Friday, March 21, 2014

Prosecuting Raila:Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.I would first like to start with an sms I text-ed to The Human Rights Watch thus:"He has brought-out the slasher-sword into the living room, a symbol of the palpable threat of an impending attack.Hunger games high gear yesterday 1meal,a worrying precedent." Dated:9th March,2014.07:28:39 The above text describes the rigid,environment at the house of the family of my siblings,period.Something is definitely cooking in terms of re-enacting death rituals and palpable tensions {rd: the last hay-stroke.}I am worried because sometimes you come and find they are "just summarizing to eating." Well, now I would like to everybody to PICTURE THE ANIMISM and SPIRITUAL-ANIMISM with regard to the "JINN/ SOMETHING" considered properties of The ESTABLISHMENT/The government of Kenya circumnavigating this petition and which is viciously being claimed by the brotherly-duo represented by the Raila- bodyguard and the Ikenya career bodyguards: IKENYA{RD:SLAVE DESCENDANT FREED TO FRERE -TOWN MOMBASA};PADLOCK{RD;MADE-IN -ENGLAND....SHACKLES/FORGED STEEL/FOUR BRASS LEVERS and THE WHEEL-CHAIR PARALYSIS ATTEMPT};EMI{RD:THE ENGLISHER INTERN WHO HAILED FROM BEHIND A CEMETERY IN GANJONI and OMO-ndi} v. KENYATTA THE MASON-CARPENTER{RD:CONTRACT-BUILDER OF THE QUARTERS i AM KEPT-IN and THE MYSTERIOUS CRAFTED-BED WITH SUPPOSEDLY MALICIOUS-PSYCHIC INTENTIONS v.cultural-epithet/stooge/museums/mausoleums};CLEAR JUBILEE BUILDING. The ill-imposed INVERSE-COR RELATIVITY and/or DIRECT PROPORTIONALITY is clearly evident as as reflected in the supposed Mirror-Image Animism and Spiritual Animism versus the "Real inferiority-Intent-Impress-Complexes" that the brotherly-duo have made of my life which is the catch 22-dire straights situation of the constant continuum financial incapacitation status-quo predicament not to mention the animal-husbandry and zero-grazing incarcerations and the palpable tension of the re-enactments of death rituals.Period. Last but not least I would like to add that before the 2013 March elections The IEBC{Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission} advertised clerical posts country wide for the National Public Posts to all and sundry beginning with high-school graduates to Master-graduates.Though I applied I was neither considered nor short-listed.The interesting thing here is that shortly afterwards I was instead being beckoned to go for the ODM- party clerical posts instead which were being floated to manage/tally the ODM- party nominations for the National Elective Posts.That is where the irony struck me and raised my eyebrows for indeed the nominations were designed to be staged at night and with experience and hind sight, I had already long-before developed a hunch with the ODM- party and I decided to trust my instincts....I refused flat.Anybody can guess why going by the recent happenings in the just concluded/aborted ODM party posts elections last month in Kasarani Nairobi which left a lot to desire and disgusted every other democracy loving people."Delegates are surreptitiously invited and then the gimmick happens whereby the seemingly conducive environment suddenly turns chaotic,disorderly and hostile.Later, logistics.

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