Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Monday, July 27, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi every body let me present you with the updated Complaints-File : Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to enjoin the aid of your Media-Offices in asking for transparency and accountability in the speedy-recourse of my several cases as mentioned-above and below amidst the government threats to summarily clump on the same.Thus below is a copy of the correspondences I have been holding with various civil-society groups : I Erick Otieno Mango aged thirty-six years old has a case saga spanning the last eight years and which has now culminated into two latest sub-cases condensed into : [1.]-Causing disturbance reported as assault at The Migori Police Station; O.B. 38 /16/2/2014; and [2.]-Threat to life O.B. 37 /21/05/2014. The above "assault" and threat to life cases primarily derive from a cultural conflict whereby the parents of my siblings have been trying to coerce and force me into their "married but gay" lifestyle with homosexual harassment from the male parent and incestuous sexual harassment from the female parent akin to the recent case going on at The Makadara Law Courts Nairobi between a Pastor and her two daughters one of whom he ended-up impregnating successfully. Many other such incestuous sexual crimes / offenses are recorded in The Kenyan press as your offices would be readily cognizant of.The Chamkombe Chief one Mr. Amara and The Migori cops decline taking statements from the reported sex pervert criminals decrying lack of substantial evidence due to lack of willing witnesses.In one instance I took The Chief to task asking him whether since I could not get successfully impregnated ,that should I wait for the physical tangible evidence of "sperm" to prove my case?There are only three of us in that house of the parents of my siblings with the rest of the siblings in Nairobi and Mombasa. Now interestingly enough the case has been inevitably brought forward to your offices because as The Migori cops operate their investigations,it becomes again inevitable not to mention Raila [the head of O.D.M.] and by extension Uhuru [ the current occupant of of The Highest office on land and suspect of crimes against humanity and atrocities at The ICC ] given that the the genesis of the reported latest condensed sub-cases accrues from the larger case-saga deriving from the Mombasa deportation for purposes of "removing that something /jinn" by a witch-doctor which leads to an accident the following day which has kept me waiting for the compensation proceeds to date of which as a result the assault [ causing disturbance as corrected by a Migori Judiciary staff ] and the threat to my life.The accident case was reported at The Migori Police Station ; [3.]-O.B. 28 /14/06//2012 and later re-modified to ; O.B. 12 /17/9/2012. Thus have I decided to preempt the status-quo of the constant-continuum with regards to all the above cases for I am crying for justice and would like the law to be let to take its course at least as stipulated in the "new constitutional dispensation order" in letter and spirit as demonstrated in The Judiciary Marches Week countrywide.This is after exhausting all the preliminary legal channels to no avail including first of all alerting relatives before reporting to The Migori Police Station when ambushed and threatened with death in the first two cases mentioned above.Hence going by the advice of The Migori Judiciary staff have I decided to adjoin and engage your offices including : [a.]-The office of The Attorney General, [b.]-The office of The Director of Public Prosecution and [c.]-The office of The State Counsel. Otherwise the status-quo will prevail at my torturous/abusive emotional and psychological expense not to mention the physical threat to my life by machete-hacking or food poisoning.Indeed regarding the long overdue accident case,I communicated to the L.S.K. and The Judiciary who told me to wait promising to communicate back to me in due course. Again,indeed last but not least,concerning the case-saga spanning over the last eight years and resulting into this damaging irreversible emotional,psychological and physical torture/abuse,I have been forced by this inhumane circumstances to apply for political asylum/refuge at The UNHCR and The I.O.M. as advised by the very humane person being The Royal Consulate of The Netherlands.Indeed as such my Learned Good Friends,I lodged a petition-file blog-site for purposes of submitting evidence to substantiate for my application for political asylum / refuge, namely : entitled : Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer. Thank you in advance for you consideration,assistance and cooperation. NB : I would like to add that so far the saga keeps unraveling and I was attacked by a mob-gang apparently connected to The Chiefs Amara and Odira at Bells-Pub along Resort-Club Street which I reported at The Migori Police Station : [4.]-OB 22 / 18 / 6 /14 whereby I was issued with a P3-Form for purposes of discharging the due course of The Law subject to raising the required Dr.'s Witness-fees of KShs. 1800 and completing a treatment fee balance of KShs. 300. I have not been able to raise the required amounts and indeed have been left with the only alternative of having to wait for my Accident Victim Compensation Case to proceed with the unresolved cases. I plea to your now devolved office at The Migori-County hoping for a speedy recourse of all the cases affecting me. Thank you in advance for your consideration,assistance and cooperation. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno. NB : Hi Office of The DPP.I would like to say that I was assaulted again on the 11th of December 2014 which I reported to The Migori Police Station OB NUMBER : [5.]-OB62 / 11 /12 /2014. This was prompted by the accumulation of the continuous abuse of the basic nature of the psychology of my personality by the incessant homosexual-and-incestuous sexual harassment by the parents of my siblings who are criminal sex perverts.They have taken to intermixing the sexual harassment with under-age primary school girls doubling as their house-helps.Now every time I open my mouth to protest they attack me.Please, I request your office to press for my Accident Compensation because any further stay in that house puts my life at great risk of the death threats I have received from the parents of my siblings and Chief Amara Council.Chief Amara proclaimed that they have all the rights to kill me through any means necessary including the use of rat-poison and/or the use of a mob-gang attack using machetes. I conspicuously fell-ill with Amoeba and Malaria from the 28th of October 2014 to the 21st of November 2014 and was duly informed by physicians that amoeba is contracted from contaminated-food! So I am conclusively threatened with death sanctioned by Chief Amara and further stays in Migori due to the delay of my Accident-Compensation puts me at high death/murder risks/susceptibilities.Thank you in advance for your consideration,assistance and cooperation. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno. Then the last part which concerns the Accident appears as thus : To Dear Sir/Madam, I Erick Otieno Mango seek to file a complaint with your office regarding an accident I got on the 14th of June 2012 involving a Kihara Construction canter of number plate KAS 536K in Migori County opposite The Kenya Commercial Bank. I subsequently referred the case to Owade and Company Advocates and Commissioner for Oaths situated in Migori County.Up to the end of last year December 2013, we'd managed to fill-in the prerequisite medical examination report.police P3 forms,X-ray radiography report e.t.c.All that remains is the towing of the said canter for the traffic police abstract forms.The base traffic commander and and the office assigned the case left us with the notice to stay vigilante and report the canter for towing once we sight it.It was traced to Rongo by 1 of the legal assistants and the matter rested there. This is where the bone of contention arises for the legal assistants now say the case has hit a snag,has collapsed,is closed since it is proving quiet difficult to impound the canter vehicle above.Thus I take this opportunity to to beseech your office to intervene and help us including Owade and Co. Advocates and/or the traffic police to impound this vehicle since I have not spotted it all this time for one and secondly the accident affected my right knee-cap which makes me limp if I walk long distance and last but not least ,since Owade and Co. Advocates have surreptitiously as well asked me to pay them back their file charges as well as service fees incurred so far in various technicalities before the file can be transferred to another party for purposes of continuing the accident case proceedings should the status-quo prevail.Hence in regard to that I wonder whether your office would kindly arrange for Owade and Co. Advocates to complete the extra mile on my behalf or otherwise since my financial circumstances can not afford the necessary fares when I am required at the office most of the times. I hope your efforts will be reflected in spirit and letter of the new constitution as was exemplified during the country wide Judiciary Marches Week.Thank you in advance for your consideration,cooperation and assistance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango. NB: Dear Sir/Madam, Please, I wish to clarify for matters of expediency and for setting the record straight that the number-plate registration of the Kihara Construction canter involved in the accident is KAS-535K AND NOT KAS-536K .Please excuse me the former was a 'typing-error' given that all the details and paper-work of the accident have been with Owade and Co. Advocates since June, 2012.I confirmed the registration on my diary.Sorry for any inconveniences caused. Thank you in advance for your consideration,cooperation and assistance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango. Thus,the above is the full Complaints-File as hard-copy hand-delivered to The Devolved Office of The DPP Migori-County. I would like to add that I just met one of the legal assistants with Owade and Co. at The Migori Bus-Stage Market where I access the cheap affordable cyber-cafe and he said they have not received any communique from The above Office and that besides,the cops refused to cooperate in the impounding of the aforementioned canter and that it looks like my case is kind-of running out-of-time.So he tells me to see them in their office in two weeks time so they can set the way-ahead.In other words it means the government of Kenya is sitting square on my accident compensation and thus perpetrating the "Arrested-Development" and the incessant abuse of the basic nature of the psychological of my personality.. NB: I wish to add that the homosexual and incestuous-sexual harassment is still on high with the criminal sexual perverts now trying to take me back to the the instance when the female flaunted her private-parts up to my face.They for the second instance now want to adopt a strategy of forcing me to be following the keys to the well in the kitchen which provokes the instance when the female-criminal flaunted her private-parts to me again.The keys always stay by the well and I adamantly refuse to follow the female sex-pervert into the kitchen provoking again a verbal brush-off with the male criminal threatening once again to chop me in to pieces.I went to record the "verbal threat to my life" at The Migori Police Station and they refused to take any statements resulting with the In-Charge asking me again to give the same Chief-Amara who'd already sanctioned my death his phone number so they can communicate.Isn't that sarcastic?Thank you in advance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno. To Whom it May Concern. I wish to register another assault by the last son of the parents of my siblings, a 29yr old man called Victor Ochieng which occurred on Saturday The 16th May 2015 which I reported at Migori Police Station : [6.]-O.B. 49 / 16 / 5 / 2015. The war begun with Victor beating me with stones because of food besides hurling insults at me at the instigation of his parents. Thus this is the updated Complaints-File.Thank you in advance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno. To Whom It May Concern. I wish to register for purposes of updating another slasher-sword assault which occured on The 11th of June 2015 and which I subsequently reported to I reported at Migori police Station : [7.]-O.B. 22 / 12 / 06 / 2015. It is food that is the main issue here as I will explain in the blog and the logic is I was deported to Migori illegally by the GoK as is explained in the blog following which I got an accident of which I am waiting for the compensation proceeds otherwise all of this wouldn't have happened besides the other reason that I choose to abdicate all relations with my other kins as expounded-on in my blog following their unnatural homosexual and incestuous sexual harassment. Thank you in advance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango.

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