Thursday, October 22, 2015

Prosecuting Rail ; Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritua Psychopath Murderer,

Hi everybody I am being muzzled don't know when I will next blog evidence.Otherwise below is the status quo as regards my kinship with the family.I am on the part of explaining to you the gender issue and why I decided to disown and estrange or divorce the community. Dear Sir / Madam, I Erick Otieno Mango wish to reiterate my plea concerning my application to migrate out of Kenya into another safe sovereign country for purposes of gaining political Asylum / Refuge as indicated earlier a couple of three years back in my Campaign-Plea Portfolio under the blog address : and entitled : Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer. I have got the evidence all wrapped-up and ready for presentation except for the meager and limited resources thanks to the gaggings and cyber-cafe interference manipulations by the GoK courtesy of the culpable-duo of Raila and Uhuru which's eating into precious time and tide making it take forever.Three years three months after the illegal deportation by the culpable-duo above due to Prehistoric Descendant Culture's belief in jinnis and the subsequent cyclic animal-husbandry and zero-grazing,food-insecurity and hunger-torture,poison-toxin-panic games not to mention the animism-witchcraft,incestuous and homosexual harassments and the premeditated orchestrated,choreographed organized crimes including break-ins and the mob-gang attack by the heinous culpable-duo and the GoK incessantly with impunity.I am yet to receive my accident-compensation proceeds for purposes of liberalizing and kick-starting my socioeconomic and intellectual growth and development as well as abilities. I have subsequently disowned and estranged all kinship relationships with the immediate family of my siblings and Raila's Luo-Nyanza secret-society fertility reproductive cult at large which's circumnavigating,exploiting and abusing my life,my person and personality in collaboration with the GoK for their Prehistoric Descendant Culture's myopic-ends beliefs at my sacrificial-expense. Otherwise they are still psychologically and mentally torturing my life,person and personality with impunity rendering my life to a ZOMBIE-UNDEAD station / status filled with all the risks, susceptibilities and vulnerabilities as demonstrated in my blog's evidence presentation. Please hurry and speed-up my emancipation process.Thank you in advance for your consideration,cooperation and assistance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango

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