Saturday, December 21, 2013

Prosecuting Raila: Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I would like to put it to you My Learned Lords and Ladies,Members of The Bench and of The Bar,Senior Counsel that in Raila's stronghold/home turf, I am surrounded by old stone age river-lake Nilote -savages exchanging knowing looks and performing dirty tricks waiting with exhilaration for the final moment when they would have accomplished their mission of dispatching my likes{slated for sacrifice} to their ancestors.It is indeed a situation of arrested development/growth meant to stagnate my prosperity economic,social,spiritual,religious,political et al by putting me on forced dependency at their management.The secret society of Raila's ODM- kingdom is trying very hard to turn me in to a cultural epithet,a stooge of which their movement pokes dirty tricks-on,provoke trying to make me act a fool,loose my cool,my mind. The whole ODM-kingdom secret society members' community's involved and there's lurking tension for the air is pregnant with pressure,intimidation and expectation.Period. The Luo Welfare Association are in reality traditional institutions dedicated to the systematic worship of of death and of the dead at the same time. the traditional religion of them Luos is SPIRITUALISM mingled with FERTILITY REPRODUCTIVE CULT. Thus the interpretation and approach,attitude and mentality of these them Luos is viewed through the prisms/spectacles of this their old stone age SPIRITUALISM and FERTILITY REPRODUCTIVE CULT, involving superstition, witchcraft and the consultation of mediums and oracles which is obsessed with the worship of the dead and death{as in dispatching people slated for sacrifice to their ancestors] complete with intricate detailed rites,cultures,rituals of executing precise sacrificial mathematical deaths,hearse transportation s,funeral ceremonies{what with professional mourners for hire to adhere to their rite-laws of mourning the dead/dispatched.]In cases where the Luo Welfare Associations are involved in forceful transportation of individuals,deportations,there can be no other purpose in store other than the preparations for dispatches. These secret society power of darkness of these river-lake Nilotes old stone age savages harbor CEREMONIAL LAWS SYSTEMATICALLY practicing both human and animal ritual cyclic sacrifices amidst an unsuspecting civil society and The Human family.These Luo Welfare Associations are obsessed with the here-after,the dead and DEATH that these their SYSTEMATIC CEREMONIAL LAWS go to the extent of prescribing and enforcing THE PRACTICE OF HAVING SEX WITH THE DEAD IN AN ELABORATE RITUAL CALLED "TEROBURU." Teroburu is pronounced as 1 word though actually its 2 words: "TERO and BURU" which translate to [1.]TERO- accompany, as in to take somebody somewhere ; and [2.]BURU- dust.Hence the whole word "TEROBURU" will literally be interpreted as "to take/accompany somebody to dust."In practicals,in reality "TEROBURU" is a CULTURAL RITE/RITUAL translating to completing the inheritance of a CORPSE/A DEAD BODY.It is a CUSTOM dedicated to a WIDOW who got the misfortune of DYING before having been INHERITED most usually by one of the good brothers of the DECEASED'S WIDOW[rd;brother's keeper.]The Luos follow these their archaic old stone age systematic ceremonial laws without blinking an eye-lid just like the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt were accompanied in death by office and house-hold staff including several belongings allegedly for the continuation of life in the land of the dead in the here-after.In Luo, "TER" is a custom of inheriting the widow of your brother while they are still alive which literally catered for the administration of continuing to take care of the welfare of the widow and the estate left behind by the deceased including,farms,kids,livestock and other materials including personal effects .The traditional CULT OF SPIRITUALISM of Them Luos is called "ROHO" meaning "spirit" and/or "LEJO" colloquial for "LEGION" which means a horde of SPIRITS.The "LEJO" sect is indeed fully called "LEJO-MARIA"{i.e. LEGION-MARIA.} In SPIRITUALISM,Luos are known to speak/communicate with SPIRITS of the dead when they are transporting them to their rural settings for the final dispatch leg of the journey to the ancestral lands.There exists numerous horror stories of cases whereby sometimes the corpses refuse to cooperate along the way bringing the hearse convoy to a stop under unexplainable circumstances,e.g. the van or minibus carrying the hearse just suddenly out of nowhere gets a breakdown and jolts to a halt refusing to move any extra inch.Them spiritual experts traveling with the funeral members are said to adopt different methods like yelling at the corpses asking them to cooperate and sometimes even having to slap them here and there like you would a naughty child.Sometimes they have to change the direction say of the corpses head to certain bearings in case they hadn't noticed.Sometimes the dead send them/communicate with them the living through dreams should it be a case searching for say submerged bodies in drowning cases or lost corpses in tragedies.Raila is a devotee both of ROHO/LEJO-MARIA as well as of Anglican Church of Kenya.Raila's old stone age secret society ODM- kingdom system chose to automatically banish Marx,deport him to his rural home turf stronghold where they could finally engineer with precise mathematical astrology his seemingly,untimely death,murder,execution.Them Luo Welfare Associations are MERCHANTS of DEATH,ARCHAIC RELIGIOUS CULTS WORSHIPING EVIL WHICH THEY HAVE PERSONIFIED IN THEIR FLAG BEARER.Raila is THE EMBODIMENT OF THIS PERSONALITY OF EVIL.Raila is SATAN,LUCIFER,JACHIEN "THE DEVIL." I would like to put across My Learned Lords and Ladies that so far its through friends and well-wishers that I am managing to somehow submit evidence for the petition above. This means I wouldn't have been able to even register my dire straits catch-22 circumstances had it not been for he concern of these friends and well-wishers. In other words,my life is precariously hanging on a string for its with the same cash they send me from the tight budgets these parts of the world that I divide for the evidence-submissions as well as to cater for the basics including buying bathing soap,getting a shave or catching-on an avocado or two when the hunger games threaten to spill over the edge for otherwise,its the ODM system's TORTURE STRATEGY of mismanaging one slated for sacrificial execution for why should one be subjected to food insecurity panic cycles for indefinite periods when they can earn their lives.Thus in relation to the above I would like to put it across that the lives of the majority of fellow ordinary Kenyans and Kenya as a whole ain't about to improve,change or progress overnight in terms of the GDP or their domestic budgets; like Indonesia and the other countries we were economically at par with and who have now made the leap the 2nd world ratings;thanks to the power personality minded leadership as opposed to the issue-development criteria.The ESTABLISHMENT in Kenya is made-up of power hungry individuals who would go to all and any lengths leaving charred remains and skulls of post election violence victims not to mention Internally Displaced Persons and refugees[rd:the Nyatike constituency in Raila's Luo Nyanza stronghold home turf who got Externally Displaced and in the panic of their dire situation they couldn't find refuge nowhere else in Kenya except in Uganda where comrade Museveni offered them a helping hand]and wrecked lives which have to be built all-over again from scratch.The ESTABLISHMENT don't care much except for them entering the book of records for making it to the prestigious President's Club.Period. Hence, I take this opportunity to beseech The United Nations not to pay any heed whatsoever to the lipstick service courtship of the ESTABLISHMENT to withdraw their membership from the ICC nor interchange or substitute or transfer The ICC process with TRIBUNALS nowhere anywhere;for that will betray the emancipation dream of the ordinary Kenyan,the local peasant who has paid with their lives under very painful excruciating circumstances reminiscent of the Holocaust concentration camps and the world wars 1 and 2.Such applications for withdrawal by this caliber of African despots and tyrants from retribution at the worlds ICC stage are only done on their very own selfish behalves as verified by recent opinion polls in Kenya. They don't represent the peaceful,progressive civilized dreams of the ordinary African peasant or that hustling on the streets.They don't deserve to hold any public post or vie for any public office by virtue of the ICC implications regarding the impunity with which such crimes against humanity,atrocities and war crimes have been committed in the past,otherwise we risk other post election violence scenarios.These arsenic hysterical mass killings must stop once and for all.Besides,hyenas can never be trusted to play and or take charge as presiding judges in a sheep's court/tribunal. My Learned Lords and Ladies,Members of The Bench and The Bar,Senior Counsel,could someone please call them shots so I complete my submission of evidence for this petition for purposes of IOM and UNHCR measurement for political asylum/exile verification and or get a life amidst and despite all the lurking impending death/murder execution risks ? Later, limited resources.


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