Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Dear readers. I have no intention of re-inventing the wheel but I feel obliged under current circumstances to embark on an INQUIRY-of-LOGIC once again in time to challenge with hard,substantial tangible 3-Dimensional evidence and finally put to rest once and for all the unnecessary,irrational blind religious faith-fallacy based only on strong-emotional maladaptive BELIEF-Behavior without any substantial-evidence; conditioned from early-childhood and indeed continued through-out the growth and development of a lifetime's generation by the traditional cultural media of mythology,folklore,folktales,mystification,,rites-of-passages,rite-marks,rituals,customs , e.t.c. This strongly-emotional maladaptive blind religious faith-fallacy BELIEF-Behavior imposes,mis- represents "god and/or the concept-of-god" to the masses as a "SINGLE-UNIVERSAL-OMNIPRESENT-OMNIPOTENT PERSONIFIED-INDIVIDUAL-ENTITY," somewhere up above in the skys of "The Great Heavens".......somewhere beyond the horizons of Space,of The Universe,of The Cosmos. I would like to put it straight and direct to the "Blind Religious Masses" that the established r"Religious Bodies/Institutions" have been and are still exploiting the Passionate-Nature of Man The Social-Believing Animal.Progressive Man naturally forms and lives in a "Net-work of Society-Niches" based on mutual Law agreed-upon necessarily through the exchange of information using language as a tool of/for communication.Still as much as The Animal Man progresses inevitably in to the future,he is faced with the mysteries of the UNKNOWN including : [1.]-The origin of Man and Life in general and, [2.]-The Life of the here-after, i.e. life-after-death. Thus, necessarily, cause of the fear/phobia of the "UNKNOWN," Man turns to "BELIEF-in-RELIGION" which instead adds/puts the more of fear/phobia into the souls of the unsuspecting innocent folks with tales of "Punishment of the Everlasting Hell-Fire" on the one hand and tales of "Reward of Everlasting Heavenly-Bliss." Thus, The Animal Man is trained and conditioned to "Irrationally and Unnecessarily" have "FAITH and BELIEF in a MYTHOLOGICAL-FANTASTIC PERSONIFIED-INDIVIDUAL-ENTITY" as "GOD;" to be worshiped through "following the ways of the Ancestors" who'd been there before us. Instead, my good-old-self wants to acquaint you with "THE TRUTH," the practical reality on the ground that depicts,defines and presents "GOD,GODLINESS or THE CONCEPT OF GOD" as it is observed to be......Period. Thus,along those thought patterns,god is : [1.]-God is " The Wild Natural Cause of Nature" in scientific terms known as "EVOLUTION," i.e. change-over-time otherwise defined as that Random Process of Natural Selection impacting-on and subjecting life in its entirety,its diverse forms/ species to its designs, down to their physical features,behavior,culture and society to either "adaptation and survival" or extinction.Hence the adage,"Let Nature take its Course" simply means "Let 'god' do his work." Thus so far god's been good to Civilization.Indeed some "Scientific Schools-of-Thought" have recognized this Random Process of Natural Selection [rd:evolution] as "Intelligent Conscious Energy" which in other words as is labelled by 'MYTHOLOGICAL-RELIGION' is "GOD." [2.]-God is "The Most Powerful Institution of The Government,The Highest Office on Land" Presiding over the regulation,change,revolution,progress,industrialization,civilization,exposure and information unto the growth and development of an individual and the masses at the Domestic/Family-Unit and National/State levels respectively. Here "god' is viewed from/in the perspective of running The Highest Office / Institution of the land which holds the "REIGNS" of/to the Systematic Operations of The Government Machinery....."The Civil Service Empire;" be it in an open public manner or in a corrupt,covert,subversive manner;both ways which have an adverse far-reaching implications,final-deciding-say on the fate and destiny of Man and other forms of life/species. Indeed,next time you pull-out your wallet for a dime,bucks,or grands,check-out the imprint/portrait of the "god/goddess" allowing you the convenience and luxury of transacting business for the exchange of basic needs and wants of goods and services. You bow to money at the end of the day and they say "everybody has their price" at which they will yield to anything.Life,to live,living costs [ rd: Biblical Ceaser and Taxes. ] [3.]-God is Man Himself,Homo sapiens sapiens as far as being created in the image of god [ rd: Evolution and The Wild Course of Nature ] in terms of being able to conceive, procreate and reproduce/replicate/photocopy in god's own image as well as genetically engineer his progeny and/or of other species of other animals/plants. God is Man in as far as his "Ingenuous Creativity Prowess" is concerned; as regards Architecture,Drawing,Designing,Invention,Industrialization,Technology,Civilization and Progress is concerned.Here the "Intelligent Conscious Energy = god = Evolution" is observed in Man to be correlative to Cataclysmic Cycles of Repeat-History eras headed by their respective Monarchs,Emperors,Presidents,Governors devolving down to all Political/Public Offices/Leaders. The point I am trying to drive here My Good Learned Lords and Ladies,Senior Counsel and Members of The Bar is that is that The Animal Man with all his advanced technology was not a "Result or Product of Spontaneous Special Creation" of a "Fantastic GOD" who magically chants the words "Let There Be" and Abracadabra "there becomes on the spot out-of-nowhere."......NO! Neither was the language of Animal-Man oral/spoken and written, or his culture,society and behavior thereof a "Result/ Product of Spontaneous/Instantaneous/Magical Special Creation" of a "Fantastic GOD."......NO! The real,practical Geological Time Scale in the planet earth shows an interconnected long chain of 3-Dimensional,tangible,substantial evidence spanning 4.5 billion years plus showing proving that The Animal-Man changed and developed clumsly, slowly,gradually over millions of years [ and not 7 days! ] from PRE-HUMAN,LOWER, SIMPLE,BEASTLY-BEINGS,LESSER-BEINGS......SUBHUMANS indeed with lower brain capacities commensurate with their wild,raw,beastly physical features meant to fit for survival and adaptation in their contextual habitat niches/environments during those times/ ages/eras. You can simply Google "hominids" for more clarification. The wild natural blue planet earth undergoes alteration of this its ORIGINAL NATURAL WILD STATE at a rapid rate gradually over millions of years leading to either failure of different forms of life/species to adapt leading to their being wiped-out of the face of the natural wild blue-planet Earth,a process called EXTINCTION.This alteration of the planet's original state across time and place includes global warming,deforestation s,destruction and elimination of traditional habitats,calamities ,epidemics [rd:The Wild Course-of-Nature],natural and artificial disasters, e.t.c. I would like to emphasize that it is a real,practical fact that there exists a hard,tangible,substantial, 3-Dimensional interconnecting chain-link of evidence, on the ground,in the soil,in the planet earth's strata showing,laying bare for all to see and proving that life in its totality,its entirety,its diverse myriad forms has been slowly and clumsily changing and developing necessarily out-of-necessity from lower,simple,single cell organisms to higher complex multiple cell organisms as it [life/species]in its entirety struggled to survive to fit-in to see another day/ generation/century/millennium through-out the complex global changing conditions altering the original wild natural state of the blue planet earth [rd:Evolution-The Course-of-Nature], at a rapid rate gradually over millions of years measured in The Geological Time Scale stratified in the earth as "Eras,Ages,Eons; a systematic process which subjects all forms of life/species through a Random Process of Natural Selection whereby the most befitting,favorable characteristics including physical features,behavior,language [rd: I.C.T.], culture and society become separated ,isolated,to eventually survive and settle-down to adapt into "The Next Generation " and/or leading to failure of other forms of life /species to adapt which in turn leads to their being wiped-out of the face of this wild natural blue-marble planet named earth.This Random Natural Selection Process impacting-on and subjecting all life/species to either adaptation or extinction is what is called evolution, recognized by mythology as "GOD" and by Science as "Intelligent Conscious Energy. " Accumulation of mutation,change-in-genetic information [rd: D.N.A.], slowly and clumsly over millions of years brings about slight changes in the structure of physical features [and vice versa] which in turn cause vast changes in behavior,e.g. the standing-up erect upright released the fore-arms/limbs to adapt for other purposes other than walking and;You can not underestimate the higher brain capacity present-current Man has in terms of progress and civilization. Later,logistics.

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