Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Monday, May 04, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Psychopath Ritual Murderer.

Hi everybody.Would like to make some corrections.Thus,the Owade Secretary was a 'customary-marriage' black-mail attempt to be conducted subliminally and subversively which I thwarted. Agent Sam legal-assistant like the Migori Judiciary driver is a distant uncle and the proposer of the 'home lunch-super date' that ritually or symbolically was supposed to be a 'customary introductions engagement,' right beneath my nose.I stuck to my guns that if I was to go with the idea of dating Josephine, then it had to be a 1-on-1 private affair whose relationship deal agreement was then subject to the dating parties.Period. That's when they backtracked to cover their tracks revealing in the mix-up of events their 'vicious-mendacious-rhetoric' intentions for I begun seeing medical-nurses hovering around the Chemist next block which clicked 'animistic-witch-hunting' suspicions as regard the turn-around behavior they now exhibited realizing I wasn't into either customary engagement,nor marriage or relationship.Nothing customary.Period. You see, she wasn't even my type in the first place anyway. Josephine was a 'customary-marriage' blackmail since it was more or less like being coerced to cooperate in turn for a successful legal-cover pending compensation for accident. You see according to them I am supposed to be a dull-dodo,a zombie like the walking dead or worse a mentally-retarded handicapped whose life is being shaped or lived on their behalf allegedly for their own good, [ rd: 'Cultural-Epithet,' manufactured in Portreitz, outsourced to Migori and rubber-stamped by The Government-of-Kenya......... pending further rehabilitation s through 'Prehistoric Descendant-Cultures' witchcraft!The dunderheads,I can't stand them for a second. Before her demise, Akuku,one of the legal-assistants referred to Josephine as my 'girl-friend saying, "Your girl-friend's sick in bed,go visit her." I would have except the term girl-friend which made me leap me to my feet as we hadn't gone out nowhere yet on any date.So I excused my self though wishing her quick-recovery.I remember we had a slight brush-off with Akuku over what they were trying to impress and subliminally-subversively create beneath my nose,even as I watched and cooperated unknowingly.......till it became clear. Distant-uncle Sam's mother is sisters with my paternal-grand mother and so Sam is cousins with the homosexual sex-pervert male criminal father of my siblings. Along the same vein the Migori Judiciary mouth-piece driver Otieno is a cousin,his grand-father being brothers-or-cousins with my paternal-grandfather. They did the exodus dispersal-migration together from Seme-Kolunje to Bande-and-Kadem localities respectively. Thus the extended family is conniving behind my back spreading rumors and propaganda courtesy of their 'Two-Way Traffic Cultural Conveyor-Belt' and the 'money-bags'of their Lords of Darkness;orchestrated by Lead-Agents Emi-and-Omondi through Victorian-Animism and Lake-Victoria Animism Witchcraft respectively reflecting the 'Content-Projections' of their Mon-archetypal 'Vicious-Mendacious-Rhetoric' Unconscious-Personality-Nature;as far as Jubilee's-Building CLEAR Law-Firm's professional witch-wizard's [ masquerading as distinguished-persons ] pet project of 'GOLO/OUT-CASTING/KUTOLEWA' is concerned. The Owade-Advocates were trying to pull an 'Emi fast-stunt' with Josephine right behind my back beneath my nose. For one Engineer Ras-Emanuel had run me through a brief orientation of Migori showing me the twilight girl-bar besides confiding in me a list of AIDS-Virus carriers in town who were on retrovirals including a male job-colleague and popular single available girls the like of 'Josephine.' So if Josephine died of AIDS given that her death passed-away so fast they delivered the news with a waiver-like 'good-afternoon after lunch-break coming back to the office greetings;' then the Luo-Nyanza community must have had sinister motives.Unless Josephine's death was a cover-up! For presumably they would have been in the know of whether her health was deteriorating or strengthening by the time they were match-dating her with me.Note that Sam-and-Akuku were emphatically insisting that I pair-up with Josephine. You know the issue of Emi raised its head brought forth by one of the 'Salvation-Army' Head-of Department Public-Health-Psychiatrist criminals whom I gave the correct version of the proceed of events as regards the what,how,when, who ,where and the why of the issue-of Emi.Otherwise it's important to note that the main-issue was The Mombasa-Central Police O.B. record following family-conflict,arrest,subsequent interrogation as regards matters to do with 'Religious faith-belief/ matters,remanding before transfer to the Portreitz-Facility of which the 2-weeks solitary confinement and social-program mes akin to prison/jail drill program mes [ though here it included interacting with the mentally-handicapped as well as retarded fellows ] was followed by a further 2-more weeks of home-visits by a Public-Health Psychiatrist Nurse trying to enforce conciliation of irreconcilable cultural-conflict differences putting me under suspicious deleterious-injections and medications against my protesting-will and laughably forcing me to do hand-shake greetings with the sub-human incestuous sex-pervert female-criminal mother of my siblings,every time he came over for the injections.Besides,the bible-study sessions with the Mombasa-Central Police-Station cop in conjunction with the family were a continuation of the Portreitz-Facilty's solitary-confinement prison program me who had a like twice-weekly religious sessions-visit for every patient's denomination-sect who came to promote, strengthen and preach the heavens up-above as regards religious values,ways and culture. For records as an enlightened Evolutionary-Atheist,I registered Catholic and so was attended to by a Catholic Sister-nun who took me through the rosary,the catechism and the holiness of Catholicism..........[ rd: the irony in the pedophile-and-sex molestation cases brought against The Catholic-Clergy world-wide to date. ] Raising their noses at others as 'Holier-than-thou' Celibate-Fathers is a castle of cards that comes crumbling down when the culprits' psychopath homosexual parasite-frequency of their Archetypal-Unconscious Primeval Psycho-genetic-Mechanism processes overwhelm them and their double-life dark-secret cupboard skeletons are pulled-out by their haunting-haunted past victims.I will deal with the issue of Prank-Callers in detail progressively implicitly-and-explicitly when their bridge comes to connect the case-battles. Later, logistics please.

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