Saturday, November 28, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.Dead men tell no tells.Dear Learned Lords and Ladies, Members of the Bench and of The Bar,Senior-Counsel Ladies and Gentlemen and the public at large.I beg leave to take this opportunity to clarify some issues as relates to the term I used in the last preceding blog,i.e. 'Ethnographic-Anecdote' vis-a-vis EVIDENCE as found wanting in the cultural conflicts detailed in The C.F. by The Migori Crime-Cops and 2ndly by The Receptionist at The Migori -County DPP's Office by 1 Mrs. Opiyo who also queried the culpability of the Siamese-twins in relation to The C.P.P. as regards The Criminal and Civil Lawsuit. The term 'Ethnographic-Anecdote had in mind an 'Ethnographic-Diary/Memoir' as is evident in the recorded-texts/excerpts to The HRW chiefly et al. of the practical-scenario on the ground as they occurred on a chronological order..Thus it was a mix of words specifically cause from an anthropological point-of-view or basically scientific perspective,I am still perplexed,perturbed and baffled by the 'Evil-Eye" mythology so common in folklore across space and time as recorded by the 'Skin-walker/Buda/ and Ondiek or Otoyo-Toyota" of The America's,Ethiopia and Raila's Luo-Nyanza respectively to mention but a few.The term anecdote had in mind the tongue-twister Otoyo-Toyota as regards the changing in form from Man to Animal-Hyena like is depicted in the were-wolf/hyena culture mythologies/movies;and as quoted by the supernatural-world that stuff to do with magic or witchcraft is god's spank of the unbelievers or the scientific realm. Otherwise what I meant and Mean as stated above is that the SUBSTANTIAL 3D TANGIBLE EVIDENCE PRESENTATION AS REGARDS Raila's Luo Prehistoric Descendant Culture is indeed an Ethnographic-Account-Record.This is a process of presenting SCIENTIFIC-EVIDENCE in the form of a Documented-Written-Discourse and/or Texts/Excerpts for The Criminal-Civil Lawsuit against The GoK courtesy of the culpable-duo of Raila-and-Uhuru in my blog-site-platform and that as such it is INDEED A PROFESSIONAL-WITNESS-ACCOUNT of a LEARNED-TREATISE containing EVIDENCE from all quarters including real/material or physical evidence,Personal-Experience Evidence,Witness-Testimony and/or Anecdotal-Evidence,Documentary-Evidence,Scientific-Evidence as well as Trace-Evidence. Thus as regards Raila's Incrimination,this 3D TANGIBLE,SUBSTANTIAL,SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE PRESENTATION is an ETHNOGRAPHIC-TREATISE on Raila's Luo-Nyanza Secret-Society,2-Way Traffic Cultural Conveyor-Belt, Fertility-Reproductive-Cult Prehistoric-Descendant-Culture and involves Research-and-Investigation of Case-Phenomenon into and relating to my Criminal-and-Civil Lawsuit including Ritual-Homosexuality,Gender-Transition/Transsexual ATTEMPTS,Witchcraft-of-Animism,Ancestor-Worship and/or Worship of The Dead,Sacrificial/Ceremonial Deaths/Murders amongst many others as detailed in the Criminal-and-Civil Lawsuit. Period. I have all these and other prerequisite SUFFICIENT SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE TO PROVE BEYOND ANY IOTA OF REASONABLE DOUBT THE SELF-EXPLANATORY ACCUSATIONS LEVELED against The JINNI-THEOCRATIC GoK courtesy of the culpable duo of Raila and Uhuru accruing from the C.P.P and The C.F. as detailed in the Charge-Sheet.Later,Logistics.

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