Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody please bear with me the circumstances are getting tougher to meander.Otherwise let me just give you a quick itinerary of what's up. First and fore most this presentation of evidence as regards Raila's stronghold /home-turf of Luo-Nyanza secret-society two-way traffic cultural conveyor-belt Fertility reproductive cults is meant to be an 'Ethnographic-Anecdote' and so you will excuse the reporting of facts as they are recorded or quoted right from the horses' mouths. Secondly I would like to say that this secret-society and Raila's Luo-Nyanza is trying to play or act as "Forces/Mechanisms-of-Evolution" in as far as "Common-Descent Acquired-Traits Inheritance" courtesy or in as far as experiences as regards "Transition-of-Gender" in relation to roles or station-of-life are concerned; [ rd: Archetypal-Content-Projections of Unconscious Identities/Personalities. ] Thirdly,I am now on the part of laying-down grounds causing my "Disowning/Estrangement and / or Divorce" of all kinship with the immediate family of my siblings and the extended relations as well as Raila's Luo-Nyanza as a whole.Reasons which run deep into childhood besides those already given circumnavigating the Complaints-File.They include as you will be surprised to find-out the witch-and-wicked mother of my siblings attempt to cause grievous-harm to my phallus as a toddler, i.e. 'Penile-Fracture" which left an indelible-mark on my manhood leaving it bent or crooked or curved like a banana to date.Add the Portreitz-hospital affair, Victor's stoning-attempts and the fact that their evil-eyed father wears a "Brooke-Side" Jacket which's a Dairy Company of the Sitting -President leaving no doubts as to the circumnavigations by the GoK AND AS TO WHO THEIR MONEY-BAGS IS. Fourthly I would like to mention here that the Gender and Dumb issues affair are all imposed on me as much as they are also news to me given that since "The proof of the pudding is in the eating" and having denied or refuted all allegations of "Animism-witchcraft non-verbal animal language" by detailing categorically my sexual-orientation as regards datings-for-marriage while surviving -on-casual/commercial sex for basic-needs satisfaction as well as stating clearly that I use "Sound-Logic" respectively;I don't understand why the evil-eyed are trying still to impose on me their intentions,impressions,mirror-images and inferiority-complexes! Last but not least I would like to SAY THAT I ADVOCATE FOR THE DECRIMINALIZATION AND LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA A.K.A CANNABIS ALONG THE LINES OF exposed,progressive,informed and civilized worlds medico-legal,social,economic and industrial-contexts as well as along the lines of "ENTHEOGENS FOR RELIGIOUS-PURPOSES i.e. a SPIRITUAL-NOURISHMENT which works pretty-well for such JINNI-THEOCRACIES [rd: a spliff a day keeps the doctor away. ] Thus I call upon the GoK to cease-fire on the unscrupulous misdemeanor arrests and searches of marijuana smokers and growers ;to borrow a leaf from the land of Obama and other progressive worlds including the land of The Hague,i.e. Netherlands and everywhere else that have become exposed to enlightenment and embraced democracy;sit down and widen the economic brackets by liberalizing this important informal sector of the economy and emancipate the un-enlightened from this mental stereotyping/prejudice/captivity and slavery against the "Holy-Herb." At the same time if it'll help stock-up the treasury and contribute to the ailing economy, the GoK SHOULD GO AHEAD AND LEGALIZE THE INFORMAL THRIVING COMMERCIAL-SEX INDUSTRY IN NAIROBI FOR STARTERS AS Kidero The Governor envisaged.These two sectors rake-in just as many millions as the cigarette industry,fiber,paper,confectioneries as well as the beauty-massage parlor industries respectively.One's cake shouldn't be anybodies business provided the eating is legally secured within four-walls and outta public.The men-of-the-cloth can keep weaving though we all know they all fall prey to psycho-genetic-primordial mechanism processes / instincts like the rest of the animal-kingdom. Well the lights were off but let me just say that comparative universal observation of societies indicates that man's ideas about good,bad or evil;rght or wrong are mere social-conventions made by a consensus of wills . Let me also say that The U.o.N should reform to embrace human-diversity to include personality/identity variations and there-of institute colleges for the deaf,blind mute as well as people with any and / or all other disabilities since I realize I was discriminated against wrongful on the basis of imposed intentions,impressions ,mirror-images and inferiority complexes as regards linguistics / accent a.k.a. linguistic-discrimination / linguicism or languagism as regards use of language including certain accents,e.g.Pidgin and / or American-English which like everybody else I love a lot.As regards Archetypal-content-projections of identities / personalities and psychology of personality,I identify with American-Society and the Francophone-Society as far as humanity and transition to behavioral modernity goes.. Later,logistics.

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