maid with myself being hasty to intervene or interfere in their family-affairs since they'd made it clear I am an outsider and from the google "Homosexual-Evolution" page evidence on senior-bachelor members of hominid-primate families and communities and the family's attempt to change my sexual-orientation and gender,I'd decided to keep-off till by Christmas seeing that The GOK is now cooperating in impounding the accident-canter to release my accident proceeds for a healthy-life. Indeed,during the 1-ratio a day breakfast-meal hunger-torture food-siege in June 2015,The NPS EMERGENCY-LINE-911 attendant sent me to The D.C.'s Office department of Social-Services who instead refereed me to The Youth-Affairs Department saying: "They don't deal with gender-issues nowadays." That meant in other words that my gender is and/or was being put in doubt ironically despite my explaining my open-and-straight sexual-orientation.It is an insult to be subjected to psychologically and mentally damaging homosexual and incestuous sexual harassment by the powers that be and then be questioned on your gender.The GoK is alienating me ,pruning me from the jobs and dating markets.By the way even as I technically go about the legal-process of disowning,estranging and/or divorcing the family,extended-family and Raila's Luo-Nyanza,I wonna put it across that it's nothing personal and has instead to do with the immature political-infancy of those Luos who'll still hold-on to Prehistoric-Descendant-Cultures sycophancy-of-the-personality INSTEAD OF ISSUES TO DO WITH DEVELOPMENT.I will socialize,participate,reciprocate,participate and engage with MENTALLY-COMPETENT Luos only who are progressive,exposed,informed and civilized.Thus acquiescing to the neurotic-family going by age and Mon archetypal-Content-Projections of their unconscious Prehistoric-Descendant-Cultural identities,I made-up my mind to arrange a family meeting of the siblings so they could do a reality check-up since Caroline and Felix,Journalist and French Teacher/Translator respectively are both doing well earning big-money including Linet who's also supposedly milling fortunes in Saudia so they could take-over the upkeep and college-tuition of their last sister Don in College besides the domestic-budget and other amenities.What makes me change my mind is that Felix don't pick his phone and neither does Caro who initially did but doesn't anymore keep her word.Linet's outta communication cause I didn't approve when she beat-up her last sister Don sending her wailing into the night which I first thought was a prank-call tugging at my reaction so the occult-family could trap me into a premeditated-plan.This was just days after Ikenya had deported and "welcomed me to Lamu" in Migori.Being tolerant and observant I chilled leaving the household matters to their father who inevitably intervened at long last and whom I've realized is legally-incompetent and can't be entrusted with the matters at hand so to speak. Worse their father circumnavigates my genuine attempts to intervene and forge a family meeting by secretly speaking with the siblings over the phone and they both [ Caro and Felix] no l;onger answer my calls.In fact the whole of that week I called Caro and Felix their father adopted the chorus-slogan "Hakuna taabu kabisa" as a standard response over the phone just to belittle my efforts to salvage what looks like a deplorable/deteriorating situation.I found that to have been insulting of my generosity and conscience not to mention honor,courtesy dignity and substance.Victor's also outta communication for the reasons reflected in the Complaints-File.A bight-student from the start his academics took a nose-dive when in class-8 he was thoroughly beaten by Felix he had to escape away fro home and when I heard that from college I raised some hell for him taking the matter to The Mombasa Central-Police and took to visiting him in high-school and at home from time to time worried he was susceptible to grievous-harm or even death like a late sibling[ RIP] Jack who died of jaundice outta negligence allegedly.So you can imagine my surprise at Victor's attempted skull-stoning attack at his mother's behest and one can understand why I chilled choosing not to intervene on Donator's behalf. Now that it's clear the family is backbiting me there's doubt as pertains the practical reality on the ground meaning they are making impressions.Been told they are filthy-rich which is contradictory to the practical-reality at least at face-value for why else would their father thwart my efforts to assist their interests under the circumstances?Perhaps it's then a cover-up for their heinous money-bags,highway robbers,murderers,assassins,pay-master thugs as indicated by the GoK Chiefs Amara and Odera,the siblings father Raila's former acquaintance,Engineers Ras Emanuel and Benja at The Resort Areas Bell's Pub attack last world cup.This fact is also demonstrated during the 2007PEV who's IDP's still bear evidence as refugees within and outside Kenya's borders in Uganda [rd: Nyatike.] This fact is also demonstrated in the house break-ins and robberies as happened during the HURUMA-NAIROBI affair besides the MTONGWE KENYA-NAVY-BARRACKS one which I reported at Inuka-Police-Station Likoni.After I'd read the sign of an impending Huruma-attack and decided to take-off to Mombasa in 2006 at night I ws very much surprised when in the loaded minibus right next to the seat in front of me standing and holding the bus stand-rail that's usually stridden along the length of the bus was a fellow,a man, a double look-alike of Raila a.k.a. Agwambo or RAO.And he held that hand-rail just the way RAO usually holds his traditional spear in funerals when bidding farewell to dead-bodies corpses pending their burial and dispatch to the land of the ancestors.Thus did I end-up associating the Huruma threatened attack with the Raila on the spot there and then [AND THE REASON WHY I DIDN'T REPORT AN O.B. TO HURUMA POLICE......I was lost for words]and now which with hindsight ANIMISTIC ALLY FILLS-IN THE JIGSAW PUZZLE as regards the siting president [rd:HURU-MA.] That's why I refer to the 2-culpable-duo as SIAMESE-TWINS when it comes to murder-assassination attempts in the guise as removing their "jinn" which one of them has a notoriety of referring to as "something."Last but not least let me say that if the neurotic-family is ti progress then they must leave-behind some of the archetypal-contents as regards their prehistoric-descendant-culture since Caro told me the mother never allows her to sleep in the house and has to instead book a lodging while Felix is forced to sleep in the kitchen.Victor was let to join them in the main-house after his differences with me. Later logistics.

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