Thursday, October 01, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. Please let me quickly shortly take you through what's not been happening. First and foremost allow the the aptness to reveal to you that there's a locality in Migori called 'Pand-Pieri' which translates to mean 'Hide your ass.' And then again animistic ally from the word IKENYA and NYATIKE the first part 'IKE' means in Luo 'Bury him / her and so one can read Uhuru and Raila's minds in my deportation to Migori and the attempts to pull me to Nyatike P.E.V. constituency that they'd planned to murder and bury me in Nyatike since going by Karl-Marx the late and other Luo murders including the lates Ouko and Mboya [ May their souls R.I.P. ] it seems they are selectively being or must be murdered in their registered ancestral constituencies FOR EFFICIENT DISPATCHING TO THEIR ANCESTORS.For records Raila was recently on screen claiming that since mother-tongue-vernaculars are under the threat of extinction like other 7-vernaculors he listed ,that then he is categorically for people promoting mother-tongues for use in the National Assemblies and as languages of instructions in schools and for business.He don't like people speaking foreign languages or United Nations and Scientific languages of English and French.Nonetheless,it's prudent to say that George just delivered the 2-French texts but excluded 1 other though the most important 'La Becherelle-Fondamental,' a present from a Belgium lady corespondent was what I wanted most. Otherwise let me just start my draft by saying that the witchcraft secret society fertility-reproductive-cult of Raila's Luo Nyanza is weird since they,including the family of my siblings, I have noticed use or are more prone to use non-verbal body-language communication of kinda rudimentary speech INSTEAD of using VERBAL SOUND-LANGUAGE which I use and is recommended world-wide. Now, I am the 1st born [ on birth-certificate ] in a family of six by a father whose twin brother,the father of Manuar Otieno aka Mbuta-Likaso 1st-cousin is deceased.My childhood was miserable and forced to double-up as a foster or step-kid maid-servant made it the worse;since whenever we went upcountry in Nyatike Kabuto of Migori County during childhood I witnessed and experienced that roles and duties were divided according to gender which didn't conform to what I was being taken through in Mombasa, i.e kitchen and maid-servant duty roles [ rd: Mwaura. ] In fact like I have been prone to telling friends and relatives and well-wishers the last 4-months now or so 'That they are gonna have to excuse me for communicating with them in English and that I wouldn't mind those who can't talking back in Luo or Swahili since they already know I am fluent in both.That I'd switched networks to begin communicating in English for many reasons they were gonna learn in due course; led by amongst others including issues to do with PSYCHOLOGY-OF-PERSONALITY and IDENTITY-CRISIS.'Period. During my childhood and early years as I was pushed to try and conform to feminine gender roles,I withdrew to the world of novels which opened or offered a completely,totally different new world and I got addicted to reading novels by day and night and sometimes extending all the way to primary-school then,under the desk,even as the teacher would be teaching if the plot and suspense were too intriguing to shut the novel even for a second.Since the psychology of the basic nature of personality is dependent upon egoistical,quasi-egoistical and non-egoistical instincts such as the food-and-sex drives,friendship and approval from others respectively;besides the other fact that brain-structures are founded differently during childhood growth and development according to contextual language-acquisition and socialization processes including other logic-theory models.I have come to realize and appreciate that my true original IDENTITY and/or PERSONALITY is best expressed and presented in the novel-reading traditions of the English-Language [ and later French- as regards civilization and behavior ] that I grew-up with mostly in isolated withdrawal upstairs/rooftops in Ganjoni's block-4 or in bed at night. I speak Luo,Swahili,English and French fluently which express and present my personality and/or identity in the order of 50%,75%,100% and 101% respectively; loosing some touch with French due to being far removed from the French Francophone world [ of which I am trying to reconnect with through on-line dating. ] Thus English and French form the foundation-basis of my personality as regards Archetypal-Content-Projections of The Unconscious Identity as far as culture,behavior,language,information and communication go;since English and French are more or less at par given that they share more or less the same exposure,progress,information and civilization as far as science goes in the context of 'transition to behavioral modernity from primitive, retrogressive,imposed and lay pre-historic descendant cultures go;and what's more the French civilization is iced with a human-face and love than the former.Thus I have experienced cultural-behavioral,communication and language barrier problems as far as socialization goes and many are the times I've had to resort to graffiti or written communication just so I could be gotten right.In fact I realized earlier in college that I'd developed a kinda an 'accent' when a classmate chick/girl asked me to please stop 'twenging' at her of which I didn't take seriously then thinking she was joking till later-on in life,currently that I realize she was telling the truth.If anything several of my college mates would sing me all the lyrics line by line of many a Jamaican reggae and American rap,rhythm-and-blues or hip-hop songs; a feat which I couldn't except for a few chosen dozen hit tracks. Indeed I have highlighted the communications-incompatibility issue in my ON-LINE dating profile of BADOO,as well as in earlier blogs where I mention communication barriers as regards incompatibility when it comes to engaging in discourse with some people.The University-of-Nairobi Senior Administrative Assistant expressed this communication-incompatibility issue when he summarized it in sign-language with the 'thumbs in his ears and the rest of the fingers waving up-and-down' to mockingly signify a dumb-fellow before I had to seek the probono legal services of a former Law Comrade,the late Kalama [ May his soul R.I.P. ] before the office of this Senior Adm. Officer could release my transcripts for processing.Now,I don't know whose dumb!Makes one feel like an alien from mars just because of communication incompatibility deriving from different thought patterns reading from different scripts.Please allow me to continue later due to logistics,i.e. ltd resources.

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