Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Prosecuting Raila :Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody, I would like to start with a backlog of "SMS" TEXTS which cut in to the main-agenda but is nonetheless intertwined with the above since Migori is Raila's home-turf strong-hold and the parents of my siblings act as pawns to the whims and becks of The Establishment/The Gov. of Kenya [rd: CLEAR JUBILEE BUILDING MANUSCRIPT/PROGRAM-ME. ]Thus: -[1.]-Hi HRW.I would like to state that Chief Amara yesterday passed close-by the neighbor hood hang-out subliminally raising my eyebrows as regards witch-hunting.Thank you in advance.-1st Sept.2014- 1143hours. -[2.]-Hi HRW.It has come to my notice that the Office of The DPP has finally devolved to Migori.Thus I plan tio attach the complaints I'd written to its NRB Head-Quarter Office and The LSK to the now devolved County-Office hoping for a speedy recourse of my Accident Victim Compensation case amidst other unresolved reported cases.Thank you in advance for your assistance.-7th Sept.2014- 1508hours. -[3.]-Hi HRW. I have copied the complaints file to The devolved office of The DPP Migori -County.I am hopefully waiting for legal developments.Thank you in advance for your consideration.-10th Sept.2014-1848hours. -The same was copied the The RNC on 11th Sept.2014 at 0840hours. -[4.]-Hi HRW.The Migori Judiciary mouth-piece is at it again.He is asking for a meeting now that him and concerned parties must have heard that I copied the complaints file to the DPP devolved Mig -County office.Remember he'd said they wont pay me till they customarily marry me to one of their savages.Thank you in advance.-13th Sept.2014 at 0840hours. -[5.]-Hi HRW.I would like to say that the psychological effect of the homosexual /sexual harassment is taking its toll on me with daily registrations in my memory giving me worrying nights knowing that they are challenging me with impunity to get physical with them so the Raila Community may execute the death they have been re-enacting as shown by the reported cases."The male savage has touched me indecently once." The much to say is curtailed by the speed and overlapping of events.Hope you remember my Will in case of anything.Thank you in advance.-18th Sept. 2014 at 0223hours. I take this opportunity to clarify that the indecent touch was what indeed propelled the second threat to life whereby the slasher-sword was held to my face again simply because I had refused the second savagely-beastly advancement of the male parent of my siblings [rd: "Billy-Goat" literally]showing he was going to attempt to repeat once again that indecent touch which the first time he'd caught me unawares watching the T.V. with my arms spread on both sides of the sofa and the right palm slightly touching the remote control which he'd made as if taking from behind my turned neck watching the T.V. only to send a cold shiver down my spine when I felt the touch of his palm brushing-over my right palm before I jumped to my feet and warned him of his unbecoming behavior.The second time he was coming in full sight edging closer to the sofa I was sitting in from the front when I sensed his intention to move closer and close gaps subliminally suggesting a close-up emotional-attachment.That is when he went to fetch the slasher-sword and asked me what it was I was doing in his house anyway; as if I brought my self there in the first place or consequently caused my self the accident. I will make a review after I make my final submissions on this petition when I will have the resources at hand. -[6.]-Hi HRW.I have been informed by reliable sources that what The Raila-Luo Community is trying to do is transform me into a "MWAURA," i.e. the male savage's Mombasa boyfriend so that I may fit join their "Lamu-bondo-usenge" "Married-But-Gay" "BISEXUAL CULTURAL TRADITIONS" by coercion.Thank you in advance.19th Sept.2014 at 1203hours. -[7.]-Hi RNC.I would like to say that the psychological effect of the homosexual /sexual harassment is taking its toll on me with daily registrations in my memory giving me worrying nights knowing that they are challenging me with impunity to get physical with them so the Raila Community may execute the death they have been re-enacting as shown by the reported cases."The male savage has touched me indecently once." The much to say is curtailed by the speed and overlapping of events.Hope you remember my Will in case of anything. I wish to add that I give your Country The Royal Netherlands top preference for Political Asylum/Refuge because of the unwavering steadfast assistance,cooperation and consideration and that the exponential Press-Campaign-Portfolio is only due to the Asylum/Refuge Insecurity Panic.Thank you in advance.Samen.-21 Sept.2014 at 1850hours. -[8.]-Hi HRW.Food poisoning and hunger torture games on-and-off at breakfast whereby they take their portions to enclosed chambers hiding from open commune then come-out pretending to have eaten .Then they mock me by asides addressing themselves at noon asking whether to cook lunch or not knowing CLEARLY well that I am famishing by then.Thank you in advance.-23 Sept.2014 at 1232hours. -[9.]-Hi HRW.Homosexual male still beckoning me and disgusting female the same whereby in fact just from tracking me to pose hands-on-toes at my feet on the 'coach' forcing me to go spit outside.Thank you in advance.-28thSept.2014 at 0922hours. -[10.]- Hi HRW. I have gathered info. following research that The Chiefs Amara and Odira are pre-meditating/organizing their mob-gang attack at The migori Market Bus-Stage where I have relocated to access the only second cheap affordable cybercafe after the first was made non-compliant/insecure.Thank you in advance.-1st October 2014 at 0257hours. Later logistics.

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