Sunday, April 06, 2014

Prosecuting Raila: Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.I will start with The Human Rights Watch texts meant as up-dates amidst the dark cloud hanging over my head in Raila's stronghold home turf:[1.] "Hi today that woman has sexually harassed me again timing my nakedness in the bathrooms. On inquiring she literally dashes-out like it's a game she is playing." {25th March,2014.08:33}This message was also copied to the older brother of the father of the family of my siblings and a Migori Judiciary phone number{0719 681 497}which I've learn t since then that it's not operational;[2.]"Hi the palpable tension is building pent-up frustrations since I am subjected to sign language of insults symbolizing homosexual and incestuous sexual harassment.Verbal communication is barked-out!De-spiteful exploitative provocations."{1st April,2014.13:35};[3.]Hi a witch-doctor has been brought again to try and indulge me in their witchcraft agenda.I've refused flat.The tension is palpable."{5th April,2014.16:35.}In addition to the above texts,there's another arrogant similar act which wasn't text-ed though.Interestingly enough, something new is developing;imagine the mother of the family of my siblings is so determined in her efforts as a SYCOPHANT representing her ODM leanings and on her own behalf representing the FERTILITY-REPRODUCTIVE-CULTS and SPIRITUAL-ANIMISM cultural heritage.It's so serious she had to change her call schedules just to mark-time when I wake-up to go to the pit latrines for a short-call before proceeding to brush and wash face and finally embark on some fabricated weight-lifting gymnastics at 0600hours when-st I've set the mobile phone alarm.In Migori at 0600hours it's still dark outside when the cocks are on their second rhythmic crowing.The pit latrines face the quarters I am assigned and I was shocked on opening the door to find her coming-out of the middle pit latrine door with the yellow bulb-on for it was still dark {mind you there are two toilets in their main house.}The homestead across the fence is usually up and about as well in low talk/tones but audible enough across the compound to the quarters I am assigned.You see, I'd changed wake-up hours to try and avoid the insulting,provocative incestuous beckoning s and it shocked me their archaic witchcraft secret society is seriously meaning their vicious-mendacious-rhetoric animism.I couldn't/didn't step outside instead shutting the door on her face/gaze and set to inquire reflectively the significance of such arrogant behavior.That's when I realized it had something to do with night-running,mathematical astrology {rd:conniving, calculating},witchcraft,sorcery and surprisingly enough,homosexuality.Yes!There's an eerie interconnection between and amongst all the above.This specifically so because there was another dark-night incident around a quarter to 2200hours when I'd gone for a long call across to the pit latrines and on coming-out,I was met with a strong perfume the father of the family of my siblings usually wears on particular days.There was more of the perfume in the room and I knew he'd been there though I didn't find him on crisis-cross checking the surroundings.I text-ed his older brother and told other cousins as well for this was a sure evident sign of NIGHT-RUNNING.Now going back to the earlier texts,the sign language saga is all about gestures,symbols,body-language,beckoning s which has deteriorated to gay insulting insinuations for somebody who is not gay.There's certainly an eerie relationship between gayness and sorcery/witchcraft/night-running {rd:conniving,calculating v. convents.}Then there's the hunger and poison threat games also carried-out animistic ally and symbolically.Since there's only 3 of us,when food is served,sometimes when he feels like it he takes his ratio to go and eat outside and I gotta follow to confirm whether there's something fishy with the food before proceeding to partake of my ratio as well.In connection to this there's another acute trick they are good at pulling whereby the father of the family of my siblings makes a "disappearing act" claiming he's going on a journey usually Mombasa which translates to food insecurity panic for till he shows back is there any guarantee of feeding in the main house again.That's where the ovacados come-in handy, surviving on the edge for the mother of the siblings usually feeds in the kitchen .Well, he just pulled such a card yesterday saying he'll be gone for about a week!May the almighty forbid any misfortunes! Then there's the OMO-ndi/KENYATTA animism-factor which rises again.You see, they are into phone-charging business since rural electrification leaves households left-out still.The two names are amongst the most notable frequent character client whose names fit the bill of of the real actors they represent pulling the strings behind the scenes.Now,talking of mobile phones, I would like you My Learned Lords and Ladies and especially you The Senior Counsel of The UNHCR and The International Organization for Migration to note that in the first instance under the abduction of the Jomvu Kuu witchdoctor sanctioned by the boys-in-blue at Uhuru Gardens in Mombasa,my PHONE WAS CUT-OFF THE SAFARICOM MOBILE NETWORK and it hang-up on "EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY." I was amazed I felt like I'd been taken to the middle-of-nowhere in Siberia and that any time the axe would fall on me.What was so serious about the "JINN TO BE REMOVED" that the boys-in-blue and Raila's bodyguard in civilian would have to rubber-stamp their authority just to confirm that the the witchcraft procedure/process had been enacted?And more so,so serious as to get my mobile cell phone SWITCHED-OFF The SAFARICOM MOBILE NETWORK? Indefinitely without a clue to what the involved parties connived and calculated to befall my life?Something was evidently seriously wrong to warrant to have to be held incommunicado for 2 weeks in the middle-of-nowhere of what felt like Siberia with the bigwigs involved.I hope My Learned Lords and Ladies you will partake of measure to ensure that my mobile phone is WITH/ON NETWORK 24/7/365 whilst I work-out this migration petition for the tension's palpable and 1 day something might happen anytime and I don't wonna disappear mysteriously either.I want my life back.This unending sojourn here in Raila's home-turf/strong-hold feels like Siberia as well as what with the animal-husbandry and zero-grazing innuendos.Yesterday they brought another witch-doctor again to try and indulge me in their witchcraft endeavors saying this would open-up my sealed-fate.I told the witch-doctor that first and foremost I don't believe or have faith in their archaic traditions of witchcraft and secondly that I go with the sound logic of science basing my approach to life on practical insight gained through observation over time;and that as such he the witch-doctor wouldn't be anymore welcome in my company....that I wouldn't accommodate his irrational and abnormal counseling no more.That my problem was political and economic and that I was trying to solve it through a petition and by settling my accident case to get the compensation money to use as capital to start a life.Period.Imagine after all I've been through with stuff witchcraft and the involved parties are still carrying-on with witchcraft with impunity.Then again on addition to that arrogance came some deriding when them SYCOPHANTS laughed on my face exclaiming that cop cases are easy to deal with...:"you just report to the O.B.{Obstruction Book} and leave." This was in reference to the assault incident whereby after reporting to the O.B. the cop assigned to take statements instead asked if I could bring witnesses to which I replied that the hood surrounding the house of the parents of my siblings is made-up mostly of settlers and retirees with whom they share a close relationship and that as such non of them would agree to bear witness against them.Thus was it left that I search their contacts and/or tell them they are wanted of which I promptly did the latter{rd:impunity.}Period. Now My Learned Lords and Ladies let me delve once again on how Raila and his ODM secret society party act hand-in-hand with the Luo Clan Welfare Associations when it comes to spiritual animism and/or Fertility Reproductive Cults in regards with the culture/ritual involved in ushering-in and/or dispatching one to their ancestors {rd:Sacrificial Systems and Ceremonies.}This elaborate SACRIFICIAL-SYSTEM ROLLED-OUT IN RITUALS,RITES AND CEREMONIES INVOLVE EVERY MEMBER OF The Luo Nyanza tribe individually and collectively-so at the Clan level build-up of the particular family house-holds.The Luo culture is like "Conveyor Belt" of the way to follow as regards customs, traditions with special reference to Fertility Reproductive Cults and Spiritual Animism.When you get into this REALM of "Cultural Conveyor Belt" of The Luo Nyanza River/Lake Nilotes by virtue of sharing in their geopolitical,social and economic nitty-gritty expressed in everyday life,as in when you interact and reciprocate interactions with the immediate environment as will be inevitably be necessitated by one's 3D existence in the Luo Nyanza REALM OF RIVER/LAKE NILOTES CONTEXT, I GETS INTO A WHOLE LOT MORE OF MIX-UPS than i would have anticipated.It is like a "two-way traffic Cultural-Conveyor-Belt" but which has binding connotations at the end-result of the "cause-effect and consequence" chain of acting and reacting "mental-apparatuses" or "thought-processes," each informed either by the same archaic old stone age River/Lake Nilote "Cultural Conveyor Belt" which is primitive,retrogressive,imposed and lay or by SCIENCE which is exposed,progressive,authoritatively-informed and civilized.Thus,the constant pesting by the witch-doctors of the brotherly-duo,the hunger-games and poison-threats,animal-husbandry and zero-grazing,the forced customary marriages,the sexual harassment...e.t.c.In The Luo-Nyanza REALM one has to be careful which girl they call,which fellows you drink with or hood with. Thus there's a character called George Okoth,a contractor by trade and till last year a an in-law before he separated with the cousin-sister.Now, while still hustling in Mombasa before the Ikenya Career Body guard swooped on to my good self,I sometimes would spend a day,2 or 3 when circumstances dictated and the last time I'd left my files carrying my college and job particulars besides two French text books [1.]La Becherelle Fondamental and [2.]A Teach-Your-Self French-English text.After the deportation,we talked over the phone and he promised to bring them that December 2012 and sure come December he brought what I'd left packed in a paper bag at his house.Everything else was there except the 2 French text books and by the time I got to phoning him he was already back in Mombasa and swore by the almighty up above that he'd never laid eyes on any French text books.There was a time earlier-on that he tried getting me a job as a French teacher at a friends school whereby on applying I was told as per protocol to just leave my credentials and would be called should a chance avail itself so I gathered he must have forwarded these 2 textbooks to that school but said nothing for he claimed he'd brought everything neatly packed just the way I'd left them!So presumably the 2 French texts had simply disappeared into thin-air all by themselves.These were texts I used to dilly-dally with in my up and down hustles teaching French when the tourism season hit an all low.Well he just recently called to say that fortunately enough he'd come across the 2 texts and that he didn't wonna bring them but thought I would go get them once I made the return.So a mind change at last and all's well that ends well. Now the interesting thing here is that the incident ends there but the matter of the hide and seek with my few belongings and properties here and there since the HURUMA pillaging and the Mtongwe Kenya Navy Barracks break-in robbery still persists and spirals to the relevant at hands-items.Thus there's another cousin brother at the South Coast Coast called Bockenzie Alphones nick-named Sititi who also threw a spanner into the jigsaw-puzzle that the brotherly-duo are spinning on my life.I'd changed weather momentarily and set camp at The South Coast prospecting employment opportunities in the vast Tourism and Hospitality Industry there and so kept my documents and credentials including testimonials at Bockenzie Alphones Sititi's house.Thus following the deportation my good old self was trying to re-assemble my few items and belongings here and there and so I phoned Alphones and he promised to bring them documents sooner or later on his way up-country.He dropped them-by sometimes last year and on checking-out the package I found everything except a Primary School Recommendation Letter belonging to Arya Primary School. I phoned Alphones back and he said he would re-check where he'd kept them documents but that he was sure he'd sent everything as they were neatly packed .No positive feed-back from him yet. The other eye-brow raising thing about the workings-out of the Luo Clan trappings with regards to Sititi is that during the 1 month employment prospectus I'd set camp in South Coast,Sititi was involved in the active crafting of fake testimonials indicating I'd worked in several hotels even though I'd limited my applications to "Animation, Receptionist and Sales-and-Marketing Representative."And although his fake testimonials crafting was impressed as "in-good-faith," it worried my conscious knowing fully well the implications should he have used the fake testimonials in my applications should it ever come to cross-checking one's papers by the Human Resource Management practice sooner or later in the future.I hope all will be well that will be sorted-out well should anything come of it.And I also hope there was no ill-intention and or ill-will on the part of the larger Luo Clan in terms of smearing my good name in the job markets. Last but not least along the same line,vein and breadth of the collective Clan machinations in engineering my physical and spiritual demise whilst perpetuating the arrested growth and development status-quo is to be found in another character called Charles Ooko,a brother to the mother of my siblings with whom I'd momentarily bequeathed my belongings including :[1.]5 long-sleeve plain blazer shirts, [2.]5 trousers, [3.]1 pair of bed sheets, [4.]a towel and a pair of slippers.This was when a watchman whose house I was sheltering-in got a call from his wife up-country that she was going to join him soon.Thus I was once again pushed to the periphery of the outside world and left top turn to the basement and rooftop of the apartment-flat in town which the watchman was assigned to and where we'd met in the first place.The apartment-flat is right in town along Moi Avenue, a stretch from the famous Casablanca Club and right behind the Metric Bar and Restaurant.These are familiar grounds for it's situated just across the road from Uhuru Gardens and 2-intersecting roads from Ganjoni.Now this is part of the background information I'd promised to mention earlier-on.In these surroundings did I survive on community work like running errands,packing and stuffing in retail shops and playing nightwatchman support role between the winks just to keep of the rain and wind and them streets.Thus did I survive from day to day whilst waiting for the big break-through I prayed would come-out of the various prospects and applications I steadily kept consulting.Sometimes, casual labor would pop-out in a plant or the other for a week or so before dwindling-out again.Thus was the circumstances under which I left the named properties and belongings with Ooko.Upon deportation I phoned Ooko inquiring after my things and he says he'll have to check with his shop stewards in Changamwe first where I'd left them.The follow-up reveals the package had been sent to his depot/ warehouse close to his residential area in Miritini which he promises to subsequently look into.Come December 2012 last year he drops by and we get to have a 1-on-1 whereby he thence changes the story and claims the depot caught fire and burnt with everything in it including most probably my package of few belongings.Well,no hard feelings,all is well that ends well and so I ask him to compensate me for the lost items and he quips back saying he would rather he bought me the replacement and have them sent to me which I refuse on the spot knowing only too well their witchcraft capabilities.Thus to date I am left with 3 trousers and 3 shirts plus a coat courtesy of a cousin sister, which I interchange day-in day-out as I wait for my accident victim compensation money to use as capital to pick-up what's left of my wrecked-dispossessed life and start again from scratch to build-up a new life for me,my spouse-to-be and children to secure the future with.Later, logistics.

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