Friday, December 20, 2013

Prosecuting Raila: Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. The 1st born daughter of the parents of the family of my siblings is called Caroline Mango. She has been working as a journalist since joining the Standard Media Group in the late 90's. She subsequently moved to The Star Newspapers and the last I heard of her she had moved some weekly called The Sunday Express.She has been a personal journalist friend of Raila and indeed in her long time career as a journalist she made many a political buddies within the government. She's accredited for organizing a meeting-cum- get-together between Raila and the family at the then families corporate K.P.A. apartment residence at Kizingo located opposite The LOTUS HOTEL which is in turn adjacent to the perimeter wall of The Anglican Church of Kenya. Here My Learned Lords and Ladies,Members of The Bench and of The Bar,Senior Counsel, I would like you to note the names "LOTUS and ACK" because I would like to bring to your attention the point that these old stone age people of the secret society of ODM and of the JUBILEE-BUILDING-CLEAR-MANUSCRIPT live animistic-ally,accordingly following symbols,signs,body language and gestures.Thus the story of "LOT" in the bible regarding homosexuality and the ordaining of gay clergy and same sex marriages by the Anglican Church.The meeting between the family and Raila{sometimes between 2000 and 2002} was divulged to me as a-by-the-way by Victor Ochieng',the last born son of the parents of the family of my siblings when he paid me a visit the days I was still in Nairobi. The point here My Learned Lords and Ladies is that Raila,head of the secret society kingdom of ODM IS A PERSONAL FAMILY FRIEND and LONG-TIME-POLITICAL as well as any guess can be. Period. Thus, My Learned Lords and Ladies I would now wish to take leave and in the same length and breath,in the same vein, in direct relation to the precedent submissions,cite an example of an unsuspecting victim slated and targeted for SACRIFICIAL DEATH EXECUTION BY THE SYSTEM OF THE ODM WITCH HUNTERS. This will be evident in quoting 1 Karl Marx {may his soul rest in peace: Karl Marx is the nick-name/pseudo-name he was popularly known by and which stuck best in the minds of his fellow comrades at the University of Nairobi; the real name is something close to Charles Owiro.}The point here My Good Lords and Ladies IS THAT THE FLAMBOYANT CHARACTER ABOVE died with the names of 1 Raila on his lips. Raila was his daily sermon,his jachien,his devil. Karl Marx passed away on the 31st of January 2013 and the news of his demise was published on the dailies either of the 1st or 2nd January 2013.The dailies reported that he died of excessive drinking of alcohol,an overdose of alcohol but a close friend-cum-extended relative,one of the legal assistants at OWADE ADVOCATES AND COMMISSIONER for OATHS called Moses clarified the matter during one of my many "business courtesy calls" as we followed-up on my accident case {what with prerequisite medical reports,x-ray,numerous traffic police statements and so-forth and so-on}that Karl Marx died of an overdose/excessive drink of alcohol YES BUT accruing due to an empty stomach,empty bowels.Karl Marx had been caught on the trappings of the whirlwinds of merry-making apparently on the 31st of December 2012 as the world ushered-in the new year 2013. Karl Marx despite his social flaws and upheavals was amongst the razor sharp brain-heads The University of Nairobi had ever seen and this paradox of how he managed straight A's in sciences considered a preserve of 24-7-365 introvert bookworms made him a quizzical darling of many of the stereotype introvert bookworms and the University comrade community as a whole who always responded swiftly to any of his clarion calls for a "kamukunji," i.e. a rally.....just so they could see and hear for themselves how this academic-social paradox juggled academic and political life despite his social flaws. Unless I am mistaken, he post-graduated with a Masters distinction in double chemistry. Well,the University of Nairobi has seen others of his kind,accredited surgeons who served as lectures and practicing doctors but who nonetheless drunk on a daily basis in the evenings with a horde of students and buddy-friends waiting for them in advance at their favorite club hung-outs. The misfortune of Karl Marx was that all the politicians he brushed shoulders with during his under-graduate studies including former president Moi,it's Raila head of the secret society movement that razed his shoulders the worst;that stomped on his nerves the worst and that drove him up against the wall.He ended-up chewing bones with this old stone age mummified relic savage all his time after completing his Masters. He was always up and about on the streets of Nairobi spitting venom on the ills and evils of this old stone age mummified relic savage,jachien.Karl Marx was indeed duly frustrated for he could neither access the civil service nor the private sector despite his excellent academic performance;obviously thanks to the systematic constant tabs and surveillance around the clock the old stone age mummified relic savage put on his unsuspecting self.He was being systematically denied any decent mode of subsistence commensurate at least with the government sponsored training he'd acquired at the University of Nairobi. The relic Raila reduced Karl Marx to less his worth or any worth worth a man so-to-speak-of,i.e. "DEPENDENCY." Karl Marx could not afford to live let alone start a decent life.He died of an overdose/excess alcohol on an empty stomach. Food, a most basic prerequisite-need was made a primary issue to Karl Marx. Fortunately or unfortunately for Karl Marx,the system didn't attempt to subject him to a rehabilitation treatment center,so that this secret society movement of the old stone age mummified relic savage of Raila could find a befitting excuse to ban him,outlaw him,outcast him,ostracize him and ultimately stigmatize him from all and any avenues of leading a normal life commensurate with his academic training. Mind you the ODM secret society systematically deported him from Nairobi to his rural home in Kisumu,the backyard,stronghold and home turf of Raila,i.e.safely outside the vicinity of the eyebrows of the civil society and the public at large,where they could systematically hurry-up his premeditated,choreographed, orchestrated,organized serial ritual psychopath,customary,traditional murder/death/execution. Karl Marx had continued {even in Kisumu} spitting venom and chewing bones on the ills and evils of his main arch rival and antithesis:the despicable old stone age mummified relic savage and head of the secret society movement kingdom. During the hey days in campus,those who had the privilege opportunity of meeting and conniving with the rank and file,the high and mighty in the echelons of government for political causes and purposes{for the universities provide a ready political formidable force and platform to highlight and spearhead political objectives,partisan or collective}whispered that amongst all of them this charade of political leaders,this old stone age mummified relic savage of 1 Raila was the worst to deal with. That Raila reacted like a serpent should one discover the dark side of his cupboard-skeletons and wisely decide to either shift alliances,allegiance or not to pledge him loyalty. Raila is best know for drawing divides,holding grudges and fanning feuds. Period.Raila's secret society ODM kingdom-SYSTEM largely composed of the various Luo Welfare Clan Associations is an expert in FUNERAL SERVICES,CORPSE TRANSPORT and PROFESSIONAL MOURNING. The ODM system is an expert in serial,ritual,psychopath,customary,traditional murdering s,deaths and executions.They will kill you unsuspecting victim dead when you are sleeping blind,when nobody's looking and when you wake-up you find you are dead. Period. The evidence I am in this petition-case I am building for purposes of prosecution of the concerned parties/ individuals at an appropriate stage you will realize My Learned Lords and Ladies,Members of The Bench and of The Bar, Senior Counsel that it's indeed inevitably voluminous and that as such for speedy,adequate,periodical and substantial process of submission of evidence, I will require all the resources I can lay my hands on,otherwise you will have to bear with the short messages{apparently the system/the establishment is sitting pretty on my accident victim compensation case} till such a time they process my compensation proceeds.Later,logistics.

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