Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody let me first start with the texts to The HRW and The RNC. [1.]-Hi HRW.The sexual harassment in high gear .Since I relocated from the sofa which she'd overtaken and begun to sleep/pose-in sending covert sex messages she's now begun subliminally stalking me again leaving 2 sofa-pillows from the "usual sofa" she used to sit-in on a stool I place my phone when charging next to the "new" coach sitting-position I relocated to. The last 3 days she's been leaving that "usual sofa"unkempt and in disarray after use like a bed that's been used the night-over.She then comes and bends-over in an attempt to provoke lust right before my feet.I walk to spit out and returns after she quits her psychological/neurotic witchcraft/sorcery undertakings.Thank you in advance. -10/8/2014 at 0932hours. [2.]-Hi HRW. I have learnt by researching that the mob-gang Chief Odira lead agent is part of the wider Raila Luo-Community who practice the "Bondo-Usenge/Lamu" Married-But-Gay culture of Bisexuals.As already quoted in my petition from the media,Kisumu leads in homosexuality then Mombasa and Nairobi.Also in association with the above is Abala the shoe-shiner,then Ikenya who told me "Karibu Lamu" the day we arrived in the house of the savage criminals of which the male parent has been and is still homosexually harassing me;then capture the Bisexual Animism in [Ema=Emanuel and Ikenya=Uhuru] whereby Ikenya revealed to me that "Ema used to be his girl friend" whereby we all 3,Ikenya,Ema and I agreed that I could pick-on from where the duo had left. That means Emanuel and Uhuru were seeing each other during University days.Emanuel also revealed to me [as indeed he had when we were still undertaking our undergraduate studies] that he has been "kissed once" by a white male at Carnivore Club Nairobi. -12/8/2014 at 1541hours. The same was relayed to The RNC on 12/8/2014 at 1547hours. [3.]-Hi HRW.Homosexual harassment on gear with the male savage stalking me to the pit-latrines once again just after super and I having to dash-out to avoid any sexual associations. I wait for his exit and tell him over again to stop that neurotic behavior.Thank you in advance. -12/8/2014 at 2019hours. Hi everybody. Please I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to England and the people of England for summarily/wholesomely stereotyping them for the crime of witchcraft and sorcery of Animism indulged and carried-out by the "Extended family of Emi- Ema- Emanuel- Benjamin" larger family.I would like to let the Beautiful and Good people of England excluding the extended family above know that they should let this abnormal family above bear the brunt of the stereotyping blames so far.They should indeed admonish them for holding their noses in the air with a "holier than thou " attitude and a "special/better/superiority-complex" of a family,culture,people Syndrome.Such characteristics only serve to distance them from the rest of the world and its peoples. Indeed my perceptions/views on England and the English was informed and shaped by the witchcraft,sorcery of Animism doings of the Emi- Ema-Emanuel-Benjamin Extended abnormal family above veiled by the citizenry of Emi which being England I think she has been abusing and exploiting so far ; and indeed by a couple of fellows, one of whom was a white Muslim we met at a cobbler's in Mombasa's Moi Avenue who on chatting as the cobbler worked on our shoes exclaimed to me that "The English are an arrogant lot" going by his and his folks experiences with them across time.Secondly while working as a Sales and Marketing representative at Blue Marlin Mombasa,the watchman we was chatting with told me them British got attitude problems so much such that it has come to the notice of other tourists of other Nationalities and that because of that they are kind of shunned,avoided and whispered-on in low tones as well as back-bitten by other tourists. Thirdly, I would like to touch a little bit on the controversial issue pitting the "Special theory of Creation" against the "Evolution's scientific Big-Bang theory." Thus I would like to state that Evolution is the scientific concept that life in its diverse myriad forms including the animal Man came to happen/be purely as a result of a slow and gradual process of Random Natural Selection whereby all forms of life in the Plant and Animal Kingdom of this blue planet earth have been and are still struggling to survive and adapt to changing conditions,features and the general environmental climate of the wild nature of this world,the jungle,the forest,the "garden of Eden" failure to which extinction occurs,e.g. the extinction of dinosaurs left room for the entrance of Man.Early Man was a lower animal with a smaller brain capacity who hadn't developed language nor writing and through evolution became able to develop these as well as his physical features not to mention culture. Additionally so to speak, I would like to state that I have intensively covered the issue of "god" in my earlier blogs titled "Religion : Reading From The Script of Science."I will expound that issue later-on in appropriate blogs for this site is meant to cover the issue of my Political Asylum/ Refuge petition except for the crude interruption of the Emi- Ema-Emanuel-Benjamin Extended family. Hence you will have to excuse me for purposes of setting the record straight to defend my position on "faith/god issues" whereby I hereby take this chance to quote a couple of "Special Creation Mythologies/Theories" of The Masai and The Agikuyu. The Masai of The Maa language believe they were not molded in a fraction of the planet earth's square garden but came "ready-made" straight from the heavens descending down onto this "blue-marble planet earth" more or less in a manner depicting the way "The Christ" ascended to heaven.No space shuttles or flying-saucers or unidentified flying objects but simply more or less like in the folk tale "Jack and the Beanstalk." The ingenuous creator rewarded them or specially accredited them with power and authority over all cattle on the planet and thus cattle-rustling is informed and defined by this myth/legend as a "Rite-of-Passage" and branded as a "Rite-Mark." Still like Adam and Eve were given the zoological role of naming all them animals beasts left after evolution's process of Random Natural Selection had wiped past gigantic-life forms and set the world stage conducive/ready for "The Grande Coming Soon of The Son-of- Man." The Masai's are natural wildlife conservationists /zoologists for being pastoralists,they out of life's rhythmic-cycles necessities move across large swathes of land in and amongst the wildlife;mixing their god-given cattle with the other wild life browsers and grazers while keeping respectful cognizant distance with them carnivores.It logically follows that Adam must have descended with the initial original 1st Masai lot from the abode of the Good Lord up above,the great heavens;than that that The Masai or any other peoples descended from Adm and Eve. Indeed, Cain and Abel,Adam's first kids surely and certainly must have married women from neighboring Nations/ Peoples unless them were incestuous. The Agikuyu [Kikuyu] special creation theory/mythology says their original ancestor [Agikuyu] came-out/were created from burning fire like you would bake bricks in a kiln.Mumbi as the Kikuyu "Eve" was called bore 9 Beautiful daughters who later got married to 9 other Kikuyu created from the burning fire/kiln comparable to the Moses and the burning bush and/or the Meshack and Abednego burning fire. This gives the idea of a "conscious fire" which can choose to burn to ashes selectively and/or burn for purposes of molding and creating like one would bake bricks. Then you still haven't been to Nigeria,India,Thailand,Greece or Italy and seen the statues,sculptures and carvings of their omnipresent omnipotent mythological gods and goddesses,e.g. Apollo,Zeus,Hercules,Cupid,Eros,Arugba or Krishna. I repeat once again like in my earlier blogs that I can't wait to go,visit see and worship Diego Maradona in the Temple of Diego Maradona in Argentina.Maradona is an apt,astute example of "A Living God," just like the late " Living God " of "The Tent of The Living God" in Kenya or former fugitive, The Christ, Jesus of Nazareth or worse still the immediate former " Living god" of Adam and Eve whose 'footsteps' they heard coming in the garden of Eden thus making them stand alert on guard for this 'Jealous Sex-Cop' god lest he [the male god] would catch them pants down nibbling on the forbidden fruit which had the magic to make them look and/or be like god himself,i.e. in terms of "PROCREATION" [rd: GENETIC ENGINEERING] and Intelligence Consciousness capacity building to enable them differentiate between good and evil/sin/crime e.t.c unlike the "innocent kids" status they [Adam] were being forced/retrogressed into. It is indeed becoming more and more public knowledge that there are two theories of creation in the bible whereby in the 1st theory, the god is mythological fantastic ;what with just having to say "Let there be" and abracadabra completes creation,the cosmos and everything in it in 7 days including peoples and nations whom he blesses with the declaration to "populate and fill the blue-marble planet." The 2nd theory god trudges afterwards most probably with a stolen patent-recipe from the lab of the 1st god and him being a 3D down to earth,on the ground/garden/field practical external-reality, robot computer-programming ingenuous god, he dirties his hands as a potter does to mold Adam from earth,the soil,mud.Reminds one of the adage "son of the soil/Man." Later logistics.

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