Seven earth-like exo-planets in terms of size, density and solar-radiation orbiting their dwarf-star (sun) in TRAPPIST-1 Solar System 40 light-years away whereby three hang in the 'habitable zone' {in relative proportional-dimensions to earth from its sun} indicating they can support 'liquid'-water on the surface making them potential destinations for technogeneticultural anatomically-modern postranshominization civilizations to colonize for habitation should a catastrophe threaten us.
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Wednesday, October 08, 2014
Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.
Hi everybody.Now that I have declared publicly that I am an atheist as far as religion goes;and that instead I am a Fan and Enthusiast of Jah -Faith a.k.a. Rastafarian-ism;I would like to get done with this issue of "god and faith" once and for all given that it is one of the main reasons that I am being haunted by The Establishment / The Government of Kenya represented by the duo of Uhuru and Raila and their career body-guards, not to mention this-Raila extended family of "Emi-Ema-Emanuel-Benjamin" before going to pick-up where I'd left to do with Ema,Ikenya and I.
Well, I would like to begin by stating that I think there's a concerted effort on the part "The Establishment / The Government of Kenya" to erase and sink into the dustbin of history the "Heritage-of-Kenya" that we Kenyans and The Republic of Kenya owe, first and foremost the whole of our sovereignty,the sovereignty of The "State-of-Kenya" to none other than The "Mau-Mau,Buffalo-Soldier,Rasta-man and Rasta-woman" The Liberator,The Redeemer,The Freedom-Fighter,The Bongo-man,The Natty-Gongo: Led by Field-Marshal Dedan Kimathi [who's statue was erected almost 50years after The Self-Rule / Governance, Independence and Land Reclamation he delivered and was killed for after betrayal by home-guards and turn-coats,]and General Mathenge and General China and aide-De-camp The Muthonis.
The "Heritage-of-Kenya" that The Mau-Mau Rasta-man and Rasta-woman fought on our behalf leading from the front to win back our Humanity,Honor,Respect and Dignity,laying down and sacrificing the times of their lives for the exchange of The Independence of The Republic of Kenya which otherwise would have been gained in the late 90's at the price of the above though as many Kenyans have argued that "we would have been far much better-off as a Nation economically in terms of The G.D.P.,Growth and Development,Progress and Civilization [rd: Industrialization,] than we have fared under what has been labelled "Wazungu-Weusi" [rd: Black-Whites who can also be called "The Kenya African Billy-Goat Animal-Farm Species."] I want to bring-out the fact of this "CONCERTED-EFFORT" from The Establishment / Government of Kenya and their Associate Surrogate British Billy-Goat [rd: M-BEBERU] Colonial-Master of trying to DISTORT The Ideology,Identity and Image of The Rastaman and The Rastawoman who make-up The very Foundation on which The "Heritage-of-Kenya" stands upon.
They are trying to distort the fact that it is The "Mau-Mau Rastaman and Rastawoman" who delivered Kenya from the evil powers and forces of subjugation of "The Colonial Billy" when Honor,Dignity and Respect couldn't hold it any longer in the face of our wives and children,liberating and leading us into freedom from captivity of the yokes and chains mental and physical slavery and Inferiority-Complexes,giving us back The Right,Honor,Respect and Dignity to stand tall on an Equal footing with The British-Billy-Goat Oppressor.
They are trying to distort the fact that " The Mau-Mau Rastaman and Rastawoman, The Buffalo-Soldier Freedom-Fighter and Liberator" was SHORT-CHANGED of The Establishment / The Government of Kenya which was instead surrendered and given on a silver-platter to largely The Home-guards because The British Billy-Goat still had bones to chew with the Freedom-Fighters on the one hand while on the other, The "Surrogate British-Billy-Goat" was protecting its vested interests in its "Colony" knowing pretty well that The Rastaman-Rastawoman would have acted as the Check-and-Balance TO THE EXCESSES OF THE COLLABORATION between The Home-Guards transformed into "The Kenya African Billy-Goat Animal-Farm Species" a.k.a "Wazungu-Weusi / High-Way Robbers;" and The "Surrogate British Billy-Goat Colonial-Master."
They are trying to distort the fact that The Mau-Mau Rastaman and Rastawoman would have certainly guarded and observed The Principles of Equality,Freedom,Fraternity and taken an open-ended all-inclusive approach in representing the rest of the lay and imposed infant surrendered Republic/Nation in the transition to Self-Governance/Rule, Independence and Reclamation for Land which they fought so hard for in the process laying down and sacrificing their dear lives.
Thus, going by the above common logic/sense I would like to propose the idea that "The Architecture,Designings, Drawings and Engineering s of The Infrastructure of The Republic/Nation of Kenya is INCOMPLETE and therefore ILLEGITIMATE without paying homage to The Architects,Designers,Drawers and Engineers of The Right,Honor,Respect and Dignity to "Self-Governance/Rule,Independence and Land Reclamation;" The Mau-Mau Rastamen and Women including : Field Marshall Dedan Kimathi,Generals Mathenge and China and aide-De-camp Muthoni.That as such, The Kenyan Currency and The Kenyan Landscape is INCOMPLETE and ILLEGITIMATE without BEARING The IMPRINTS nad PORTRAITS and STATUES of "The Mau-Mau Rastaman and Rastawoman who make-up the very Foundation on which The "Heritage-of-Kenya" stands upon.Period.
I would like to mention that The British Billy-Goat who remained in Kenya preserved the "Colonial-Mentality" and is still indeed very arrogant shooting people haphazardly at random like in wild-game hunting should they mistakenly trespass their vast ranches/farms and get away with it [rd: Naivasha,Cholmondley et al.] Nonetheless,I would like to put it here that such instances shouldn't be taken for summary stereotyping and prejudicing: That indeed not everybody from Britain is a Billy-Goat with a Colonial-Mentality;and that not everybody from The Middle-East is a terrorist nor every European a racist; or that every African is retrogressive,imposed and lay or that every Kenyan Civil-Servant is transformed into The "Kenya African Billy-Goat Animal-Farm Species."
Thus, I hereby take this opportunity to give credit where its due and praise The Queen of England for one thing:siding with His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Hailee Selassie instead of The Romans in Italy against colonization during The "Scramble for Africa," but in the same tone as a matter of principle,disagree with her government for the War Crimes and Atrocities visited upon The "Mau-Mau Rastaman and Rastawoman Buffalo-Soldier Freedom-Fighters;" and Crimes Against Humanity to do with Human Rights,Respect,Honor and Dignity visited upon our wives and children and The Republic/Nation of Kenya as a whole during the colonization.Well,at least The British Government has somehow compensated and made amends by apologizing to the victims above after being taken to task by The Most Honorable Paul Kabuga Muite who I enthusiastically voted for in the 2013 Presidential Elections.
I also take this opportunity to praise The Queen of England for another thing, and that is to universally propagate to consciousness and awareness the fact that "God is Man" by breaking from the initially imposed "STATE-EMPIRE RELIGION" of Roman-Catholicism and beginning her version of The Anglican-Church according to English- monarchy where she doubles-up as Head-of-State while at the same time serving as Head of The Anglican-Church Empire The Vatican and The Pope a run for their money and ingenuity.
Speaking of The Pope and The Vatican v. "god and faith," I would like to take everybody down memory-lane and remind them that it is not very long ago when the whole world BELIEVED as posed/imposed by EMPIRE-STATE-RELIGION [rd: SHARIA] that The Sun rose from The East going over an arc across The Great Heavens,supposedly The abode of The Good Lord up above to SET in The West.That this observation was put to Scientific test and correction by one Galileo-Galileo who almost had his head chopped-off under orders of The Vatican for allegedly committing the abominable sin of blasphemy in exploring religious dogmas.It is also a fact that The Vatican is The Head-Quarters of The Roman-Catholicism STATE-RELIGION-EMPIRE with its own Army,currency,secret service,scientists and Constitutional-Law [rd:SHARIA.]
Hence My Learned Lords and Ladies, Members of The Bench and Members of The Bar,Senior Counsel,Distinguished Guests and The Public at Large,I take this chance to put it equivocally that the duo of Uhuru and Raila have their guns leveled at me.That this duo of Uhuru and Raila,The Kenya African Billy-Goat Animal-Farm species a.k.a. "The Blue-eyed Boys" of The Surrogate Colonial-British Billy-Goat,using this-Raila extended family of "Emi-Ema-Emanuel-Benjamin" axis of evil are the ones who arrested me on my way [routine] to The Macmillan Library in Nairobi on Kenyatta Avenue on the sidewalks/pavement of The National Bank of Kenya which admittedly speaks volume as is CLEARLY-EVIDENT by now going by the "SPIRITUAL-ANIMISM" in the names of the places of the arrest.I was walking up the street after a lightening at the Eastleigh -stage coming from Eastleigh where I then resided when approaching the pavements of The National Bank of Kenya when I saw this white land-rover parked at the sidewalks of The N.B.K. making me think they simply had business with the Bank and so I strolled-on till when I reached at an arms-length from them when I was told that I was under arrest and commanded to board The G.K. land rover already with other fellows who'd been arrested earlier-on.My defense arguments landed on deaf ears and from there we was taken to the industrial area remand prison after passing through The City Council Law Courts.
Thus I take this opportunity to reveal/put forward an eye-opener that there was indeed a large Rastaman-Rastawoman community at The University of Nairobi including students and one Lecturer,an English-Literature thespian-mogul-guru who organized "Performing-Arts Shows" including Drama and Poetry world-wide;who's name I have forgotten but who nonetheless has since passed away between the mid- and late 2000's [May His Soul Rest-in-Peace.] I just can't help wondering the circumstances which led to his death given the hind-sight that this petition provides going by the premeditated deaths of Karl-Marx and Sila not to mention the cold-shoulder relations mentality between The Establishment/Government of Kenya and The Mau-Mau Rastaman-Rastawoman Fraternity as a whole in the Republic/Nation of Kenya; additionally not forgetting my "Threatened hanging-on-a-string life, [rd:Four Brass-Levers.]
I would like to mention here that Emanuel like Benja is a Rasta [indeed Emanuel went by the nick-name Ras since university days,] and so is Ikenya the career body-guard and I would also like to add that The Large Rastaman-Rastawoman community at the University of Nairobi came from across the Faculty-divide to form a club nick-named "A.U." translated to mean "Africa Unite" under the steering of our "Pride-of-Lions" leader entitled Bush-Doctor [rd: Peter- Tosh of Bob-Marley and The Wailers] a.k.a. Solo [He also died from treatment-complications and thus May His Soul Rest in Peace] whom we gathered/collected-together with in the evenings at The U.o.N play fields/grounds to play football and spliff as well as take-on a spiritual-nourishment while philosophizing about issues to do with "African-Consciousness and Pan-African-ism" and themes themes revolving around " a Rastafarian Reggae-Band-Wagon" Movement from subjugation to Emancipation.For your information The University of Nairobi begun as a Constituent-College called "Queens-College" before it became a fully-fledged University.
Well, it seems anybody who can read a graph will tell that The "Jah- Rastafarian-ism Cause" is largely discriminated by The Establishment / Government of Kenya in conjunction with her Surrogate British-Colonial Billy-Goat Collaborator;and is slowly being uprooted,terminated and put to death as is evidenced by the mysterious deaths of some Rastamen and Rastawomen.I would like to give a big-up to The Jamaican Reggae Stars who jet into the Republic/Nation of Kenya to chant-down and hit the system with music,The age-old vampire sacrificial System for power and a hold-on to The Establishment.That as such culpability and guilt of the Blue-eyed Kenya African Billy-Goat Animal-Farm species in election violence is as true as the tracks and threats in my petition and that the same can be ascertained from the large number of witnesses observed in the Internally-Displaced-Persons as well as the Externally-Displaced-Persons in the Refugee-Camps outside the country to date.
Thus,as far as "god and faith" goes, I would like to put it across that God is a network,web of institutions and offices vested with powers en-capsuled in laws and regulations taking-on the duties and responsibilities of The Most-High Institution/Office,presiding over all laws,regulating,governing,reigning and executing decisions in a hierarchy of pecking-order protocols.Thus,just like His Imperial Majesty Emperor Hailee Selassie upheld the powers enshrined in that office in the face of international crime during the "Scramble-for-Africa" in the protection of Ethiopia,I would like to put forward the observation that The Royal Netherlands Kingdom,The Country hosting The ICC,an amalgamation of over 150 Nations under the aegis of The Rome-Statute...... is indeed The New Adis-Ababa as far as The Cause of Jah -Rastafarian-ism goes where the spirit of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Hailee Selassie lives-on........ reigning-in despotic culprits from across the globe in the protection of The Homo sapiens species [rd: Man] against the excesses of War Crimes,Atrocities and Crimes Against Humanity......going y The Principles of The United-Nations Charter that we all stand equal before the law. Later,logistics.

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